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Shifting Teeth?!


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I have been slowly reading through all the quitting stories to keep myself motivated. I’m not sure how much information is actually registering, but I came across one that mentioned teeth shifting that really caught my attention. Is this a known side effect?! I had braces growing up, but I would constantly forget or lose my retainer so my teeth weren’t 100% perfect, but since Adderall they have shifted so much on the bottom I can’t even fit a retainer on them. I never attributed this to Adderall, but now I am wondering if it is the cause. On Adderall I started grinding my teeth at night while sleeping. Not during the day, but at night probably due to pent up stress?! 

Anyone else experience this? If so, this is another strike against Adderall. Although I have decided to quit, in my moments of weakness I think “what harm did it really do? What’s another month going to hurt?” But things like this help me realize that there are long term consequences that I will still have to deal with if I start and stop again so why make it worse?

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I had some major dental work in my early 20’s all paid for myself. Had pallet expansion done by sugary really sucked, removed four teeth had braces for several years. Although during my addy days I never took great care of myself whenever I did sleep was religious about wearing my retainer I recall couple nights if I was staying up even put them in, funny I was killing myself slowly yet had to have perfect teeth. Anyways my teeth now look the same if I go without my retainer for even one night I notice a big difference in how tight it fits. But on addy I recall telling my dentist I feel my jaw popping it was constant, it was from the drug so jacked up full of tension after I stopped so did the popping I bet without that retainer I probably would have grindinded my teeth at night. You can order retainers on a sight called sportingsmiles.com I’ve used them great bargain for replacements. 

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Periodic dental visit for checkups and regular dental cleaning will truly prevent major dental issues. Because of ignorance, I had really bad pain in the teeth and it was because of deep cavities in my wisdom teeth. Finally I had to get those cavities filled and I chose professional dentist Torrance for that. Now I regularly visit him for the checkups.

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Yes similar here too...I would grind my teeth and ever tap them at times while on adderall. During the last year and upon quitting my gum health went to crap. It has improved now that I quit however still feel like my gums could be healthier... Recovery is slow...



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