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PAWS or something else wrong?


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Passing 9mo on to my 10th, I have some pretty good weeks and have been doing a lot better when I keep stress low, exercise and eat well.

However then no matter how hard I try eventually a "low" crash or just a down day comes out of nowhere where I find myself googling health symptoms reading about bad things and get my mind spinning on if something worse is wrong with me... I've been to a half dozen docs in the past year and know for the most part I am OK... Just wondered if anyone else shares this feeling or habit when they are down? Sometimes the lows are so strong it just feels like a bigger problem than just quitting adderall.. 

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 Ha.  Sorry, but I’m sooo there, passing 7month, and eat better than my whole life, and exercise..  I am fairly positive I won’t be back on Adderall again. And like you, when I’m good, I’m good, then the low mood days come and I am frantically searching for an answer.  While typing this I wonder if that itself isnt some residual Adderall stuff...both in maybe not accepting lows with the highs since Adderall is always trying to make our brains think its all about the highs and 2ndly the researching that i constantly did on Adderall?... But I really struggle with accepting that I’m having a down day, then I overthink it into “something” that is actually NOTHING!    Just my mind spinning off and me following it...

  After quitting I did Genesight and it came back that Adderall was actually a drug in the “red”for me...for 17 years I guess...just did 23and me to about some other crap....

I’ve seen probably  8 doctors in last 2 yrs, spent so much money on tons of tests and am finally thinking it is adderall and/or how adderall sets you up to not learn to process negative feelings or thoughts and make those feeling or thoughts just another thing for your adderall brain to figure out.  But it can’t.  

So long story short.   I totally share this feeling and/or habit when I’m down...the last couple of days have been shit.  Maybe seasonal stuff accerbates symptoms too...who knows

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  On 3/16/2018 at 10:29 PM, Frank B said:

Just me but on most cloudy days are you usually worthless? Wonder if quitting makes us extra sensitive to needing vitamin D from the sun. I take Vitimin D supplement but don’t think it does a damn thing. 


Weird Frank,...you might be on to something...this last week on the cloudy days I've been coma-like on velcro sofa.  The sunny days we've had this week I walked 4 miles outside with my dog.  And I too take vit. D.  I don't really "notice" anything from taking vitamins or not.   


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  On 3/16/2018 at 10:29 PM, Frank B said:

Just me but on most cloudy days are you usually worthless? Wonder if quitting makes us extra sensitive to needing vitamin D from the sun. I take Vitimin D supplement but don’t think it does a damn thing. 


Absolutely, I find myself on those days just able to get the absolute necessities done then find as quick of an escape to a couch and netflix.

On the days I cannot make an escape I feel like the whole day is a blur yet somehow one foot in front of the other at least show up to my obligations. I take vitamin D among others every day and don’t really feel the effect of any of them. Nothing can substitute for the outdoors for vitamin D.

I have read that Adderall fills the brain with so much dopamine that receptors down regulate and even some receptors end up flooded to the point they are flowing in reverse...

One of my theriories from all my reading is that our brains off Adderall slowly relearn how to operate on our now normal or sub normal levels however on some days it somewhat forgets how to run correctly and is somewhat waiting to be told what to do and is just a bit idle waiting for that adderall surge that it never receives. Then after some some rest and refueling things then seem to get going again back to a semi normal state. 

Just a therory, I am not a doctor

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