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Everything posted by AddyFiend

  1. Flashback to the end of 1st semester of Freshman year of college: A buddy got ahold of some Adderall 30 mg XR's and was selling them for final exams. I decided to buy 1 because I hadn't been to any Calc lectures all semester. I went to bed early that night and woke up at 6 AM. Normally I would go back to sleep for 6 hours but I decided to pop the 30mg XR and see what happens. I literally understood every bit of information on the Calc final after 15 hours or so of work. The following semester I popped (even snorted a few when I was coming down late at night and wanted to study more) 20-30 Adderall's. That semester I also slacked off and smoked weed all the time, and on the final day of exams I smoked after bingeing on Adderall and had a panic attack/psychosis/some messed up shit. I thought my friends were talking about me behind my back and then when I got back to my room I had a panic attack and thought I was dying. After that semester I became depressed and that summer just flatout sucked. Then first semester of sophomore year I couldn't even wake up for class so I took the semester off to try and beat the depression. During this semester I took only a couple Adderall as well so it had been a good 6 months since I was using it at all regularly. I managed to get a little better thanks to Wellbutrin but ideally I want to be on no meds. I fell back into old habits when I returned to college second semester and started taking Adderall whenever I had any necessary work to do simply because I could not motivate myself to study or do anything except watch movies and play videogames. I snorted it on more occasions than not. so now here I am - psychiatrist prescribed me Concerta (he thinks I have ADD or I guess at lest depressed enough to need this shit just to function). I abused it right away as well as after the next refill. I have just got it refilled a third time last week and I have snorted/taken half the bottle. I obviously have some issues but I think the main one is my depression is so bad that I am completely unfocused, unmotivated and unable to remember simple things like what someone said 2 seconds ago. I have no cravings for more stimulants once the medication wears off, but during the comedown I go crazy with anxiety and practically need to redose. Yesterday I worked 15 hours and I'm still awake at 8 AM and I just wanna sleep but I have work in 3 hours which only adds more anxiety. But yeah I'm tired of typing thanks for hearing me out
  2. How long did you take Adderall for? Also, sorry if this is hijacking but I was wondering if anyone knows if 25/30 mg on average on 20 separate occasions could cause withdrawal? Been depressed for 3 months and took Adderall those 20 times 4-7 months ago.
  3. I mean yes this binge today and one other binge were pretty bad, but besides that the most I've ever taken at once is probably 50 mg in a day. I know that isn't considered healthy, but I doubt that this would cause longterm depression. This depression did not even kick in until a month after I last took it. Also, although I did take it roughly 20 times before taking a long break, would that really be enough times to cause damage? Edit: I'm still feeling the Adderall so I'm going to wait until I'm totally sober to think this through more fully. Thank you for the idea though...I honestly didn't think that could be the cause, although I guess if I'm in denial that I'm an addict then naturally I would not have thought about it. I sleep all the time too, which does make sense. Edit again: Threw away the rest of my bottle. Gonna go see my therapist and see what I should do next. Peace and love fellas, and best of luck on beating the addiction or congratulations if you already have!
  4. I guess I am an addict then, but I do the same thing with marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes. I binge on everything sadly. Might as well stop the Addy before I get too messed up. Sorry if I was taking the subject too lightly. Edit: I've taken Vyvanse 2 times as well. Is the addiction the same? As in would keeping a script for Vyvanse be effective for motivation/focus if I should stop the Addy
  5. I took Adderall maybe 20 different times at the end of last school year because it was available and I am terrible at getting motivated to do schoolwork. I've always been pretty self-destructive - even after only using Adderall 20 times on that 20th time I was cramming for finals and actually had a panic attack during the 100mg+ binge comedown. The lesson learned was stop taking Adderall because I can live without it. Thank God summer came otherwise I'd probably be fullon addicted right now. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with depression during the summer, so when I got back to school a few weeks ago I took any Adderall I could get my hands on just to feel motivated and focused on even basic things again. I probably did this 10 times, so I've taken Adderall on 30 separate occasions. I also realized that I have ADD, and my psychiatrist and parents and I are all on board with it. Thus, I just got prescribed 10 mg Adderall XR generic. I also decided to take the semester off to cope with the depression and get myself back on track to get good grades. So yesterday was the first day sitting at home and I had just picked up my script. Well, 10 mg XR generic is nothing compared to what I've been recreationally doing, so *naturally* I decided to up my dosage. Now it's the early morning and I've ground up (to break time release) and taken 15 of these buggers. That's 150 mg. I don't know what my thought process was, but I know that yesterday my thought process was "no matter what only take prescribed dosage from now on." This was literally all I could think about when coming down and falling asleep last night. And now, just over a day later, I've taken a higher daily amount than I've ever taken. I would not call myself an addict, although today proves that I have absoloutely no self-control. So from now on, my goal is to take 2 weeks off of Adderall to make up for the dosages I am missing, and get back on my feet taking the 10 mg XR I was prescribed. Even if it doesn't do much, it's still going to help my focus and I can increase my dosage soon anyways. Thanks for reading. Wish you all the best of luck in your own endeavors and struggles!
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