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Posts posted by quit-once

  1. Sky, if "seeked" is not a word it should be the way you used it above. "Sought" just does not have the same meaning.

    Edit: I just saw MFA's post above and want to comment on the fact we do care about each other even though we have never met in person. When InRecovery went MIA for three months last summer, I became really concerned for his well-being. I was pretty sure he didn't relapse, but I started worying about illnesses and accidents and other bad things. And I am generally an Alfred E Newman type - "what, me worry?"

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  2. doesn't appeal to me.

    This place is sacred like an AA or NA meeting. They don't allow news or media to invade. News and Media is looking for stories, but not out of the goodness of their hearts, it's revenue. So they don't have our or anyone's best interest in mind.

    I'm not saying I don't believe that the dangers of adderall use and abuse shouldn't be disseminated, but I didn't come here to spread the word to the masses, I came here to get help with quitting, and to give help to others, one on one, not to the world at large.

    It is pretty rare to find a site like this without advertising of any kind. I find the ads to be distracting, and I agree with Sky 100%. I could have just cliked the like button and spared you all this useless tidbit. But the lack of advertising is what really mades this site special. I assume that Mike pays for the operation of this site out of his own pocket and from the unlikely event he receives an occasional donation.

  3. I found myself so frustrated reading through the people's responses about what they went through with this ordeal. It's obviously Teva's fault, but these people are like I can't just stop my adderall. They're like my 9 year old child was not eating or sleeping for days...blah blah. Oh my goshhhh, seriously! I guess I need to be a bit more open-minded that adderall does help some people, but it sickened me. Poor children.

    Poor Children. They are the innocent victims in this scam. I believe an adult can and should make their own informed decision when it comes to taking a powerful and addictive drug. But the kids really don't have a choice and they are the only ones who I hold blameless and harmless from all the damage caused by this awful drug and its ensuing addiction. That said, it is appropriate for some people, if they have narcolepsy or severe ADD.

  4. I was gonna edit but I had one more thought. I had to take a certification exam around five months into the quit. I studied my ass off for it and I was concerned about whether I would pass it. As it turns out, I did just fine and gained some much needed confidence that my ability to learn and retain information had returned. But my short and medium term memory still isn't what it was ten years ago - and maybe that is simply a function of getting old(er). I have to compensate for my poor memory by keeping a pen and paper with me almost all the time to write myself notes.

  5. There was a topic thread started by Steven the Kyle about a year ago entitled "when does mental sharpness return?"

    Have you seen that one?

    For me, it was so gradual that I really couldn't pick a moment in time. It was somewhere between three and nine months that my brain came back to me.

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  6. The article was dated in 2009 so you didn't miss anything. that was just an awful experience. I took a shower and went to yoga practice and it is all good now, but that was an awful way to start my day. That was worse than the most disgusting porn I have ever seen! Funny, cuz I still enjoy looking at High Times magazine ^_^ .

  7. I just clicked that link and started to read the article. I was overcome with the most disturbing, uncomfortable feeling looking at the enlarged picture of that fucking peach colored football shaped pill! That was the ONLY brand of generic adderall I would take and I went to great lengths to get it. But that picture just gave me the creeps. Whoa, I thought I was over this shit! I gotta go do something NOW to get my mind off it.

  8. Oh babe don't worry you're going to be great! Really, you've got this. The only thing you need to concentrate on is thinking positive and remembering YOU ARE THE EXPERT! If you have anyone you can practice in front of, then that might help?

    If it makes you feel better I have to do a massive case study sales pitch for an interview at a totally intimidating management consulting company next week... and only an hour to prepare. They give you the case at 8am and you have to pitch it to a panel of Partners one hour later. So I'll tell you what... if you do well on Monday, then that will make me feel MUCH better about how I will do on Tuesday! Deal?

    sounds like a real life episode of the apprentice.......where's The Donald?

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  9. ... because I offered to be your spam deputy? :) I sent you and Mike a PM.... did you get it?

    For some reason my message notification feature...didn't notify me of your message. I just read it now for the first time and you sent it to me on Sunday? Anyway I am glad you are helping out around here.....thanks for volunteering. Let's try to make the chat room a place people want to visit more often! I like your idea of a regular "meeting" time to begin with.

  10. Sky you're so right about this forum and it's digressions, I hadn't put it down to the ADD but you're probably right!

    Speaking of which... re the looking forward/looking back/happiness concept, it's interesting. I thought I heard that too somewhere... that people who are foreward-thinking are more happy than those who "live in the past". But I was reflecting on it and I don't know that whoever said this had considered anxious people in to the equation. In the worst moments of my anxiety I am TERRIFIED of the future, so much to the point that it can pause any ability to make decisions. Does anyone else suffer this? Sometimes I wonder if I went on adderall binges to try to avoid worrying about the future... when I was high, I couldn't concentrate on anything other than the project right in front of me, so it avoided any big important thinking about things that matter, like the future.

    They did a study once about the instances of when oxycontin (the "love" and bonding hormone) is released in the human body and the instances are really limited:

    Interesting observations about this looking forward and looking past thing. I took adderall for emotional numbness and so I could tend to the moment and not think about the future - and it worked very well for that at that time of my life.

    MFA, Thank you for the laugh of the day. I think the hormone you are refering to is actually oxytocin. Oxycontin is also known as hillbilly heroin! But your point about dogs and happiness is both interesting and appreciated!

  11. I heard somewhere that people are always happier when they are looking forward then if they are looking back.

    Are you in love? That also helps. Love is the shit! It really is.

    I have never heard that but it makes sense that looking forward makes you happier. I think that there is something about adderall recovery that makes you look back to the time you were using it. I kept thinking "last year at this time....." during my first year or so of recovery. Maybe that is partially why depression is so common during adderall recovery.

    I agree that love=happiness BUT love is not that easy for some of us to come by in our lives. It took me a lot of counseling to realize that I was OK even it I was not in love or even in a relationship. There can be a lot of family and social pressure that actually causes or worsens one's depression if they can't seem to find love or relationships, for whatever reasons.

    That is why I like dogs.

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  12. And now for my two cents:

    Since the talk is about beliefs and principles, you could discuss your core values and principles that led you to quit adderall. Should the abuse issue be addressed? not necessarily if that would be sharing too much with total strangers. Simply quitting an addictive drug or an addiction really isn't simple at all. they don't have to know to what extent you abused it, only that you were addicted. that is pretty common with many drugs, legal and illegal, stimulants or pain killers. There will be lots of folks talking about their religion so you can downplay the glory days of your adderall abuse and focus on the addiction and recovery leading to where you are now, not so much of what a fuck up you were.

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  13. LOL OMG GIRL!!!! yeah that's way too much 5 Hour!!!

    have you tried vitamin b12 under the tongue lozenges? most of those 5 hr type energy drinks have a shit ton of b12, you can get under the tongue b12, sometimes those are good for a little bump.

    The sublingual B12 lozenges work well for me too. B12 is not absorbed very well in the gut but if you go straight from mouth to bloodstream, they make my hair stand on end!

    MFA - I like the idea of power naps IF you can keep them to a half hour or less. Since I have cut the carbs from my diet I don't get tired after lunch anymore. And who cares if they are socially acceptable? I have heard in Japan, they have these coffin-like cells you can rent by the hour for your power nap.

  14. I think it is cool that your shrink lets you choose your meds. There is a lot to learn about these drugs. find a reputable web site that has info on both of those drugs and also the PDR (physicians desk reference) book is a great resource. Gather as much info as possible and make an informed decision. I dunno what to think about her attitude about adderall. You have already learned a valuable lesson about that one with your own experiences and even though you never abused it, you have realized it isn't sustainable for the long term even at low dosages.

    Do you have any pets? I highly recomend getting a dog. Dogs are happy animals.

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