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My Tapering Progress


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I think it has been almost two weeks since I tapered from about 20-25 mg IR down to 15 mg. I have not noticed that much of a difference except I am still very depressed and fatigued.


Is this normal to get a bit more depressed and tired as you wind off the stuff? I can't remember how I felt last time I did this.


But I am ready to take it down to 10mg, now that my menstrual cycle is over with, which has been really aggravated by the Adderall use - much more severe depression and anxiety.


I would go faster at this taper than I am, other than I am a bit worried, because I have to do another cross country move at the end of August and I'm already really stressed out about it and worried due to lack of energy and depression. So much to do by then.



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Congratulations on sticking to it!


You should definitely expect to feel more depressed and tired as you slowly lower your dose.  Your body has become accustomed to the drug and you are slowly taking it away.  Going from 25 to 15 sounds like it would be more painful than going from 15 to 10, so the good news is if you are well-adapted this drop shouldn't be as bad, though going from 10 to 5 may hurt a bit more.  It's hard to say because I've never had any experience tapering properly.


The other good news is you can go as fast or as slow as you are comfortable with.

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Hi Cat!

I have found that hormones make me way more insecure and emotional / depressed while I am tapering too. Usually I would have pushed through the week of my cycle with a higher dosage as it always makes me very tired!

You got through it on the lower dosage so u should be very proud of yourself!

I am going very slowly with tapering - reducing my dose by 5mg every 4 weeks. In fact when I had been on 20mg for 4 full weeks I had a week inbetween where I went to 15mg every second day before going down to 15mg daily. I find this helps me adjust my routine at work to the lower dosage.

What I have found is that the first two weeks on lower dose I am very anxious and exhausted, the fear hits me pretty hard, I don't sleep well etc then by the last 2 weeks on the lower dose I start functioning better and feeling more confident about the next step. I actually start thinking I can totally do this, I'm ready!

I am almost 3 weeks on 15mg so will step down to 10mg soon. I am doing it super slow, kind of following guidelines on this website http://www.theroadback.org/ADHDtaper.aspx

I tried the supplements they recommend but they made me feel really drowsy and wired at the same time, not good! Freaked me out so I'm going to wait til I'm off completely to try them again.

For now coffee and exercise are helping immensely!

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