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After 15 years, I'm done!!!


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hi all. I stumbled onto this site, and I'm so glad I did. I've weaned myself off of a 200-250mg a day adderall addiction that's been building up for 15 years. I took my last 30mg pill today, and I'm totally out. For good! I'm embarrassed at how high my dosages got, and how I acted on it. The withdrawal process hasn't been fun, but my daily Wellbutrin and L-tyrosine have made it tolerable. I'm ready to get my emotions back, my silliness back, my love of people in general back. I've done damage to my body, I'm sure. I'm loaded up on all my vitamins and I hope my body recovers over time. My daughter deserves to have a mom who is fully present and not one who is always telling her to hold on so I can finish the next task or load of laundry, or whatever. I don't need adderall to be a good mom or person. This drug totally changed the laid back fun loving person I was into a spastic robotic neat freak. No more.

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Hi CarpeDiem,

Congratulations on quitting adderall and cigarettes!

I totally know what you mean with becoming so task oriented. I've realized on stimulants everything becomes a task on the to do list... Including social events, family time... I don't enjoy that quality time like I used to.

And cleaning or organizing always seem more important! There is so much more to life!

I've been thinking of trying L-tyrosine when I finally wean down to nothing... What dose of tyrosine do you take?

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I've been taking two 500mg capsules in the morning on an empty stomach. It's helped so much. There are two other things by a company called Now that I've been taking. It's L- theanine for anxiety and something called True Focus for mood and focus. I ordered them off of Amazon and really like them so far.

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OMG Congratulations CarpeDiem!  Such a wonderful decision you've made.  It sounds like you've been working hard on this for some time already.  I'm so happy for you that you are now in a position to take that final and wonderful step!


Welcome to the boards!

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Thanks! Tomorrow is day five without adderall and I feel pretty damn good! Went on a three and a half mike walk with my daughter in her stroller today, eating good food, laughing, sleeping great. For being on really high doses for so many years, I was bracing for the worst, but I'm so ready to never take that nasty drug again. Thanks for all the support on here 😊â¤ï¸

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Today is day 7 without adderall, although it feels like day 535764. I'm doing fine though. I'm a little crabby the last few days, but I think that's a touch of PMS ðŸ˜. Or maybe a combo of the two. My daughter is with my parents for the night and it's raining here, so I'm on the couch with a book and some peace and quiet. I see a nap in my near future! Overall though, I don't regret quitting for one second. I just couldn't do it anymore. I want to live a long and healthy life, and the way I was going, that wasn't going to happen. Exercise has really helped give me a boost too, combined with the vitamins. Thanks for checking on me, AlwaysAwesome. This site and the folks on it make this quitting journey so much less lonely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome job staying clean for 23 days!  Keep it up :D


I am almost 3 months without Adderall after being addicted to it for 7 years.  It feels so good to know that there are people who are going through what I am.  I still get the craving for it MULTIPLE times a day, and I plan on those urges staying with me for years to come.  Just try to remember to take every day at a time. 


If you ever need someone to talk to about your addiction I am a message away


The reason I quit was because my heart began palpitating and going crazy (I used to drink a pot of coffee and worked out while on my stimulants).  Although it is gradually improving, I know the drug damaged my heart.  I am curious, since you took such a large dosage, if you ever had any of the same symptoms as me.. At times I felt like I was going to fall over and have a heart attack.. but mainly just constant heart ache.  Currently my heart only aches if I drink ANY coffee or go on a hard run.

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