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Low self worth

Frank B

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My ego was larger than life on addy now I feel like a nobody. I used to feel I could always make money as needed now I feel like a loser who is going broke. Been really depressed last couple days and so unsure of what I should do. To all the rich celebs crying about addiction how hard it is Fuck You! I can tell you this for sure if money was not a issue at all kicking this addiction and oxy would be 100 x easier! Lack of money for you and your family causes so much stress!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah Frank, Addy lies to us and tells us that we are friggin' amazing and can handle any situation and talk to anyone and deal with anything, but only when we're on Addy. The truth is, we can do all of these things without Addy and we can do it better. Adderall made me waste so much money on the stupidest things and I managed to piss off a few really good friends because of this too. Remember that the enemy here is Adderall. No matter how hard it gets, we can never go back to Adderall. Fuck Adderall forever! You are doing great and I look forward to all your updates, good and bad. I am following your footsteps. 


Yeah, celebrities that bitch about addiction don't get my sympathy. But they suffer just as bad as we do. A lot of them don't make it; Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, Prince, Brittany Murphy, Robin Williams. They all had money but look where they ended up. I guess my point is that money is important, but not nearly as important as staying away from this fucking god-awful drug! The way I look at it, each day that we survive without Adderall is a big fuck you to the pharmaceutical industry and Shire and the medical establishment and that makes it worthwhile. 


Hang in there! You are not alone and you are already so much better off than you would have been if you were still on this poison.

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