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About unod1a

  • Birthday 03/01/1992

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  1. I flushed my dosage down the toilet and went through the toughest few months of my life. But here i am, 2 years later and better than before. BUT i was not taking anywhere near 200mg, i was taking 90 at most so it's different. I know people criticize it but quitting cold turkey is the best in my opinion. Reducing your dosage does not work and you will find yourself increasing it when you don't feel the effects of the high dosage. but hey I'm not a doctor. you can do it, trust me
  2. Don't do anti-depressants! You just have to go through that shit feeling. Anything that's gonna mess with your brain chemicals is just going to be a short term fix. I suffered through the deperession but now IT IS NO MORE. I am perfectly back to normal.
  3. Sorry for leaving a short response but i have a shit ton of studying..wouldn't be a problem if i was doing what i was doing 6 months ago but that lfife is behind. i study 8 hours to learn what i used to learn in 3 hours but again, past life. I will tell you one thing, your parents will love you no matter what!! I know it is un-original but yes they will be disappointed, yes they will be mad at you but trust me, adderall addiction will take you down a deep dark path and you might do something you never thought you would do. Trust me, your parents will understand if you tell them EVERYTHING. No amount of money/career is worth your real self. You have lost yourself, but like me and others on here, you can find yourself.
  4. Damn dude!!! I can relate a bit with the soccer part, i also played college soccer but d3 and i took it during games sometimes but my heart rate scared me and i did not do it a lot. But it does make you super human. I can relate a bit to you but luckily for me, i realised what i was doing before i got really addicted to the drug. I did go through some tough times but i can now safely say i am back to normal. I have problems at work and studying but who does not? Not everything can be perfect, no one would stand out if everything was perfect right? You probably already know but you have a tough time ahead of you man!! A tough ass time but it will get better. Trust me, and reading your post, are you from the VA/MD area? Region 1 soccer sounds familiar. I am lucky i had a support system but i was alone for a while after i quit and it is a terrible thing to go through alone. The best thing you can do is talk to a counselor/psychiatrist as soon as possible. If you don't have medical insurance, pay as much as they ask. It is such a stress reliever to just rant everything that is in your head to someone who will not judge you. Try exercising and try to keep busy, try not to think about adderall. Good luck dude.
  5. Hello to all. I joined this website a month and 5 days ago. I can positively say that in the last two years, i have never felt naturally better than i do now. Here is a little sample of who i was a little more than a month ago This last week has been terrible, i was off adderall for huge chunks of this summer but i caved in, i caved in and started taking it again but for some reason, i started falling into deep depressions and i knew it was the adderall but it wasn’t for the things that have been happening daily, it was for the lies and bull shit i have made myself out of for the last two years. I took 50 milligrams of adderall xr on August 15th and that is the last time i will ever swallow that shit. I have 81 pills of 10 mg xr seven feet away and that shit calls you. But i will flush it down the toilet starting today. 3 pills will be flushed, i will flush more and more every day until i empty my last bottle. Day 2 without taking it has been meh, i cried and i am not ashamed to admit it. This depression hits you out of nowhere and there is no way of explaining it but then your mood changes completely. I hope to regain the old me back no matter the cost But the shit feeling and everything that comes with this addiction will come to pass. I went through the first week off adderall alone and that is probably the worst thing i can recommend you. Try to find someone you can spend time with as much as possible. I did it alone but i doubt many people can because even i broke down a couple times but it was the worst week of my life. I spent the next week away with my brother and it was very fun but i still had the shit feeling a couple times a day. Here are my tips for getting through the first few weeks. FLUSH YOUR PILLS. If you are on this site, then you do not need adderall. Trust me, if you don't flush it, you will go back to it. Keep yourself productive. EXERCISE******** Trust me, this will help you so much. And you do not have to go to the gym, just go for a run or anything that will make your body active. Try not to think about adderall, trust me, it is very hard to do but do not think about it. Try to go out as much as possible. I know it's hard to find the energy but being around something fun and active will prompt positive vibes. Try to wake up before 12, waking up normal hours will get your body back to it's natural routine. I know none of you addicts have normal sleep schedules lol. Any ways, i am so glad i made the decision to flush my pills, i know what you are all going through, trust me. It is no doubt the hardest thing i have ever had to do. It is even worse than breaking up from a long relationship. I am just 20 years old mind you so i haven't been married but i have been dumped and it sucked so much but def not as much as quitting adderall. I know you will feel like it is hopeless, like no one understands you and it will seem easier to just take it again but trust me, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I used to envy the people who were posting about how good they feel and now look, I AM DOING JUST THAT. A month ago, i could not imagine just staying in on a saturday alone and feeling fine but i am doing just that and i am ok with it. Being off adderall and the depression that follows makes being alone so hard. But that will come to pass. I have gotten my life back on track, i have a job now and i am so active. I will be joining the gym after getting that first pay check and i am so thankful to every one that has helped me get through this including this site and every one that shares their experiences. I am here to help any one that needs help. The hardest thing to do once off adderall is to go through it alone. I am so happy with where i am and i will be here for any one of you that needs help. You can message me if you need advice or even just to talk, trust me; every little thing can help. If i do not reply, you can even facebook me peeps. https://www.facebook.com/jmweeruzi My cell is 703-586-8921. I know this sounds OD but trust me, i have been there and i will be willing to help any one who is brave enough to come to the same conclusion that i did. Good luck to all of you and thank you so much. I am my old self again.
  6. Yea man feeling down is the absolute worst part. The first day for me was absolute shit and i went for a drive, second day i went for a run but it was still really shit and then the third day was allright. Yesterday was not too bad but i went for a good run, went poolside for a read but ended up falling asleep haha. But try to keep yourself occupied, that is the best thing you can do. It is so hard to get yourself motivated to do anything but after you get past that barrier and actually do something, it's not too bad. I also try to hang out with someone, any one. It's so funny now how i hang out with any one but before, i had just a few people i would chill with and excluded a lot of my friends but i can't do that now. You say that you get so lonely and down, but i guarantee you it's not worse than the low you get when the addy is wearing off! That is what changed it for me, after it wore off, i was so damn depressed and i knew i did not ever want to feel like that again. Good luck man
  7. im telling you, the best thing to do is flush them and notify your doctor that you don't want to take it at any cost. When i decided to quit and still had them in my room, it was like an evil calling me. When i flushed it, i felt a huge weight off my shoulder and i do not crave it. I crave the high but i know i will feel good soon without it.
  8. Four days off the devil pill and damn it is fucking terrible. Today was better but this depression is killing me. I have started realizing i neglected so many people and now that i don't take this shit, i can't just sit around and do nothing. I used to be outgoing but now i am just trying to get back my life but it's hard. I look through my phone and there are so many people i used to chill with that i forgot about. I know this is going to sound odd but i went through my facebook timeline and i cut off talking to literally 60% of my friends. I hate this shit and feeling like this. i had started drinking when i was off adderall to sort of numb the pain but i know i can't do that no matter the urge. And by the way, exercising does help, i have tried not to just sit here and it has helped but it is a struggle.
  9. Yea i know what you mean!! I consider myself lucky because i started realizing i had an addiction and i would refer to myself as a "controlled addict". But i guess i just did it to keep the potency up. Any ways it is day 4 and i feel good right now. I feel like without taking it, you have to make sure you are doing something instead of sitting around. Most of my friends went back to college and i go to school nearby so it is tough to try and find activities to do but i know it is for the better. I feel the fogginess leaving my mind and knowing the devil is not near my closes feels even better. Thank you for the reply btw and Good luck
  10. Any one in northern virginia/DC metro area? I am also interested in a support group.
  11. Damn, i am so glad i stopped in the early stages of addiction. Reading some of the stuff on here, i can see where i was headed and i applaud people like you who have the courage to quit. Having to take care of a family is a whole different thing to just worrying about grades and such. I also do not think it helps if you keep taking it but if you think you can take it controllably, then you should but i am scared shitless of even taking 1mg. i know i can't do it so gave it up for good. Good luck
  12. I did it. The first step is completed. I flushed the rest of these devil pills down the toilet. I await the shit feeling to kick in soon but i know i did it. I will find myself again.
  13. Jesus christ man, i hope you get through it bro. I just flushed mine down the toilet. What i realized is when you are in the early stages of quitting or deciding upon it, you get this urge to let go and thats when you should take the necessary steps to quit. good luck man You can do it man any one can do it.
  14. I don’t remember the exact date but in the fall of 2010, i had a communications project to finish at Northern Virginia Community College. For some weird reason, i tried looking for adderall because i was too lazy to do the work just like normal people, i felt a need to take a short cut, and the short cuts i have been taking for the last two years have ruined me. I wish i never took those two pills but there is nothing i can do about it now. I wish i could be my old self again, all i do is put on a show for people and my dwindling circle of friends. I hate who i am when i am off that medicine and i feel like a worthless pile of shit. I don’t know how i let myself sink this low and i can’t believe it took me this long to notice. I would never do anything to harm myself, but i questioned my self worth for the first time on August 16th 2012 at 5:49 exactly. And so i have decided to make a change. I will stop living these lies that have clouded me for the past 24 months, i will start doing things not to please others, but things that will make me happy. Writing this stuff down is the only way i can get it all out without having to tell someone without having to sugar coat shit or having to lie to protect some sort of reputation that i can’t even understand myself at this point. This last week has been terrible, i was off adderall for huge chunks of this summer but i caved in, i caved in and started taking it again but for some reason, i started falling into deep depressions and i knew it was the adderall but it wasn’t for the things that have been happening daily, it was for the lies and bull shit i have made myself out of for the last two years. I took 50 milligrams of adderall xr on August 15th and that is the last time i will ever swallow that shit. I have 81 pills of 10 mg xr seven feet away and that shit calls you. But i will flush it down the toilet starting today. 3 pills will be flushed, i will flush more and more every day until i empty my last bottle. Day 2 without taking it has been meh, i cried and i am not ashamed to admit it. This depression hits you out of nowhere and there is no way of explaining it but then your mood changes completely. I hope to regain the old me back no matter the cost.
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