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Posts posted by speedracer

  1. Im super impressed you put these thoughts and feelings into words. Your sentences are clear and articulate! LOL You got this! You will get through this! Give yourself permission to take as much time as you need. Give yourself permission to feel like dirt. You are so early in recovery. No pressure.

    I made it to 12 months now. So many waves of crippling depression over the past year. Look forward to hearing about your next good day. ;)


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  2. I enjoyed reading Beback17 post. It took me back to my own use and I related, especially about the negative thinking and having her soul hijacked. YUP.  So much productivity but is it worth the cost. The famous carpenter said, "What does it benefit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul?" 

    I was surprised to see Franks post. Ouch  -  I didn't get that either. But ironically after I quit adderall my wife told me should thought I might be bi-polar and I should have it checked out. I was open to investigate and I even went to a therapist she found to talk about it. M y wife came with me. She expressed her concern. I kindly explained I was in the early stages of recovery from long term adderall use and it might be a good idea to wait at least six months before jumping to conclusions. To her credit, she totally agreed. One year later, my condition leveled out and my wife no longer thinks I  am suffering from that condition. Sure I have tons of other issues, LOL, but the bi-polar diagnoses was taken off the table. This site gave me the confidence and awareness to explain the recovery process and the time frame. Without it who knows, i might be taking medications for a condition I dont have. 


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  3. Hi there. I hope you are feeling better. I woke up feeling stuck in the mud, but after a walk on the beach i felt better. I am coming up on a year. I used to go to AA meetings until the Corona virus. I highly recommend hitting a few per week when they open back up NA or AA but I recommend stopping all substances if your going down that path. I stopped it all and its working well. 

    I also learned some amazing stuff from a Dr. Marshal Rosenberg and his work. He says we have all been educated poorly when it comes to figuring out our NEEDS.  He says we all have a set of universal needs like companionship, love, community, safety, autonomy, creativity, meaning and purpose. He started the Center for Non Violent Communications which is amazing for conflict resolution with others. I have been practicing it with my family and it works so well. No more fights... "Feelings are the lights on the dashboard letting us know needs are going unmet".  Needs are the life force. We need to figure out or discovery what needs are going unmet, and then take actions to meet those needs.

    I have been doing my best to identify unmet needs when I get into depression or fatigue. I make "action lists" to help cover the basics. Based on Rosenbergs work, I kind of get why AA and other 12 step programs are so effective. So many our human needs are met by going to those meeting and working on those steps. Needs for fellowship, to be heard, empathy, love, support, service. etc

    I also love the writings of Emmet Fox who was apparantly responsible for all the best principals of the AA program. The founders of the program apparently studied his work. He has a book called. "Power Through Constructive Thinking" which is amazing!  I love focusing on Emmet Fox when I am feeling lost. I just bought a new book of his called "Alter your life". I cant wait to read it next. You can also find his work on Youtube. He has other stuff like, "life is consciousness" and "The Golden Key". Its all so good when your in the dumps. I hope he can help others as much as he helps me. 

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  4. I may be a little late to the party here, but I wanted to chime in. I am a practicing lawyer and I was stuck in the same trap you describe. I relate with everything you posted. Almost felt like a martyr.  I was so stuck.  Once you realize the ady lifestyle isn't sustainable, it only gets worse. I was on this drug for 20 years. I once quit for 6 months in 2007 but I got hit with a wave of fatigue, fear, and the DTD's (dumber than dirt), I didn't think I had a choice. I put my career above my recovery. I should have kept going. I didn't have this website back then. I was flying blind. Now I know better. Practicing law sucks most of the time. I agree with Drew. Find something else. Life is too short.  We have to find work we love or like enough to do without needing the stimulants. I currently have a flexible part time arrangement where my bills are getting paid and I have the time and space to recover. I have a couple of cool biz ideas I want to explore and I hope I have what it takes to go for it when I am ready. I have 11 months. I think we have to put recovery first or life falls apart and really bad things happen. Its true for me.  I made it to this point and I am still breathing, but if I could go back and quit for good after 5 years of using, I would. If you have good insurance in place, use it!  There may come a time when you lose that along with everything else, and then your really screwed. Take advantage of all resources at your disposal to get healthy and happy without worrying about how it looks to others.Just my two cents. Good luck bro. 

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