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lunax last won the day on December 20 2013

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  1. Hi everyone! Just wanted to checkin...I miss you guys! I don't even know how long it's been since I've signed on, don't even know how long it's been since I've been adderall free but I still am! Started a new job back in February which has been really challenging without adderall but that's not even an option for me anyone. I'm also 6.5 months pregnant which has been a wonderful experience thus far. Anyway, hope you're all doing fine. xoxo
  2. Just sneaking in here to say hi...wedding is in under 2 weeks, I'm 4mths pregnant, stressed as hell but happy to say I'm still addy free! Sorry I don't get to post much these days but you guys are always on my mind I'll be back again soon xoxo
  3. Thanks for sharing. It's nice to hear success stories and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Congrats and keep up the good work!
  4. Hey my friends, just wanted to stop by and say happy holidays. Hope you are all doing great. All is well on my end just been really busy! Here is a quick update: -still addy free, going on 4mths! -accepted a new job which I will start in Feb -purchased a home in November which I haven't moved into yet because I'm slowly renovating it -my wedding in a little over a month...feb 1st And last but not least.... I am 2.5mths pregnant! I could never imagine getting through all of this without adderall, but I thank God everyday for giving me the strength to stay clean and level headed. I wish you all of the best in the upcoming year and thank you all tremendously for being such great cyber friends! I could not have gotten through the last few months without your support.
  5. I can't even express how proud of you I am LL. I know this was very tempting but I'm so glad you decided that half of that pill was not worth throwing away 76 days of being clean. I admire your strength! â¤ï¸
  6. So true. Amy don't give up. Also don't stop posting, we are all here for you. This has happened to all of us at some point. Start over whenever you're ready. But seriously don't feel ashamed or embarrassed, I'm glad you told us.
  7. Hey LilTex! How r u??? Thanks for checking in. I'm doing good...still addy free. The wedding is February 1st and I'm surprisingly calm mostly because I have a lot of support. I often wonder how neurotic and crazy id be if I were still using. I also can't help but day dream about how much of my to-do list would be done by now. But oh well this is still the life I prefer living over being strung out on addy all day every day. I had my first dress fitting last week and I'm definitely not at a weight that I love. But I'm not going to be high on my wedding day, and in the end that's the most important thing.
  8. My therapist (not my prescribing doctor) told me to think of those thoughts (the ones where we are triggered to use) as clouds. Notice the cloud, recognize that it's there, and then watch it pass until it's gone. This little exercise has really helped me.
  9. I agree with this Justin. I feel like we have a little family here so maybe we should make it a more generalized forum that we can all participate in.
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