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Feeling some postive changes lately : )

Frank B

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Had a good weekend sort of relaxed today but over all feel like things are turning for the better. Yesterday took kids to the pool played basketball with my older son "he beat me by one grr lol jk" went to a small sort of weekend old town ate dinner went shopping enjoyed the day did not feel tired and had a good time. Looking forward to a hopefully productive week.

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Very encouraging Frank! I'm glad to see you're doing better at almost 10 months. You're living your life without Adderall!


Bluemoon, I'm sorry to see you not doing so great but keep on going and don't look back. Just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. Caffeine seemed to help me in the early days but now when I have a cup, it gives me anxiety even though it does help me wake up in the morning. I just don't understand how Adderall, a potent stimulant, could remove all my anxiety and fears. I guess that's why I loved it so much. Anyway, hang in there, I'm sure you're close to another breakthrough!

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That's awesome Frank. Glad to hear things are looking up for you. I've been feeling pretty shitty over here lol. Maybe I should try cutting out caffeine and see what happens.

 I'm not sure how much I can credit no caffeine but it may have played a role. Your body builds up a tolerance to caffeine so in order to feel normal you must dink it often or you start to crash. I'm sure if I had a cup of coffee today Id be feeling a big caffeine kick but then I do it again tomorrow a little less. If I continued everyday for a week I would need a cup just to get back to how I feel now with none at all. Its just like any stimulant your body builds tolerance then you need more and more to feel normal. I wish that I tried this experiment earlier in my recovery.

Hope things get better for you we all recover at a different speed but seems like my progress has always been a little quicker then yours but you always seem to catch up so hang in there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Frank B, last time I was on I remember you were really struggling. It's great to hear you're doing so well!!! Sounds like you're over the worst and on your way!


Danquit, the anxiety thing is indeed weird. You would think you'd be less anxious giving up a stimulant like adderall since it sometimes can rev you up too much, but I went through a period about two months into quitting where I was very anxious. It was this constant feeling of dread, like always sensing something horrific was about to happen. I guess maybe the adderall gave us a shot of confidence, albeit artificial confidence, while we were taking it. :/

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Update this week was pretty decent would like to be doing more but overall can accept where my progress is. I gave into having a cup of coffee in the morning the other day it really kicked me into gear on a day I was dragging ass. I think if I limit caffine to the minimum mornings only it is way more beneficial then loading up all day. Although I had a cup again today in the morning had bad anxiety. I told myself will only drink regular old coffee to get caffeine not waste money on overpriced rip off energy shots or drinks. I'm glad I did stop caffeine for a few weeks now actually feel the benefits when I really need it.

Side note had a temptation for a easy score of oxy today and I didn't even break a sweat. I mean that literally in the past if I came across them by chance I actually sweated thinking about them right in front of me. Now the only thing that comes to mind sure I can take one feel great for a couple hours then have a consuming guilt of ruining 9 months without giving in. I also consider the consequences of getting caught taking one that's not mine while I was addicted that never made me not do it in fact made it more of a thrill but now I see the big picture a little buzz is not worth risking what I do have.

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