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How Can This Possibly Be 8 Years Later?


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Thank you for sharing your story. Welcome to the board. You ARE good enough without adderall. You really are.  Give yourself a chance to experience that again - to find the old you - she is still in there somewhere waiting to emerge.

Adderall has stopped working for you and you sound so ready to let it go. Continuing to take it when you get no benefit is not helping you in any way. I strongly believe you are prolonging pain at this point by continuing to take it - because you are already in withdrawal - and continuing this way is only prolonging the withdrawal you are experiencing. That is one thing I learned from reading here and from my own experience because it's what I did too. 

The sooner you quit for good, the sooner you will begin to feel better. Will it be the hardest thing you've ever done?  Quite possibly.  But it will be so worth it.  

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Thank you for sharing. So quit 100% for two years then got back on? Just wondering what happened after two years clean knowing how bad it fucked up your life decided to get back on it? Not asking to be judgmental asking so I know what thoughts may occurs within myself I should be cautious of going towards my second year clean. 

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Wow, my story is quite similar to yours. I also lived it up in NYC while I was abusing Adderall. Trust me, life without it is so much better. Yes, being skinny was cool, but it simply isn't worth your overall health. I am very happy I got off of it and now, 15 months later, I am living my life for good or for bad, it's real and it's all me. Fuck Adderall! You can do it, we'll be here to support you. 

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My story is very similar to yours as well - I got vivid flashbacks as I read your story. Maybe it's something about the fast paced life of manhattan that lends itself to addiction.

I just don't understand why you went back after you had escaped it?! You are just bouncing back from narcolepsy to a state of extreme alertness.

I don't understand how you could embrace it like that again. If it's to lose weight you can also lose weight with regular willpower with no adderall. 

I guess you know that it's your addiction talking. Pretty soon you won't be able to hold down a job again. You KNOW the drill. You've escaped before, and you can draw on the knowledge and experience of that the second time around. I hope you understand and remember that you have the strength and discipline and knowledge to stop this and I know that you can do it and I hope that you start right now. 

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I'm able to relate to quite a bit of your journey with Adderall (albeit not getting back on it after two years, whew!). I, too, lost one of my best friends while I was in the midst of my Adderall addiction. Just thinking about it still makes me pause and my heart to sink a bit. He was a childhood friend from about the age of 8-9 and we formed a group of friends and hung out periodically over the years (we called each other 'The Four Horseman', awesome I know). I really have fond memories of those times and regret throwing away what I had in exchange for my fix of stimulant medication. What really got me was looking on his Facebook one day and seeing his bachelor party (I didn't even know he was engaged) and there were the three others of 'The Four Horseman' there doing shots and having a great time.. without me. Looking back, it's quite obvious why I lost him as a friend. I literally just cringed thinking about some of the things I said on Facebook or through text messages we had when I was cracked out on Adderall. Thinking about that situation helps remind me what I value in life.. what truly makes life worth living and grants the path to happiness is being surrounded by people who I love to be around. It sounds sappy, and probably is, but it's true.

Why am I telling you this? Well, what do you value? Do you value being a cracked-out employee who grinds away for days at a time? It sounds like one of the things you value is being skinny, do you need Adderall for that? Is it even worth it if you socially isolate yourself with Adderall? Being off Adderall, I'm able to connect with people again. When I took Adderall in class, I thought everyone revered my intellectual prowess and admired my lightning-quick wit. After quitting Adderall and speaking with a group of friends I made (after quitting), one of them said "You know, you're pretty cool. We used to think you were a socially awkward weirdo who was kinda a kiss ass in class". I appreciated his forthrightness. 

What is it you want out of life? 


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I recently reconciled with my best friend since we were six years old. Things are back to normal.  Looking forward to seeing him a lot more. The whole adderall thing I went through had such an impact to him, he didn't want to speak to me anymore. He actual cried about the whole thing - i was destroying myself...and changed as a person.  I always assumed I'd be his best man at his wedding. But when he got married he didnt even make me a groomsman because my behavior was so unpredicatable and he was worried. I dont blame him - I went to his bachelor party and I remember being in a state of stimulant induced pyschosis. So depressing. My sister too didn't want to speak to me for a long time, she kept her distance. She became cold to me. It was so hurtful to her. I think it helped when I explained the whole neurotransmitter/addiction scientific process to her...but really it took time for her to be able to be normal to me again. This is depressing to talk about as I write this, I could go on about how i hurt people like my mother, but Im reliieved to say I reconciled most of my friendships, relationships. I had to approach people who saw me go through this and explain to them what was happening to me at the time and explain to them that im over it and ill never go back and reassure them. 

Those relationships are repairable after sobriety. After they've seen you can change. Enough said.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 7/28/2017 at 2:54 AM, Frank B said:

Thank you for sharing. So quit 100% for two years then got back on? Just wondering what happened after two years clean knowing how bad it fucked up your life decided to get back on it? Not asking to be judgmental asking so I know what thoughts may occurs within myself I should be cautious of going towards my second year clean. 


Hi there, sorry it took so long to write back. I realize my phrasing was misleading when I talked about "being back on" Adderall. Seems several people had the same question. I actually never was completely away from it. There would be maybe a couple of months in between, but I never have given it up 100%. When I said something about it being 3 years later, I should have qualified the statement to say that my usage that first year was a little inconsistent. Plus, the providers in my home state are much more cautious with what they're prescribing. No way I could find someone around here that would go back to my 80 mg daily. But into the second year (of the three I mentioned), I was back on it monthly. And actually, guess my dosage isn't too far off -- my doc just raised it to 70. 

I really congratulate you on your second year clean. I honestly believe that if you can physically get the drug out of your system, then you've won a good portion of the battle.  It's inspiration for someone like me, who is teetering on the fence. Last week, I almost called my doc to tell her that I was an abuser. That would cut off my supply pretty permanently.  I've kicked addictons before; I know what I need to do. I know I'm close to being ready to just let it go.......it's lost what it used to bring to me. I just feel so stripped down.....my confidence is just shot. In February it will be 9 years since I first started taking it. Almost 1/4 of my life. 

I'm taking steps in the right direction. 

Thank you again for your question, and for reading my post in the first place. Like I said, this forum is the only place where I can really be me. And not lie.


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Hi @AddaGirl. I remember reading this post when you first submitted it and just wanted to let you know that it really resonated with me. I hope we can all send you some supportive vibes that will be useful to you in your recovery journey. 

First, you're a pretty brilliant writer. You're clearly very intelligent and have an impressive way with words, albeit the content of your post is heartbreaking. I'm not surprised that you were so professionally successful during your time working in NYC. I, too, enjoyed success that I associated with Adderall (but on a much smaller scale): College. I'm 5' 5'' and weighed 105 lbs, was a cheerleader at a Top 30 school, in the best sorority on campus, and had straight As to boot. I was sure that I was Harvard Law bound, and was absolutely intoxicated by the prospect of an esteemed career/rockin' bod. I wanted power, money, fast-paced environments and respect/admiration above all else.

Sometimes I wonder if even our male, adderall-addicted counterparts can begin to understand the "thinness" allure of adderall for ambitious women. We're fundamentally taught to associate our bodies with personal and professional success, and the benefits enjoyed by thin women are difficult to ignore, especially after experiencing them yourself. I'm 160 these days after a year clean, and looking in the mirror isn't always fun. The state of my body is the one factor above all others that tempts me to use pills.

I hope this isn't rude/overstepping, but the thing that's so striking to me about your post is how confidently and aptly you discuss your problem that's so obviously fueled by insecurity. Those two parts of yourself seem so at odds. On the one hand, you have a successful career, finances in order, are clearly well-spoken, ect., but on the other hand you feel like you need pills to be okay. You are 100 percent good enough without adderall, why do you feel otherwise? I think that's the question at the crux of all of our issues, here.

I also identify with the romanticizing bit. There was something so fast-paced and exciting about speed. I loved everything when I was on it. Doing my computer programming homework felt l was curing cancer (which you were actually doing, haha) and organizing my closet felt like the task that was going to push me toward a life of brilliance. Sometimes I still miss that high. But the thing is, it's all fake. Organizing your closet isn't going to change your life, and the excitement that adderall brings you is artificial. I'm sure you know this by now.

I just wish I could hug you and send you positive vibes. Get sober with us. I want that for you really badly, and I think you want it for yourself, too. See what happens. 

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  On 10/1/2017 at 5:55 PM, Cheeri0 said:

You are 100 percent good enough without adderall, why do you feel otherwise? I think that's the question at the crux of all of our issues, here.


i can only speak for myself here, but i think many of us here can relate to this- it's probably because the level of "success" adderall delivers is incomparable to anything you've experienced thus far. to be honest, there is a period of actual success that can be had, during the honeymoon phase, but as the abuse ramps up this turns to perceived success. it rewires your brain and changes the expectations you have for yourself- because you've lived what you imagine to be the "perfect you".

i think the challenge we face, therefore, is redefining and rewiring our experience of happiness. we don't need to be THAT person again. there are many paths to happiness (:

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