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Hi! I’m still in the very beginning of my withdrawls (day 3) of heavy abuse so maybe I should wait longer to ask this, but my question is there a thing as TOO much sleep while recovering? I’m getting 12 hrs a night & am tempted to take naps in my car at work. I know sleeping too much can sometimes make a normal person even more tired, so what is a healthy amount for someone in recovery / after?? 

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I would cherish the nighttime sleep and do your best to power thru the day. I actually had and still have some insomnia issues that showed up as soon as I quit 10mo ago. I also wanted to nap early on however that went away after a couple months. I still have a tired afternoon here or there however. 

There is nothing wrong with naps however in the end of all this you want a normal sleep cycle with the ability to power thru the day. If I were you I would happily accept the 12hr, do your best to skip the nap and slowly over time get the 12hr down to 8-9.

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lol i remember the car nap period quite well. no shame in this. i'd say that for the first couple of weeks, just let your body do the deciding. if you feel tired, then sleep. if you want to car nap, do it. it will take a little while for your sleep cycle to normalize, but it does happen fairly quickly, so you won't feel THIS tired for long.

as @EricP  said, insomnia is an issue that may replace the excessive sleeping after a period of time. that period lasted a few months for me, but wasn't too debilitating.

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You definitely should allow yourself to sleep as much as your body needs. While it's true that you can oversleep and actually make yourself feel more tired, that doesn't exactly apply to someone who is going through withdrawals from a heavy stimulant. Your biochemistry is completely out of wack. So yeah, you definitely have an excuse to be lazy. I was utterly worthless for like a solid month. Lol

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