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Adderrall "HIGH" after quitting

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  On 4/17/2020 at 3:45 PM, DrewK15 said:

I’ve certainly had some highs since I quit, although they weren’t the same as the highs I felt on Adderall. They were different, but altogether rich and meaningful. 

I practice abstinence from pleasures (both for short and long periods of time) as a way to experience a more full life. For me it is both common sense, and a spiritual discipline. My simple mantra is “needing less to be happy is better than needing more”. No matter how much you have (including dopamine in your brain), you will always want more. If not immediately, than eventually. It’s a part of being human. Self denial is a practice, it takes effort, and it’s rarely done perfectly, but it develops a sense of peace and gratitude I haven’t been able to find anywhere else. Denying my ‘flesh’ or desires and feeding my soul is where I have found life. 

An example: a few months ago I did a 3 day juice fast. It was pretty freaking miserable at times. But I stuck it out. On day 2 I made a plan to break the fast at dinner at the end of day 3 by eating tacos, chips, and salsa at one of my favorite restaurants. I spent that day dreaming of those tacos. When the time came I ate, and I tell you what, it was borderline euphoric. I haven’t had a better meal since. I would have enjoyed the meal anyways, but after a few days of denying myself food altogether it was so much better. I think it works this way for anything. Pick something you enjoy and go without it for a week. Video games, TV, candy, etc. It’ll be better when you return to it. At least for a time. If you’re anhedonic and don’t enjoy anything, go without solid food for a few days and I assure you it’ll be enjoyable when you break the fast.


OMG I love this post. Thank you!!!

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Running and intermittent fasting (18-24 hours fast) closest things I’ve had to adderall high. Diet is key component and not drinking (For me at least). I was lazy this weekend and had lots of carbs and sugar. I’m paying for it today and I have to constantly remind myself it’s the diet. It’s amazing how much it effects your mind. I’m scattered, add symptoms back,  thinking about adderall, the whole 9 -all Because of f-ing FOOD. 

As simple as it sounds it’s equally hard sometimes to maintain... here I am looking for comfort because I’m triggered and I know it’s my crappy diet yesterday. It will pass I just have to get on track! Sorry for the rant lol

 cheers to clean living and sobriety! 

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  On 4/26/2020 at 3:53 PM, m34 said:

I was lazy this weekend and had lots of carbs and sugar. I’m paying for it today and I have to constantly remind myself it’s the diet. It’s amazing how much it effects your mind. I’m scattered, add symptoms back


So True!

I don't know why I put myself through this cycle over and over...I'll be exercising like a mad man, eating healthy as fuck and feeling amazing.  Then I go on a binder of eating bullshit and I act shocked when I feel like shit and have brain fog and anxiety for the next few days.  Nutrition and exercise is so important.

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