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A Little Wisdom From You Guys Could Help


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Okay, Hi. Before I start this topic I know you guys have experience on this as you all have probably had some form if contact with the drug Adderall. I have barely any experience and i've only been researching for about a day. So in no way am I saying that I know more than you all. Because I don't.

I also want to tell you guys about myself before I explain my issue. I'm a freshman in high school with a pretty good bit of knowledge on philosophy. Specifically epistemology if that helps any. I'm normally an A to B student, not a straight A, but my grades have been slowly decreasing ever since two years ago. I've moved around this earth as I grew up a military child and that's subject to change in less than 5 months. I've dealt with people that took a variety if drugs and drugs in general aren't very new to me. I'm very sure I have some form of depression. Likely chronic, not major, as i've felt like this for a long time. It's just been progressively getting worse. Enough of myself.

I made this topic to ask you guys if taking a low-dose (10mg) of Adderall a day is something I should do. I was introduced to Adderall from a fellow classmate and she gave me three 10mg immediate release pills. I've heard about Adderall a good number of times in my life and I knew it wasn't a drug that was as dangerous as some other more well-known drugs. I took all three pills (12:00pm), which I do admit was very ignorant for a first-time dose. I didn't feel much until towards my second-to-last period (2:30pm), that's when it kicked in. I was failing that subject at the time and with the Adderal I got a 30 up to a 70 in a mere 45 minutes. I completed more than 5 assignments and finished up sone work from other classes. The feeling you get from that drug is so great. It had to be the best i've felt in a few years. It lifted me up from my stress and sadness and gave me a new perspective of life. It is 2:27am right now and I can't sleep because, of course, insomnia. I was curious to see if Adderall was a drug used to treat depression. It is. I've thought about talking to my therapist and doctor about getting it prescribed to me, because I think it would be more effective than just an antidepressant alone. I just want to know if you guys think it would actually be beneficial to take a low-dose of Adderall daily. So that's why i'm here.

Also, if you think that I wouldn't be responsible with the drugs, I don't think you're right. I know myself to be very responsible about things like this. Then again i'm not saying there isn't a chance where I could abuse the drug. There could come a time where I would, but I only plan to take it in 10mg for a single day. And when I notice that the drug isn't lifting me up as much as it would when i'd first start, i'll slowly come off of it and them start back up again a few weeks later.

(That is only a mere plan, it can easily be changed if I find it not logical).

So guys sorry if I made errors in that, it's really late and my phone is dying so I didn't bother to revise. And i'd greatly appreciate if you guys could leave your opinions. Thanks.

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Your plan sounds logical, but risky. Adderall is speed. Speed is extremely addictive. The results you have today will require more pills, more dosage. Eventually, you will need X number of pills just to get out of bed and feel "normal" (not enhanced with the drug). We like to say on this site that taking Adderall is unsustainable, even at doctor prescribed dosages, including low dosages. Sooner or later the negative effects will outweigh the positive and then you will be in a tight jam. You will be addicted.


All of the great feelings you experience from the drug today, will cost you ten times as much on the back end. We call it the dues you have to pay. They are collected on the back end and they are hard time dues. If you want to go into that kind of debt, know the consequences. We are all here to tell you that it isn't worth it.

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I understand that that adderall is practicly speed. Just not as strong. And i've spent about a good 4 hours browsing this site, reading peoples' experiences. So I know that adderall can be very addictive. I know that, depending on how you control yourself, can also be dangerous. I know you guys really don't think it's worth it. And it might not be. I really appreciate you telling me this, and i'll take it into consideration. But I just want to read what other people have to say. Hopefully someone with a very similar experience could help me. But thanks, Jon. I really do appreciate it.

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I'm also thinking about only taking a dose once or twice a week, hoping to further be able to limit how much of the drug I use. And I don't plan on staying on the drug for a long time. I plan just to use it until the end of this summer. The reason behind that is that being in a long-distance relationship with a girl that has BPD and chronic depression adds so much stress on to life. I can't focus as much as I could. In addition to having an unstable family and being separated from both my father and the person i'd like to spend my life with. All these stressors lower my drive for success, causing my grades to drop. In turn, me seeing my grades drop makes my drive for success even lower. See the cycle?

I know I probably sound ignorant and naive but try to see this from my point if view. And I just want to clarify that i'm absolutely sure that most people on this site have life far worse.

Again, what i'm saying might be all over the place, i'm just exhausted but can't sleep.

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I think we all said those same things at one point: I can control my dose, I'll only take it a couple times a week, I'll be a responsible user, etc. etc. No one 'plans' to get addicted. It happens progressively over time. I took Adderall once or twice a week for two years, then got a prescription, then Mon-Fri, then also Saturdays, then every day and...you can see where this is going. Not everyone gets addicted, but if you like the high you get from the drug it's a slippery slope indeed. Sounds like you've made up your mind about taking it though so I'm not sure what kind of responses you're looking for.

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I haven't made up my mind. Not yet. But most likely I won't ask to be prescribed Adderall when the time comes. Even though it has amazing and incredible short term effects it isn't very worth it for the long term. I might possible use it in the future again, like in university or SAT/ACT.

But other than adderall, do you know any prescription drugs that could boost motivation? Motivation is something I could really use. Especially since i'm basically planning to travel across the country myself. And thank you for the reply.

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I think using adderall for dealing with depression is probably the most high-risk situation. Not everyone will get addicted, but for people with depression, adderall seems to solve your problems....at first. I've battled depression and anxiety my whole life off and on and when I started adderall, I thought this what life was supposed to feel like. It created a false sense of happiness/euphoria, and it can backfire, resulting in stronger depression than before you ever started. If addiction does happen, it's a whole different monster. I never planned on abusing the drug, but adderall took over eventually. It truly is playing with fire, like zerokewl said.

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Couldn't agree more. I have a history of depression and anxiety. Im not saying that I don't haven't always had adhd symptoms, but once I started adderall all of the bad stuff SEEMED to have gone anyway. It took distorted what reality actually was and i needed more to continue to feel "good". Eventually you find out the hard way that what problems you left are still at day one and you feel them 10x more. I never used them for school purposes, but being an older fart I just wanted to have a brain that worked normal and not scattered. Hind sight is always 20/20. Take it from someone that doesn't drink or "do drugs". This stuff can have you hooked sooooooo fast. Part of me thinks I was hooked from the first pill{low dose}.  The cons outweigh the pros 100/1. It stinks people have to find out the hard way. But I guess that's why were here-to learn, support or warn. 

I think using adderall for dealing with depression is probably the most high-risk situation. Not everyone will get addicted, but for people with depression, adderall seems to solve your problems....at first. I've battled depression and anxiety my whole life off and on and when I started adderall, I thought this what life was supposed to feel like. It created a false sense of happiness/euphoria, and it can backfire, resulting in stronger depression than before you ever started. If addiction does happen, it's a whole different monster. I never planned on abusing the drug, but adderall took over eventually. It truly is playing with fire, like zerokewl said.

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As a friend you never met, I hope you would try any other means besides a stimulant.{Hypnosis, meditation, yoga, exercise}. Like someone said previously- "no one plans to become addicted " Once your brain recognizes that "good feeling" it can't turn the clock back and forget without going through the hell that a lot of us have been through. My good feeling kept me calm and at peace while my world around me I just let collapse. I'm towards the very lower end of time on/abusing and I feel like I went through depression/hell not to mention financial ruins. You really can do it without this junk. It was only a few months for me using and then abusing, but it's really fcked my life up. 

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