Hey Guys,
Ok so let me start by saying I am new on here, found this website by googling "how to stop being dependent on adderall". Before i start talking about my situation let me say I am a Biochemistry/biology major and want to go to either pharmacy school or medical school.
I am a 22 year old male, I have been prescribed adderall since 3rd grade but never really took it consistently until college. I take anywhere from 45-60 mg a day but never over 60. (my old doctor retired and the new doctor in the same office doesnt really help, just writes the prescription)I only take it when i go to class (4 days a week) or when im studying for my classes (5-6 days a week), so i feel like im not addicted to it where I have the urge to take it everyday but I AM dependent on it for school and I think im ready for that to come to an end. I cant stand not eating and losing tons of weight (not to mention, i think taking it at such a young age stunt my growth, but thats too late to fix and besides the point). Like I said im 22 years old, im 5'5" and weight 130 pounds. I want to bulk up and put on weight and get into a good exercise/weight lifting routine, but that cant happen on adderall. My social life has turned upside down. Adderall totally changes my personality, i feel like it makes me kind of socially awkward, i want to experience college and meet new people and make new friends, but it seems like that cant happen on adderall.
Now the problem is, since my major is hard and the pre reqs for my career path are difficult and require ALOT of studying, im scared that if i stop taking adderall my A's and B's will go to C's D's and F's. Does anyone have advice at all? i appreciate you reading this and responding. Thank you guys!