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I just dumped my adderall down the toilet.


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You did the right thing. Life is better without it. And continuing on will ultimately lead to Loss and destruction. You can do this. It will take time. Not gonna lie. But you know you can't continue on this drug forever. A little pain now is better than a lot of pain and loss over the next few years or decades to come. I believe in you. Do you have anyone who knows about you're decision to quit , or what you might be going through. ???

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I was on the drug 10 years. At the end I was prescribed 90mg /day. I also had a liberal dr. And lots of extra cash to get extra scripts so I was taking a lot. As bad as that sounds, I just want you to know that I am better now. Life is looking up. I've been clean almost 2 years and I'm not going back. So yes , you can do this. It will suck for the first few weeks. After that I think it's more about learning to live again without this little idol we all hid for so long. I am going to pray for you. That God would give you strength and peace and the ability to forgive / love yourself through this. Don't get too bogged down with people saying it takes years,... That's discouraging. Yes it has taken a long time for me but most of it was in my head. Like I said , learning to live again. I think that's a more positive way of looking at it. It feels like doing certain things for the first time to me and I think that's just a process. But a healthy thing. Also feeling certain emotions was new to me. At first I felt very exposed and vulnerable without the magic pill to mask pain, stress, etc. But it's part of coming back to life. Real life. Like waking up after a long bad dream. it gets better and easier with time. I'm proud of you.

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that is so awesome.  while you are in this state of strength, i highly recommend cutting yourself off by telling your doctor the truth.  it's so hard to tell yourself no when the romanticizing/cravings begins (like probably impossible in my case)

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Thanks.. I hope so. I actually had an old rx in my wallet from February and had my husband fill it for me yesterday just bc I felt like I wasn't gonna be able to physically get out of bed this morning for work. I was just gonna take half my dosage and start tapering from there. However, when I woke up as bad as I felt, I felt like I didn't NEED the half of pill. I drank my blowfish (for hangovers) instead lol it has aspirin and caffeine in it and it's been making me feel better since quitting. I haven't taken an adderall since Wednesday. I can't believe I'm actually typing those words right now... Sigh

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