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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by positivefuture99

  1. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone here used Wellbutrin WITH Lexapro. I am currently in law school and I'm going to need the help to fight off the withdrawals so I can still study and function. I know Wellbutrin by itself worked well for combatting withdrawals but then I made me irritable. Maybe the Lexapro by itself will be enough? Just wanted to know how you all dealt with it, thank you!
  2. JustinW, Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Unfortunately, the horrible withdrawal effect has been so bad that I couldn't get my school work done. Wellbutrin worked well to combat the withdrawal but made me snappy so I have to decide if I should take a leap of faith and try that or maybe ask my doctor about increasing my Lexapro does to 20mg (if that makes a difference). I will try to quit again over my break next week. Thank you all!
  3. SweetCarolinee, Thank you so much for responding and your advice. I have tried L-tyrosine to combat withdrawals last summer and I was still fighting a huge mental fog for weeks until I tried Wellbutrin. Only thing stopping me from quitting adderall now is the amount of school work I have to still get through, but more importantly the withdrawals. I am not sure if Lexapro will prevent withdrawals or the mental fog because it has significantly helped my anxiety and depression but I have been on 20MG IR a day since the beginning of the semester in January. I'm not sure if I can combine Wellbutrin with Lexapro because that might help withdrawals and still keep me level headed, but I guess I will do my best to cut the doseage now and prepare to quit over my spring break which is coming up.
  4. Hello everyone, I have visited these forums for awhile and tried to use some of the suggestions/methods but I can't seem to win this battle with adderall. First, I would like to tell you that you are all an inspiration and I aspire to have the strength you all have in overcoming this battle. Here is my story: I grew up in a struggling single mother household ever since my father left and I have three siblings. I never had addiction problems in my time throughout college (although I did recreationally party on the weekends), but once I sat for the Law School Admission Test I struggled to gain a decent score. my physician prescribed me adderall and said I was hyperactive/adhd and it felt like I was suddenly awake and all these years I've been angry trying to do cardio to take the edge off and not understand why I had bad grades in college or engaged in some reckless behavior, but now I finally felt focused, euphoric, caring, passionate, and alive. Once I left my job to become a full time law student, I was hammered with work and I was struggling to get through the material. I stayed home and commuted to law school my first year and used adderall as a crutch throughout the entire year to get through. I then finally came off adderall in May last year and had serious withdrawals, circles under my eyes, and couldnt function for weeks before starting my summer job. I then tried wellbutrin and it helped the cravings but made me very snappy and angry after awhile so once I stopped that I filled my adderall prescription in the middle of the summer to help deal with the work at summer job. I stopped taking adderall over this past winter break and I fought through withdrawals with wellbutrin but it made me snappy again and I couldn't seem to kick this mental robotic fog. Now I find myself at the end of my second year with huge opportunities for this summer and I am trying to kick this drug. It does not effect me the same yet I need it to feel normal and get through the school work. Law school was the cause of this, but I take full responsibility for my actions and I am trying to get better. My doctor just recently prescribed me Lexapro to take with adderall because my anxiety and depression was getting so bad. I question if I may be bipolar, but I've seen a psych. and it was ruled it out based on the fact I was able to take Wellbutrin and not be hospitalized (not sure what that meant). I just cant seem to kick it during the semester but I now have dark circles under my eyes and I don't know what else to do. I would rather conquer this battle now during school than wait until summer or blow potential opportunities or life experiences. I appreciate all the advice and support. Thank you!
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