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Kyle_Chaos last won the day on April 21 2013

Kyle_Chaos had the most liked content!

About Kyle_Chaos

  • Birthday 12/25/1986

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  • Location
    Jackson, TN
  • Interests
    Adderall free life since March 31, 2013.

    Running, Reading, Video games, Eating, Sleeping.

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  1. It leaked. Get it and listen to "Groundhog Day" so nightmarish I love it.
  2. Anyone heard any of the released songs off the album yet? I heard "Rap god" and was blown away..
  3. You have to sign up for "Genesis Pure" to get the products, which is BS.. just get it off EBAY http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313&_nkw=genesis+pure+daily+build&_sacat=0&_from=R40
  4. I'm familiar with that, it makes you forget that your body needs food..
  5. Ha, yes.. I just don't eat tons of protein all the time.. I have too much going on to have stomach problems constantly.
  6. I figured I would post this for motivation for those that look in the mirror and see a corpse, you can and will return to the way you behaved and looked before.
  7. This stuff is very expensive but very well worth it, gives you everything you need PLUS some
  8. I need more people on my NIKE plus, I hit 700 miles and want some competition. If you're interested, add me at "Lightjogger666" on Nikeplus.
  9. I've been off adderall for quite some time, but it would still be nice to have someone in the area to chat with when times get difficult. If anyone is in the area, you can message me and we can set something up.
  10. I just recently finished "Breaking bad." The finale was one of the best episodes I've ever seen.
  11. Yes, it'll definitely make you boring as all sin. You sit there contemplating on what to say like it's the end of the world ALL the TIME.
  12. I'm not. I've been feeling okay, mainly just stressed with school. Yes, I've just been adjusting from military to civilian life. How have you been? There's an entire new croud here, it feels odd to not see the same people posting.
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