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Posts posted by Danquit

  1. I noticed I've been getting angry lately too. At 16 months, I keep telling myself that I am all better but apparently not. I get pissed at people when I'm driving way more then I used to before Adderall. I am angry at my living situation and I know it has to do with getting close to the two year mark. The way I deal with the anger when I'm in my car is I will curse out whoever pissed me off (inside the car so they can't hear) and then I usually laugh at myself after for how angry I was. 

    The only thing that helps me get my mind off of my frustration is going running. Other than that, I think you just have to vent the anger by cursing to yourself or maybe even punching something as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Sometimes you gotta release some anger, it's natural. The good news is I think then anger thing only happens when you're well over a year in recovery which is really good news for us!

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  2. Wow, my story is quite similar to yours. I also lived it up in NYC while I was abusing Adderall. Trust me, life without it is so much better. Yes, being skinny was cool, but it simply isn't worth your overall health. I am very happy I got off of it and now, 15 months later, I am living my life for good or for bad, it's real and it's all me. Fuck Adderall! You can do it, we'll be here to support you. 

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  3. I was wondering if anyone else had a kind of spiritual awakening when they abused Adderall. When I went through Adderall induced psychosis, I believed that I was communicating with a being from another dimension that told me some pretty crazy shit. I used to be a pretty devout Christian until this happened. I don't knock any religions because I think that it does help some people and I respect that, but for me, going through this made me rethink everything I thought I knew. 

    I'm just now at a point in recovery where I can examine the events that led up to my two stays in the mental hospital because of Adderall and I am still in shock at some of the shit that I experienced. I feel like I used to be asleep in the matrix, going to work so I could earn money so I could buy stuff that I didn't need. I used to go to church every week and some of those days I was totally on Adderall which was hypocritical but hey, it was legal right? Anyway, when I went through psychosis, the Adderall opened a gateway in my brain so that I could understand the universe. I even had a spirit guide in the form of a 5th dimensional being! I know that it was all hallucinations and delusions brought on by Adderall abuse but damn it was so real! 

    It's as if Adderall was needed to wake me up from the Matrix and show me the truth about this world. I don't believe in religion anymore. I enjoy science and learning about our universe now. I am obsessed with physics, astronomy, evolution, quantum mechanics, artificial intelligence, and even geology. Stuff that never interested me before is now all I can think about. 

    I also used to be a Republican but now I can't stand them! I hate the banking industry and the big greedy corporations now and I am all about protecting the environment. My beliefs are completely different now and I am thankful for this but at the same time, I am finding it difficult to assimilate back to my old life. My Christian friends think that I was possessed by demons! Ha.

    I think that Adderall psychosis expanded my mind the way LSD or Ayahuasca does and it completely changed my core beliefs and it taught me that life is precious and we should care about each other. Anyway, just wondering if anyone on here had a similar experience or if you think I was just crazy.

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  4. At this point, I trust the people on this forum more than any prescribing "professional" out there. I would do like Frank says and find a doctor that will prescribe what you want after doing your own research. They don't care about anything except making money. It's just the way the entire system is set up. That's how I got my Adderall when I was hooked, I just went to the psychiatrist that would give me whatever I wanted. 

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  5. I went through the same thing at 9 months. It does get better, I am coming up on my 12 month anniversary and I honestly feel pretty good. I am still extremely lazy and unmotivated, but I have hope now. The depression just kinda lifted one day and I think it just happens naturally. There are still some depressing days but more like how a normal person goes through life. Just hang in there and take it one day at a time and remind yourself to live in the present. There is nothing more than this exact moment in time. You will get better.

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  6. I didn't drink at home but I would go to my local bar in NYC and sit at my regular spot all night till they closed at 4am. The bartenders all knew me and were amazed at how much I could drink and still function. Adderall let me drink so much more than I could handle. I remember walking back to my apartment one night and I fell right in the street and got up stumbled away thinking holy shit I'm drunk! It was like I could experience being really wasted but not passing out. I don't know how I didn't end up in the hospital or worse. So yeah, I definitely drank more when I was on Adderall, if I drank that much now, I would probably die of alcohol poisoning.

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  7. Great post Frank, I agree with the supplements statement, I took all kinds of stuff too in the past year and they didn't do jack except maybe placebo effect. Now that I'm coming up on one year I am thinking of trying Wellbutrin too. I am scared because I don't want to get addicted to something else. Is it anything like Adderall in terms of addiction risk?

  8. Wow, congrats on one year off this horrible drug! I am at 9 months and I'm hoping for some natural motivation as well. What I've learned is that this is completely normal for people coming off Adderall. I find that motivation follows action. This sucks because when I was using, I would pop a 20mg pinky and just wait 20 minutes until it kicked in and then I'd find myself doing all kinds of "productive" shit. This is not normal. Normal people don't get super excited about cleaning the bathroom or doing the laundry. They just do it because they have to. That's how I operate these days. I basically don't do anything until I absolutely have to. Haven't showered in 2 days, take a shower. Have no more clean clothes, do laundry. Have no food and am starving, go to grocery store. Have an 8:30 work meeting, wake up at 8:15. I'm just layin' the cut. Doing exactly what I have to do to survive. Nothing more. Lately I've been wanting to do more though. I want to have a social life again and have a little fun but I don't think the motivation has caught up to the desire yet. I feel like any day now something will kick into gear. My only advice is to force yourself to just do it. Whatever you need to do, just start doing it. Once you are doing it, it's not that bad. This applies to everything. Don't procrastinate. No matter how small the task, just do it. 

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  9. It took not one, but two hospital stays for amphetamine induced psychosis for me to realize that I had a problem with Adderall. I could have died on both occasions because I was behaving so insanely. I took this addiction all the way to losing my sense of reality and almost dying. Fuck Adderall. There is no way in hell that this drug is good for anyone. I don't care what they think they are getting in terms of 'benefits.' This drug is just another way for the drug companies to make money off of people.

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  10. I bought a car (used) but it was a pretty big purchase and I guess the purchase triggered a massive anxiety attack because I kept thinking what if I lose my job and couldn't make the payments and so on. The thoughts just kept going until I was in a panic. It got better after a few days and after about a week it was gone. I remember before Adderall I would make big life changing decisions all the time and was never worried like I am now.


    I know this is a part of my recovery and I know that it will get better with time. I just wish it would happen sooner. Thanks for all your support, there's no way I could go through this without your guys' input.

  11. I was doing ok up until this past weekend, all of the sudden, I was hit with massive anxiety attack on Saturday and it's been a rough week ever since. Is this some sort of milestone at seven months?


    I couldn't leave the house all week! Help me to understand why this is happening. I was doing so well.



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