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Everything posted by quit-once

  1. OK. Since it was not total abstinence I would downplay the significance of your "relapse". You never really gave it up for good, in your mind, anyway. What do you think it will take to change that mindset to where you are so repulsed by adderall and all it does to you that you would leave it behind forever? Were there any consequences or bad effects other than the addiction itself when you were using at 30-60 mg daily?
  2. InRecovery, were you ever arrested or interogated by the cops? You seem like such a mellow person I just can't immagine you being handcuffed into an ambulance. Although I am sure that is just one of many of your experiences with addiction that you are glad is behind you never to repeat again. Experiencing life as a normal (unaddicted) person again sure is great, isn't it?
  3. Gonzo, how long was your break from using/abusing adderall? Are you back to your prior level of usage yet?
  4. I just thought of a couple more: biting your cheek and difficulty swallowing. anybody else? And I had this weird obsession with beverages - like two or three open cans or bottles at a time and I ALWAYS had to have my water bottle nearby even though I never drank it.
  5. 1) Not Cheating. I used to buy it by the six pack... grape flavor is the best but it all tastes horid. I just kind of grew out of it, but I still take it for an energy buzz every once in a while. If it is not a DRUG it is not cheating 2) I think it does help curb your appetite. It is also an ingredient of 5hourenergy. Never had the dry eyes or dizziness. Just giddiness and a much better mood. It can turn a shitty day around all by itself. It is a precursor to thyroid hormones, seratonin and dopamine. But it is just a supplement so more isn't better. It works right away too, as long as you take it right and take enough. Want a speedy buzz? take a tyrosine with 5hourenergy or redbull. 3) phenylalanine converts to tyrosine in your body. Never tried it together with tyrosine. Both are just amino acids. I used phenylalanine back in the 90's as a mood elevator and it worked well too. It is contained in diet coke and anything else sweetened with aspartame.
  6. Not enough hands? Haha.... All of my friends who also abused adderall...we found that really anoying, but funny at the same time. I believe that is one telltale sign that somebody is tweaked. I always wondered what caused that too.
  7. Mikey B, I am good with the Wiki definition of relapse cuz wiki is never wrong. But it says nothing of addiction in that definition. The definition of addiction is the inability to stop a harmful behavior despite great personal cost. How can you stop repeating your relapsing behavior? Does the cost need to go up? Do you believe that your continued adderall use is harmful behavior?
  8. I agree 100% By the way, Ashley, there is an edit button at the bottom of each post that allows you to go back to your post any time and correct things if you want.
  9. Take the L-Tyrosine 500mg all by itself on an empty stomach three times a day. Take the rest with your biggest meal of the day.
  10. Both me and InRecovery signed on to this great web site within a few days of each other back in Aug 2011. I wrote two stories in the tell your story section: How I quit adderall and the prelude to it was How I used adderall. Both of my stories were written last year so they are a few pages back in this tell your story section. thanks for your interest!
  11. "I wish to only quit once and plan on doing so this Thursday........" "I want to get back to being me MORE THAN ANYTHING but maybe quitting the first time simply isn't as probbable as I think." Blesbro, First off. I enjoyed reading your story and it was well-written. I plucked the two key elements from it above as quotes because it demonstrates a well-thought out plan of action for quitting adderall once and forever: You have a date-certain( quitting deadline) coming up this Thursday and you want to sucessfully quit MORE THAN ANYTHING. Here is a short list that will help ensure your success for your upcomming Quit: 1) You MUST have a HUGE penalty in mind in case you fail to quit and stay quit. My penalty would have been acceptance that I could not do it alone and if I was not successful quitting once then I would have had no choice but to enter a treatment program of some kind. I did not want to go through "treatment" for something I did to myself. If you are a person who keeps your promises, this penalty will raise the stakes to a very high level if you fail. But failure is simply not an option. 2) You need a really big reward WHEN you succeed - you choose the terms of success. In my case, I went out and bought some new photography equipment and started a new hobby. 3) Make your stash of adderall inaccesible and inconvenient to get to. Round up all your pills and clean out all your stashes. I went to Wal Mart and bought their most expensive key safe, locked up all my pills, then put both keys in a bank vault safe deposit box, in a town 100 miles away from where I live. Have a plan for disposing of the wayward pills in case you find them later. I never did find any. Keep in mind if you start tearing things apart looking for the pills you have already lost the battle in your mind because you will have conspired to relapse. 4) Make a list of all the reasons you are quitting and look at it every day. 5) If you ever get tempted to give in to your addiction, please come back to this forum and get help before conspiring to take even one pill. 6) Do WHATEVER IT TAKES to make this work for you. Your number one goal is to not take adderall or any other stimulant drug any more for the rest of your life. Period. I am confident you have the resolve and the guts to make your planned Quit on Thursday your one and only. Recovery will take at least a year but it will be much, much easier if you only have to quit once. "You only get one chance to quit once"
  12. You call that relapsing?? I see it as persuing your addiction...with restraint.
  13. I believe ADD / ADHD is a real disorder but that it is greatly overdiagnosed and treated with stimulants. I think the "book" even says that only severe cases should be treated with stimulants. But that does not keep everyone from asking for stimulants and doctor shopping when they get refused or need more. Myself, I never had it as a kid and I didn't even know what it felt like until I took too much adderall too many times. I convinced myself that I did indeed have ADD just so I could successfully bullshit my doctor into prescribing it to me.
  14. Yup. I started having stomach problems before I quit adderall and they continued for about a year thereafter. I am not sure whether it had anything do do with taking adderall, or adderall withdrawl, but I discovered what was causing my discomfort and it came down to three things: 1) Drinking milk 2) eating too much sugar 3) Being slightly overweight My problems were worse at night and I could not even sleep on my right side because of the GERD. Of course quitting milk and sugar before bedtime solved this problem. In fact I now abstain from drinking milk. Since I discovered the causes of my GERD last summer and I also lost my post adderall weight gain, I have been GERD-free.
  15. Sky, that combination in liquid form churns my stomach thinking about it. In my opinion, kale and cucumbers, seperately but especially together would fuck up any meal they come in contact with. That said, the nutritional value of your juice would be very high and I am sure it helps with your own personal recovery program. By the way, congratulations for quitting smoking. that's huge. I read somewhere that it is actually easier to quit smoking if you are quitting another addiction at the same time in your life. I tried to quit cigs and adderall all at once and it was more than I could handle, but within a month of kicking adderall I kicked the cigs for good too. 1.5 years so far...
  16. Emmmapea, Anger is an early stage of grief. Grief is experienced because of a loss. It is a long and complicated process. The good thing (for you) is that you are angry. You are angry because adderall does not work for you any more like it once did. And it never will work well for you again because you are well beyond the honeymoon stage of your addiction. You are angry because you just realized that your addiction to adderall must come to an end. You will have to say goodbye to an old friend who has now betrayed you. Breaking up is much easier to do with something you have grown to hate. Make a plan to quit and do it soon. Good Luck!
  17. The real challenge is how to delete the first post in a conversation. Post #1 does not have a delete button.
  18. You MUST take it on an empty stomach - at least two hours after eating or one hour before eating. Otherwise, you will absorb the proteins in your food and the tyrosine supplement will be wasted. read the bottle. 3x500 mg one at a time throughout the day is what I take. There IS a difference in brands and I like the GNC brand better than others. I used it a lot right after quitting and sitll use it when I feel like it will be a shitty day. It is a mood elevator. It also helps supress the carb cravings. It makes me happy - sometimes almost too happy. My dog looks at me like "WTF got into you" when I take it because it makes me want to sing and whistle around the house.
  19. Thank God for the runny nose syndrome! Only when I took too many did it happen. I believe that was the ONE thing that kept me from taking truly insane amounts of adderall. My threshold was about 120 to 150 mg in a day and anything at or above that level caused my nose to run in a constant stream for an entire day. Another overdose effect was "tears of fire". My eyes would water up and then start to run, but the tears felt like burning acid or something. Usually one eye at a time, and that would last for a couple of hours and the only way to feel better was to keep the eye closed. Kinda tough when you are driving at night....
  20. Don't even think about doing the Master Cleanse until you have had the adderall out of your body for a few weeks. I wrote a post about the master cleanse in the supplements section of this website. My advice is to continue with total abstinence. Since you have two adderall-free days behind you, you only have another day or two of total debilitation and then things will slowly start to improve. I mean, you wont be on the couch 24/7 for longer than a few days. Then do whatever it takes to function - coffee, redbull and 5hourenergy coupled with a multivitamin, fishoil and L-Tyrosine. You will also have to eat good food too and drink a ton of water. Good Luck!
  21. I too have had the experience of typing a lengthy response only to have it erased. It might be an issue with the server on this web site but I am just speculating on that. Anyway, what I do is hit the post button once I have typed a couple of paragraphs then once I see it has posted I hit the edit button and continue typing my response. I am glad to see you are truly excited to experience life again without adderall, I was so ready to be done with the whole addiction experience, I just could not wait to do the quit. But I did wait until the time was right and I knew when that would be several months in advance of quitting. I went cold turkey but however you do it, quitting is the best thing you can do for yourself. Don't overlook the use of Tyrosine if the depression kicks in.
  22. Are you relieved that your husband went away for awhile? Do you think prison will cure his addiction? Will it be easier for you to manage (break) your own addiction without another addict in the house?
  23. Mose Mosely was flinging spam and it was getting out of control. I started deleting his spam posts (with links to buy DVD's) but it made a conversation like this one not make sense. So I used my Moderator tool box and put a lock on his (or her) ability to create any new content and that solved the MoseMosely spam problem. If anybody suspects spam, just hit the report button (at the bottom of each post) and I will take care of it.
  24. KyleChaos I feel bad for you, man. I have been reading your posts even before KyleChaos when you were Steven The Kyle and I remember your struggles with quitting and abusing adderall over a year ago. A suggestion I have that might help you and others reading this forum is to outline the sequence of events that led up to your relapse. I know you got way too drunk but what other events, thoughts and feelings preceeded taking that first pill, again, and what made you decide to renew your prescription or buy more adderall that you binged on last weekend? If you could use adderall responsibly I would suggest that you just enjoy your brief relapse and make a battle plan for quitting again after the first of the year, but last weekend's binge and the one just before that tells me you might not be able to handle it very well and simply having the drugs in your posession poses a serious health risk, both mentally and physically. If you can not control your dosages any better than that you should not be in posession of any amount of any stimulant drug. Period.
  25. Buspar was prescribed to my mom when she was about 85. She took it a couple of times but didn't like it, but I don't remember why. She prefered Attivan for a sleep aid and anti anxiety drug. I used to steal her attivan to help come down off adderall binges.
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