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Everything posted by Ominoussilence

  1. Anxiety, depression, and ADHD? I don't buy it. He needs to get a therapist and to stop telling the psychiatrist lies or partial truths to get medication. When going through the process of diagnosis for ADHD the doctor is supposed to rule out a number of conditions that can present with ADD like symptoms including (but not limited to): anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, OCD, and medical conditions that can look like ADHD (e.g. Seizures). His issues are likely due to incorrect diagnosis/medication or over medication. Adderall is not addictive when taken orally. If you take too much orally you end up just throwing it up. While if you just straight to a high dose instead of building tolerance properly it can give a slight high, it is not strong enough to induce the craving or need to have it in your system that is characteristic of addiction. While addiction is not possible your body can become dependent on it and it is possible to have withdrawal (depression, headaches, etc) if it is suddenly stopped instead of properly weaning off of it. But in all odds his problem isn't that he's on adderal but that he actually has a personality disorder (such as hypochondria, histrionic, narcissism, etc) instead of a chemical imbalance in his neurotransmitters. He just wants a pill to fix his problems (the quick fix pill does not exist) instead of doing the work he should be to fix them for himself. So basically, if you haven't done so already you should dump him and move on because none of that's going to change unless he wants it to and it sounds like he's not mature enough to want that for himself and, by extension, for you as well.
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