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After 10 years, I finally did it ! Best choice I could do.


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Hi, my dears. English is not my mother language so I'm sorry for the following mistakes.

I've been on adderall since I'm 13 years old and I'm about to turn 23. I've always been an artist and it was tempting to take more adderall to be able to focus 12 hours non-stop and create crazy masterpieces. And I don't even want to talk about how awesome I felt on adderall. But as all of you, I went through hell with it, developped anxiety and wanted to die every once in a while.

I was tired to be a psycho-awsome-not-so-awesome-sad kid, tired of my life going nowhere because of it. Because i was always abusig it. I've been on this forum several times before, reading your stories but i never had the guts to do it. And I finally did, 2 days ago.

The two first days were hell, I felt bad in my body, I slept all the day, wasnt even able to read for more tham 10 minutes... and this morning I forced myself to do at least the dishes, exercised a little bit and felt better. I motivated myself to go outside do things I had to do, did it.

I started to feel bad again, cried, tried to sleep to forget and when I woke up, I almost felt normal!!! I remembered I took fish oil in the morning without any kind of hope about it, I was just desesperated...but shit! Most of my withdrawal effects are gone, today I did more things that I was doing on a normal adderall day, and it's only day 3 ! I almost can't believe it, I took it during 10 years ! Seriously, today I was so happy that I cried. I can't wait to see how I'll feel in a month. I bought other natural stuff and also yerba mate, I'll try it tomorrow.

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That is so awesome that your mind and body are responding so well to the abrupt withdrawal. You are one of the lucky ones. I also abused adderall for almost 7 years to be able to work for hours and hours on my art and schoolwork. I am 21 months into my adderall sobriety. I think its great that you are exercising and eating healthy. Food and exercise have become like a religion to me since I quit. I think The most important thing is SLEEP. It sounds like you are getting good sleep. Get Plenty of it. As much as you can possibly get. I have always been an insomniac. So sleep has never been easy, even without the adderall. Your body and mind are healing themselves when you are in a deep sleep. For people like you and I, we need as much of that deep healing as possible to get back to a "new normal".

Thanks for sharing your story. I just shared mine 2 days ago. The people on this site are awesome. We have all been through a similar experience. Good luck to you!

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Congratulations!!  You are so young your body will do very well overcoming this; it just needs time.  This is indeed the best choice to make, especially if you were abusing it!


Fish oil is great!  Another thing that helps me a tonne is taking a Vitamin D3 supplement (you actually have to get it specifically, any multivitamins i've ever seen dont have any in them).  It gives you a lot more natural energy and I highly recommend it!


Its what you body makes when you absorb sunlight, and deficiencies in it go hand in hand with adderall abuse for obvious reasons.

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That is so awesome that your mind and body are responding so well to the abrupt withdrawal. You are one of the lucky ones. I also abused adderall for almost 7 years to be able to work for hours and hours on my art and schoolwork. I am 21 months into my adderall sobriety. I think its great that you are exercising and eating healthy. Food and exercise have become like a religion to me since I quit. I think The most important thing is SLEEP. It sounds like you are getting good sleep. Get Plenty of it. As much as you can possibly get. I have always been an insomniac. So sleep has never been easy, even without the adderall. Your body and mind are healing themselves when you are in a deep sleep. For people like you and I, we need as much of that deep healing as possible to get back to a "new normal".

Thanks for sharing your story. I just shared mine 2 days ago. The people on this site are awesome. We have all been through a similar experience. Good luck to you!

Oh well, it's always hard in the morning and I only start feeling good very late, like 6pm. I take naps during the day, and it's something I never did even when I was a child. But I always feel better after naps, I feel like my vody needs it. But I hate that haha ! Also the fact that I don't paint anymore... I don't dare to try, I'm affraid to be too frustrated. I take my time and I don't care how much time it will take, tho. I'm Less stressed, happier in general (even if I feel dizzy).

I really don't miss my old self on adderall. I maybe feel like I was doing more things but in fact, i spent so much time doing nothing relevant, being lost in my 7473647 ideas and thoughts, playing in my hair, being so stressed that i was never doing what i had to do... or just sometimes. I maybe felt like superman but I wasn't. And when you're high, you speak so much because you're affraid to lose your idew0a and listen so little. I feel like I'm a better person for those I love. And not being a freaking rollercoaster anymore...

I hate how I feel psysically but it's worth it and it's getting better everyday. And defenetly less awful than I thought I would be.

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I like the analogy of a bird flying into a fan with closed eyes.  The exhilarating feeling of flying super fast, but in reality not moving an inch.  It's that exhilarating feeling that we have to learn to live without.  But I think we move much further off of adderall than on it!


Keep it up you are doing awesome!

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