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I think I have cut back too quickly


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I read this again and realize that going from 20 to 10 might be too much for me. I may have been taking more like 25-30 before I decided to quit.


Is it is normal to feel very fatigued and depressed during a taper? Even a slow one? I don't remember how I felt as I tapered before and how much slack I cut myself.


I think maybe 25 to 10 is too great a step for me, but I am desperate to get off this stuff.


I feel like a zombie lately. I can hardly do anything and it's all hot and humid where I live.


Is it really okay to cut yourself some slack during all of this? I am barely able to work much by now. Some of this is severe depression. Good thing I am ok financially as I worked a lot this winter so I could move form this stupid place I moved to, which helped me get back on Adderall due to winter SAD.

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I might not be making too much sense. I am extremely low today on brain function. I meant to put this in my post. After reading this link, I realized I am probably weaning too quickly.




I was asking if it is very normal to feel depressed and really fatigued during a weaning off period.


I was also wondering if others felt ok letting themselves not do a whole lot due to lack of energy from all this. I feel guilty for not pushing, but I'm exhausted. I can barely think straight.


I've been through this before, but I can't remember exactly what it felt like or how much I really was able to do. I don't think I was working much through it.  I think I let myself sleep a lot though I don't feel sleepy, just guilty for not doing enough and very depressed.

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Not just you. EVERYONE quitting adderall goes through what you just described. And yes, being easy as yourself as possible is something that works well for members.

I don't feel comfortable giving advice on weaning. IT didn't work for me the infinite times I tried it and I strongly believe in the "one pill is too many a thousand is not enough" mentality and that cold turkey is the only way. Have you considered that way?

Hang in there!

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What you are describing is completely normal.  Everyone goes through it and that is exactly the reason quitting is so hard.


I can only mirror everyone else's thoughts.  Take a friday/monday off if you can, and go cold turkey over a 4-day weekend and just get through it.  Rip the bandaid off it will be much easier in the long run (in my opinion).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, no, it's not good for me to go cold turkey all at once. Not at all. Everyone is different. I tapered and it worked out last time. I am not worried about stepping back up as I want to be off this stuff.


I am not someone either who had fun on this drug abusing it. I was using it for depression and fatigue and of course, it has backfired on me. Not worried about wanting to continue to use it at all.


If there was any addiction, it was to wanting to get some energy I just don't have anymore.


Going slowly worked before, but i forgot how slowly I went. I have a lot of issues with depression and severe fatigue and have been through withdrawals off of all kinds of psych meds. What I learned over the years, is that it's really hard on the brain to just jerk something away that it is really depending on and changing the way it works.


Maybe it's good for some people who are younger and don't have the history I have, but I would never suggest to anyone a cold turkey with a major psych-type of drug. As this web site even says, there are two methods - taper or cold turkey, of course. Other web sites recommend a taper when possible.


I personally think it's a horrible idea to put one's brain through a lot like that all at once. I had to do that with cannabis as I was abusing it, however. I don't think the withdrawal from that was quite as serious, however. 

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I think what it is, is that I forgot that I am not exactly supposed to be feeling better even when I am tapering. I remember feeling quite worse when I finished my last little bit. I have done research on psych med withdrawal and often they say even though you were down to just a very very small amount, that final jumping off point can still affect the brain, as if it was hanging on and making the most of the crumbs for a while.

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Found this on another web site that lists symptoms, even from a tapering, so I am just going to cut myself some slack. Can barely get to a friend's 4th of July party today, but I'm going. I think I have become worried that I am just going to be permenantly depressed, especially after a dark winter and not feeling much better as I had hoped, when it got sunnier. But I reminded myself today that this is the Adderall and once I am done, my normal sense of motivation will come back and I will feel like I give a hang about life again.



"Once you abruptly stopped using Adderall or significantly reduce your daily dosage, the body will experience a period of withdrawal. Withdrawal happens because the brain is trying to compensate for the stimulant effect Adderall has on the central nervous system. Because Adderall increases activity in the body, once you stop taking Adderall, the brain rebounds sometimes resulting in extremes symptoms of fatigue, and waves of intense craving. Craving and long period of sleep make it harder to stop a dependence on Adderall.


The more common symptoms of Adderall withdrawal can include:

  • apathy
  • anxiety
  • abnormally long sleep cycles
  • dysphoria (generalized dissatisfaction with life)
  • extreme fatigue
  • irritability
  • depression
  • disorientation"
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