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12 Miles a Week Runners Club - NEW


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I don't use my computer to get on here much, and I can't see it on my phone.....that's super cool. I remember reading something about it, then I forgot about it. I need to get on the computer soon just to see everyone's days. I'm glad you brought it to my attention so I can do it :)

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Hey guys,


Sorry I forgot to post last week.


I got my FitBit flex in the mail 2 weeks ago, it was a birthday gift that was back ordered and I'm super excited about it and it's been motivating me to workout and walk/run and hike more! At least 10,000 steps a day and I've also been tracking my food intake on the MyFitnessPal app and trying to get my shit together. It feels good. I've been trying to drink less as well.


I did 15 miles last week (walked and jogged)!

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ZK, Great work with quitting the smokes and the bootcamp, that is so awesome and it sounds like your doing great. With the gaining weight, you are probably just gaining muscle weight. Or try possibly tracking your daily calories, it may help (with FitnessPal online or the app -- it's been helping me a lot). Losing weight is a science and a lot of work and it sucks lol


Anyways, recently I read "a pound of muscle burns more fat than a pound of fat, even at rest, by increasing your lean muscle tissue mass, you're helping your body burn more calories." Let's use this as motivation!

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I've been doing some Jillian Michael workout videos I found on Amazon Prime. Holy crap they're hard. I like them because they're fast paced and they literally work your whole body. I'm going to do them more often this summer since we can't be outside during the day in Phoenix during these months.

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I'm very proud of you for quitting smoking. I can't imagine what a battle this will be for me....huge props to you! It sounds like you're replacing a bad habit with a healthy one, so keep up the good work!

Well, check in Sunday is here. I did 50 minutes of cardio on the treadmill Saturday. The screen was broken, so I have no idea how far I went. I mixed it up between walking and running...maybe one week I'll actually run 12 miles!

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  On 6/23/2014 at 3:37 AM, ashley6 said:


I'm very proud of you for quitting smoking. I can't imagine what a battle this will be for me....huge props to you! It sounds like you're replacing a bad habit with a healthy one, so keep up the good work!

Well, check in Sunday is here. I did 50 minutes of cardio on the treadmill Saturday. The screen was broken, so I have no idea how far I went. I mixed it up between walking and running...maybe one week I'll actually run 12 miles!

Thanks Ashley it's worth the effort. Check out http://www.quitsmokingmessageboard.com they are great group of people totally different vibe then quitting adderall.com. I have never seen so may cat gifs in my life. I'm zerokewl there too.

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You did an awesome job. You should be happy with that!

I did..zero miles. I went to the doctor a couple of days ago, and I've gained 8 pounds since December. I had a freak out, because I've never had to worry about my weight. I guess the time has come where I can't eat whatever I want and not be running, or at least doing something physically active. I've been slacking waaaay too much lately.....and there is my rant....have a good week, everybody :)

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  On 6/30/2014 at 12:31 PM, ashley6 said:


You did an awesome job. You should be happy with that!

I did..zero miles. I went to the doctor a couple of days ago, and I've gained 8 pounds since December. I had a freak out, because I've never had to worry about my weight. I guess the time has come where I can't eat whatever I want and not be running, or at least doing something physically active. I've been slacking waaaay too much lately.....and there is my rant....have a good week, everybody :)

Yep, once I hit 30 I couldn't eat like I was in my 20s anymore, regardless of whether I was working out or not..
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  On 6/30/2014 at 12:31 PM, ashley6 said:


You did an awesome job. You should be happy with that!

I did..zero miles. I went to the doctor a couple of days ago, and I've gained 8 pounds since December. I had a freak out, because I've never had to worry about my weight. I guess the time has come where I can't eat whatever I want and not be running, or at least doing something physically active. I've been slacking waaaay too much lately.....and there is my rant....have a good week, everybody :)

Same here, lol. When I went to the doctor I gained 10lbs. I think our bodies are responding to not running or something weird...lol.

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  On 6/30/2014 at 11:23 AM, occasional01 said:

OK this past week included:

5 mile run

10 mile bike ride (first one of the season)

3ish mile hike uphill and back

15 minutes of planks

I'm pretty satisfied with that :)

Great job occasional. I'm at o.
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Cassie and InRecovery,

InRecovery- My body's like what the fuck, you lazy ass?! I'm sorry for the language, but I think that's what it's saying :) I'm 5'3, so 8 pounds is significant!

Cassie- I'm 29, and I have to think that it has a lot to do with age too. I was just saying that the other day. I'm very saddened by this :( So Cassie, you're saying if I exercise I STILL can't eat what I want without being fat?!

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  On 7/1/2014 at 1:56 AM, ashley6 said:

Cassie and InRecovery,

InRecovery- My body's like what the fuck, you lazy ass?! I'm sorry for the language, but I think that's what it's saying :) I'm 5'3, so 8 pounds is significant!

Cassie- I'm 29, and I have to think that it has a lot to do with age too. I was just saying that the other day. I'm very saddened by this :( So Cassie, you're saying if I exercise I STILL can't eat what I want without being fat?!

Correct, you can't outrun a bad diet, and when you get older you have to eat less to maintain your same weight. Your metabolism slows. But my appetite has declined accordingly so I'm not gaining weight. When i was a teenager and in my early 20s I ate a crazy amount of food every day and was hungrier way more often.
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I'm sad to report that I am at zero miles. It's no excuse but I wake up at 6 am and I get back at 7:30p and I am so exhausted to even think about running,

I'm now halfway through my 10 week internship. I will be back in full force after this next 5 weeks. In the meantime, I have gained a ton of weight, I'm now on a strict portion control diet - I'm aiming for 1500 calories a day, this will not be fun but without running..this is what I got to do or before long I'll lose everything I worked hard for. I think I'm going to start bringing food to work also. It will also be cheaper that way.

It stinks how hard it is to lose weight but how easy it is to gain weight.

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I've been pretty consistent with my zero miles.


My schedule isn't quite as full as yours, but most nights I don't get home until 7:30 or 8 or so, and it's become way too easy to put running on the back burner. I wasn't exactly hitting my 12 miles every week before that, so I guess a lot of it's laziness. I'm thinking about just trying to start at least walking. It's good exercise still, and I don't feel so overwhelmed with the thought of it. We will see.

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I've been keeping fairly active boot camps, cycling etc. Since I quit smoking my diet has been like a 12 year old on a sleepover. I need to stop eating fuzzy peaches, chips, ice cream drumsticks, liquorice and mcflurries. If I continue to eat this way, I will be on a TLC special where morbidly obese people leave their bedroom for the first time in decade. They will need a forklift, a crane, and gigantic lever to finally free me from my food prision. I'm going shopping for sweatpants and Velcro shoes tomorrow.

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  On 7/7/2014 at 3:35 AM, zerokewl said:

I've been keeping fairly active boot camps, cycling etc. Since I quit smoking my diet has been like a 12 year old on a sleepover. I need to stop eating fuzzy peaches, chips, ice cream drumsticks, liquorice and mcflurries. If I continue to eat this way, I will be on a TLC special where morbidly obese people leave their bedroom for the first time in decade. They will need a forklift, a crane, and gigantic lever to finally free me from my food prision. I'm going shopping for sweatpants and Velcro shoes tomorrow.

I laughed out loud at this post....hilarious. I think food is the lesser of two evils right now. I'm sure some people who have quit smoking have some insight on this, instead of just cracking up like me. "I'm going shopping for sweatpants and Velcro shoes tomorrow." 😂

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  On 7/7/2014 at 3:35 AM, zerokewl said:

I've been keeping fairly active boot camps, cycling etc. Since I quit smoking my diet has been like a 12 year old on a sleepover. I need to stop eating fuzzy peaches, chips, ice cream drumsticks, liquorice and mcflurries. If I continue to eat this way, I will be on a TLC special where morbidly obese people leave their bedroom for the first time in decade. They will need a forklift, a crane, and gigantic lever to finally free me from my food prision. I'm going shopping for sweatpants and Velcro shoes tomorrow.


Hahahahaha ZK You had me laughing out loud on this one too!!!


When I quit smoking cigs, I carried around a huge bag of candy.  I think I bought a muumuu and definitely a larger size jeans.  Oh well, your quit is what matters most right?


Sometimes push-ups are good for fighting cravings.

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Well friends, I ran almost 11 miles last week and I walked/hiked around 9.  Did planks one day and push ups two other days.  I also spent a lot of time hooping and dancing which is a great workout.  And stretching.   


Sorry to hear you guys are having trouble getting the miles in.  It's really hard with a full time day job.  I have definitely been there myself.  During one phase, I quit working out and hit my personal maximum weight of all time.  During another, I started running and stuff at night.  I didn't even think about it, I just went.


Now I'm privileged to have a job where I make my own schedule.  Even if it's an extra challenge for an adderall quitter like myself...... procrastination in the form of fitness is pretty awesome.  

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I am pleased with my progress as a non smoker. I need to find some balance with the diet thing. Obviously I need to cut the junk, eat healthier I think that's a good first step. According to the quit counter I've saved $527.21 after not smoking for about 5 weeks so I should reinvest those saving insome health stuff.

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  On 7/7/2014 at 3:35 AM, zerokewl said:

I've been keeping fairly active boot camps, cycling etc. Since I quit smoking my diet has been like a 12 year old on a sleepover. I need to stop eating fuzzy peaches, chips, ice cream drumsticks, liquorice and mcflurries. If I continue to eat this way, I will be on a TLC special where morbidly obese people leave their bedroom for the first time in decade. They will need a forklift, a crane, and gigantic lever to finally free me from my food prision. I'm going shopping for sweatpants and Velcro shoes tomorrow.

Zk - I know so many people into that show, lol. And they tried to get me to watch it. It is so awful to watch that...anyway I leave my commentary about that show for another post..

I have been buying containers of ice cream and just eating the whole tub over like two days. Also I got into a bad habit of eating an entire bag of cape cod chips (not snack size) and then rinse and repeat.. That has to stop. Today I brought a healthy lunch to work and I felt like I was making a positive step.

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