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Social anxiety


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Is anyone else experiencing social anxiety after quitting? I developed crippeling social anxiety when I Was using and isloated myself daily.. Ive been off adderall a little over a month now and im still extremely anxious in social situations to the point that its painful and I just want to escape as soon as possible. I've been going to NA meetings and stuff and i guess the practice of meeting new people helps some but Im wondering if anyone has experienced this and had improvements? How long does it take?  


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I've been taking Green Mountain CBD for a few weeks and can vouch for their product. Works excellent for social anxiety as well as mood disorders, epilepsy, pain, PTSD, drug addiction, etc. Organically grown hemp plants in Vermont, 100% legal since there's only trace amounts of THC.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I experience this also. I quit probably about three months ago. I'm in law school and it is hard to go to class most days. My boyfriend is also in law school and has helped make sure I show up (like we walk to school together). It is getting better for me, I guess, but this phenomenon has by no means disappeared. The thought of going to my evening class tonight makes me so anxious, and I skipped last week for the same reason. It's not the hardest thing I've dealt with as a result of getting off adderall, but it has sucked. 

One thing I can recommend is an herbal supplement called 5-HTP. You should google this and read about it if you're interested. 

I also have found that smoking marijuana helps with my social anxiety, but obviously in many states that's not really an option. 

I wish you luck! 

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I'm dealing with this too. I've had social anxiety as long as I can remember but now I find myself avoiding all social situations and when I'm forced into them at work there is like one person I stand with and I barely utter a word to anyone else. My face turns red and I just can't find anything to say. It's rough, but I'm hoping it passes.

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Try to focus on the people you are with instead of worrying about how you will be perceived. If you make it a goal to try and learn as much as you can about the other people, really listen, ask questions, then you'll feel less anxiety and more at ease.  Plus, you'll feel more connected along with gaining a little bit of confidence going into social settings without being high.  The more you do it, the easier it gets!

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