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Posts posted by quit-once

  1. Certain supplements do indeed help:

    for depression, 500mg L-Tyrosine at least three times per day taken on an empty stomach. Vitamin D also helps.

    for brain fog, take some good fish oil capsules and b-vitamins

    for energy, take coffee, tea, redbull, 5 hour energy or nodoze - anything that is not a drug and gives you some energy. A multivitamin with iron can also give you a little boost and enhance your nutritional recovery.

    And, most importantly, please let us know when you have flushed those remaing pills - that is a huge step and it means you are serious about quitting.

    Good luck today and please keep us posted how you are doing.

  2. It gets easier to spot the tweakers in the world when you aren't usning. I wrongly thought there a lot more of them while I was taking adderall - like some kind of "everybody's doing it" justification.

    Doing those things you took adderall for in the beginning- after quitting - is a challenge. I used it as a tool for about seven years, always taking a 3-4 day break in between binges. Most of my binges were spent taking care of my mom and her house (in another state) on the weekends. After she died I was simply using it for maintenance until I could find the right time to quit. I knew there would never be another situation like that again in my life. So, in some respects, quitting was easier because it corresponded with a permanant change in my life and lifestyle. My reasons for taking adderall (and smoking) went away with the death of my mother.

    Yesterday was a PAWS day for me. I just couldn't focus on things, or get anything done. I craved food all day and fell asleep early in the evening. I was not depressed (thanks to L-tyrosine) but I just could not get it together for anything. Today I will go to yoga practice and hope for a better day.

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  3. I would suggest you read into the supplements forum here for suggestions that might ease your withdrawl symptoms. If this is day two without adderall, it will likely be your most challenging day of them all especially if you have fo function and go to classes. You will be really tired so just do what it takes to get through the day without adderall. I agree with you that cold turkey is the way to do it. Also, it is quite possible that adderall actually worsened your ADD when taken at abusive dosages. I never had ADD before adderall but I sure as hell suffered ADD symptoms at higher and higher dosages, and it gradually went away after quitting.

    Do you have any pills left? If so I would suggest you either flush them, or lock em up somewhere. And when I say flush, what I really mean is to dispose of them somehow; because we really need to consider the well-being of the fish and everybody else donwstream. :)

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  4. You're going to develop a tolerance to anything, that doesn't mean it isn't helping..

    Yes, eventually when I decide to get off of it I will go through withdrawal. It's not like I'm abusing the stuff, it's actually helping me. lol

    New users of adderall would say the same thing. Have you read any recent posts from those who took adderall "only as prescribed" and not abusive levels, and they STILL have a hard time with quitting and staying quit.

    I am not sayin your new drug is bad or bad for you....just don't forget it is still a fucking drug and if it was harmless they would sell it like vitamin C.

  5. c'mon now...secretly you'd rather get rejected for it being too large than any other reason...hope another dude was around for you to hi-5!!!! Possibly I may be the only one finding this funny. And moderator mode will fire up for deletions and warning points...my rank will change from advanced member to skanky member (MFA..skanky means cheesy HO) LOL.... and then I will cry!!!!

    If you get skanky on us I will send my german shepherd after your ass. ^_^

  6. Please review the last two sentences of Falcon's post. He is telling you that an adderall addiction is UNSUSTAINABLE. At some point in your life, you will need to quit; it really is that simple. It is your choice how far and how fast you let the addiction take you down.

    Adderall usually does not kill your body (i.e.overdoses) but it sure plays hell with your soule and your mind.

    Please look up the post entitled "stages of amphetamine addiction" in the announcements forum on this web site.

    There really is nothing we can tell you that will convince you to quit - it is a soul searching question that must come from within. Please consider why you wish to quit while your soule is still easy to find.

  7. Haha..yeah, I guess. Should I change it to a fried egg?

    Well, if you changed it , then it would just be a fried egg on drugs. Currently, it is self-explanitory and I think that's cool. A couple of pot leaves and a syringe amongst all those pills would enhance the variety of drugs.

    Ashley, sorry for your shitty day. They happen. And tomorrow will be better.

  8. Everybody has their own way of quitting. That's why we are all here instead of in some structured rehab program. If "here" doesn't work then a more structured approach must be considered if one really does want to quit completely. I completely understand wanting to hold on to those pills. I held on to mine for about five months, but I made them completely unavailable and inaccessable without a lot of work to get to them. Others keep their pill bottle where they see it all the time every day. Whatever works for you is what matters the most.

  9. The Legatus:

    Welcome to the quitting adderall forum. Everybody has a different story of how they used adderall, how long they used it, how much they took, the damage it did to their lives and the toll it took on their bodies and minds. Our reasons for quitting are all different and we all have different motivation for doing so. What we all do share in common are these three things:

    We all realized the need to quit adderall

    We all found our way to this website

    We have made quitting and staying quit the number one priority in our lives

    I know I am stating the obvious here, but just a couple of housekeeping questions for you, Legatus:

    Do you have any remaining pills left and if so get rid of them now if you are serious about quitting.

    Do you have a doctor of dealer who has supplied you with pills and if so sever those ties ASAP.

    Gook luck and your journey begins today.

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  10. MFA, the comment on compartmentalization just reminded me of how I used to think on adderall. I liked to put everybody in "boxes" when I met them or was trying to figure them out. Now I don't even think like that any more. There are so many ways that adderall re-wired my brain and I am still trying to unscramble it after months and months of recovery.

    Ashley, I really do not have anything to offer you for relationship advice. I struggle with the whole relationship thing at all levels. Well, at most levels anyway--me and my dog are pretty tight right now.

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  11. please do not get a xanax refill please

    Just a thought, but could it be possible that the xanax has been aggrevating your anxiety rather than helping it? After all, you just found that bottle in your travel bag and started taking it only last week.

    The only reason I suggest this is because adderall actually caused me to develop ADD symptoms, especially when I took too much of it.


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  12. I remember the relief I felt the first time I shined the chrome on my toaster after quitting. I had been worried that the detail oriented shit was only possible with adderall, but it does come back. The only difference is that it takes half as long now and shining up chrome is no longer "fun" but rather just another chore that gets done.

    I couldn't agree more than this discussion about nature and outdoor experiences helping with recovery. I lived in a forest, but I never walked in the woods when I was on adderall.

    After quitting, I took up a new hobby in the forest. I set up several motion activated trail cameras and started collecting photos of all the creatures in nature (like my profile photo above). It was like a trap line that I checked every few days and there was always something new. That was my obsession to replace the adderall. Its funny (because I don't understand), but by last summer I had developed other interests and I just wasn't into that hobby any more.

  13. My very first experience with speed was when I found a bottle of ritalin in my mom's medicine cabinet. I was about 16 years old and the bottle of pills was at least five years old. On the dosing instructions typed onto the label, it said "take one tablet daily, as needed for energy". With a promise like that, how could I resist? Obviously, Mom had better sense than me because she didn't take all of them.

    The ONLY time I believe that speed is justified for boosting energy is for those poor folks with narcolepsy - nothing else seems to work for them. I could sure relate to that condition during day two of adderall withdrawls (which I experienced on a weekly basis for many years).

    Why don't people question their doctors or get second opinions or read the PDR when it comes to this crap? Putting a kid on speed because they are tired is just wrong at so many levels.

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