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Posts posted by Sunnie

  1. Youre not crazy, they crazy. The ego maniac doctors partially responsible for your current life situation by prescribing you amphetamines are crazy. 

    Props for doing your research and taking responsibility before going along with anything. 

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  2. Im sorry i just dont believe in the validity of these psychological disorders.. ocd, bipolar, schitzophrenia etc.. i think its all just compulsive irrational thought patterns taking control over rational thought patterns. Which is induced by isolation etc. I hope you arent looking for medication to resolve your problems. Instead i hope for you to allow yourself to strive for excellence rather than perfection. Share your compulsive thoughts here, journal, and seek therapy. Much love & best of luck. Please update if you feel like it! 

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  3. Sounds too familiar to my story also. Ive had manic episodes where ive completely lost my shit but they can all related to circumstances that i believe are chemically enduced by either anti-depressants, weed, alcohol, adderall or a combo of these. About three months ago when i was at my worst of adderall i had was sleep deprived and experienced psychosis. I saw a psychologist and then a psychiatrist and i they believed i was bipolar or schitzophrenic. 

    I decided to get clean and healthy try therapy and if that didnt work western medicine will be my last resort. That Inclination that i had is really what i believe to be my higher power. Its the presence of Something within telling me that this needed to stop. 


    Ive never been religious or anything but gaining spirituality has relieved a burdon from my shoulders like no other. I know now that i really am not in control of every aspect of my life and i dont need to be either. All i need to pay attention to is what i actually can control and what i cant, standing up for what i feel is right, and setting healthy boundaries. My higher power is that energy that flows within me and listening to gut feelings. I wasnt listening to my gut when I made decisions that landed me in a pretty shitty life situation. I was making decisions based on fear, seeking approval and power and building my ego. 

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  4. I know what you mean i was in med school when i decided to quit and i also thought that powering thru on my own would make me stronger. But it was too hard seeing as studying was my trigger. I took off this semester and im in an out patient clinic twice a week and then NA meetings on top of that. 


    Support is key. Reaching out to people on this forum was my first step on my road to recovery. Congrats for getting serious about quitting, if i can so can you. :)

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  5. Youre a normal addict. All of these thoughts are completely normal and ive been there with the exact same symptoms and concerns. Youre not a piece of shit. Youre right, no adderall high-fake feeling of cracked out euphoria is worth sacrificing your true self for. My best advice is to go to an NA meeting, get a sponsor, get to know yourself and deal with the shit in your life that you know you need to deal with. Its inevitavble.  Its fucking hard but continuing the spiral of addiction is x1000 more painful.

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  6. i listened to this song today and felt like it exemplified my battle with addiction, from eating disorders, depression, compulsive thoughts, distructive relationships every outlet ive looked for a solition but only found pain. Its been a battle between myself and i, my addictive personality and the voice that wants me well.  

    "our human hearts forget how strong they are, and they get lost along the way, hey its not giving up, its letting go and moving to a better place." 

    Letting go of trying to controll everything and accepting myself for who i am and where I am and trusting that life will take me where I need to be. Im done playing god trying to control every aspect of my life from the outward appearnce of success to how i feel. 


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  7. I dont think its strange that you stopped biting your nails while on adderall at all. I started taking adderall to mask my emotions after a break up and although I supressed those emotions then and there and distracted my mind with other things i still have to work on getting over the grief of that relationship now two years later. Maybe your nail biting is a nervous habit and you should investigate what lies beyond it? Why do you feel nervous and compelled to bite your nails?

  8.  Im at about two and a half months and just in the last week or so i feel like my depression has lifted and life is easier and lighter. I also contribute this to working the 12 step program and truely grasping the concept of turning it over to my higher power. Ive also been submerging myself in everything recovery: books, podcasts, etc


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  9. Had to look up the definition of magnum opus haha but i like it thanks for expanding my vocab as well :P 

    im hoping that the expected time frame for recovery from addiction is similar to getting over a break up... half of the time of the relationship.. on the other hand, before i was addicted to adderall i was addicted to a long list of other things so that protocal doest seem too swift 

  10. I started rock climbing too!! The adrenaline rush is the best ^ 


    Ive also signed up for a half marathon thats in september, just so that i have something to train for and look forward to. Ive always been a runner though so its not exactly a new hobby, but ive never ran that far and while using adderall id never give a shit about training for a halfmarathon :P

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  11. Your story is so similar to mine. I relapsed about a month into quitting the first time.. like liltex said dont beat yourself up about it, for me at least, relapsing was a part of the process of quitting. I had to be reminded of the hell that went along with adderall abuse.. Youve acknowledged you have a problem and youre reaching out for help and thats a huge step:) 

    i think my greatest illusion of adderall is that i thought it made me smarter.. which it doesnt, all scientific evidence concludes that it makes you think youre smarter and helps short term memory. The good news is that without adderall youre just as smart and youll be able to retain information better in your long term memory. Its just not as much as a euphoric experience :P 


    i realized i had a problem with adderall in December, quit then and relapsed in january, and then finally quit two weeks later in february. I had mono too and had missed so many labs and was so far behind that i was forced to take a leave of absence from school. Im in an out patient program for addiction and i feel like this break has really let me get in touch with reality and reset my intentions for life. 

    My self esteem was also destroyed from adderall which isnt so strange since i depended on a drug to do absolutely everything. I was basically telling myself "take a pill bc youre not good enough to do what you need to do without it." i gain trust in myself everyday i choose to stay clean, and my self esteem is being rebuilt little by little by excercising self discipline and gaining insight from NA meetings and the outpatient clinic meetings. 

    You should be proud of yourself for the decision youve made and the step youre about to take and look forward to the new adderall free life that awaits. Let go of adderall and addiction and trust that life will take you where you need to be and i guarantee you will be just fine:)


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