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Posts posted by fkadderall

  1. yeah i agree about everything mentioned above above. If a teacher had not called my parents in 2008, they would have never gone to see doctor. i didn't need the drug in 6th grade. ADHD was normal, i used to be very sharp. the drug ruined my brain's ability to think so now even though i'm a year and 2 months sober, my brain feels dull and my emotions are dulled too. i have attention span problem from abusing adderall, i also have panic attacks and have shitty social anxiety which didn't occur prior to abusing the drug. i know what this drug does. i don't know if the drug caused neurological problems but i can't focus at all... i am just so unproductive. and i know what the come downs are like. it does not require a large dose to feel crappy from comedowns. either way, i hate adderall/ the fact that this shit is even legal. i don't know what to do. 



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  2. hey guys, iv been without the pill for 1 year and 2 months. i have awful ADD and i can't find a solution. I have serious attention problems and i have told my doctor that i abused the drug in the past. anyway, i told my doctor to tell my mom to make sure that i always take the recommended dose. I know you guys might think this is the worst decision that i will make but i seriously need medication. I hate adderall too. i just need productivity, i'm in college and i'm not motivated to do shit. i won't abuse it. i have quit drinking, smoking, and benzos. i don't want to abuse any other substances. i'm planning to take a 20 mg ir.

  3. I have been there sis or bro. My depression actually never appeared until I became addicted to it. I went on a binge of 60-80 mg a day for a few months/ maybe a year. It's very difficult to quit but you will do it. The high isn't worth the low. I quit a year ago and I still have hard time being motivated. Although the depression is still there, the depression from amphetamine comedown is pure hell. So what you should do is throw away ur new script, sleep eat exercise. Remember, Eric Clapton was a huge coke addict. Well now he is not. You can do it

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  4. I have been there sis or bro. My depression actually never appeared until I became addicted to it. I went on a binge of 60-80 mg a day for a few months/ maybe a year. It's very difficult to quit but you will do it. The high isn't worth the low. I quit a year ago and I still have hard time being motivated. Although the depression is still there, the depression from amphetamine comedown is pure hell. So what you should do is throw away ur new script, sleep eat exercise. Remember, Eric Clayton was a huge coke addict. Well now he is not. You can do it

  5. Already one year sober. I just feel guilty for all those years I spent on this crazy mania kind of drug. I shouldn't have ever been an adderall addict at the age of 17 and 18. The high was great but so artificial. I think every addict on this cite is obsessed with the mania. First 10 months, I felt super lethargic. Almost disconnected with consciousness. Id be a better artist while drunk BC it releases dopamine/ pleasure chemicals. I know for a fact that adderall fucks upyour dopamine. Emotionally, I still feel numb. I don't wanna discourage any recovering addict, but this is hard. I don't get high on any drugs anymore due to this anhedonic feeling. Id hate to get an anti depressant prescription. Does anyone on this site fully recover emotionally?

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  6. If u take like 30 mg or less, I'm sure u will have minor withdrawal symptoms. If u took like 60-80 mg a day, ur mind goes mad and u will feel like absolute shit. This drug is pretty dangerous. It helps a few, but it creates more harms than benefits. Now I constantly have mood and motivationago even after having quit 10 months ago.

  7. It was honestly difficult to quit adderall. I'm about 10 months without the drug. Do I miss being alert and the productivity,yes. Do I miss the withdrawal,hell naw. I went thru relapses before I decided to fully quit. Don't go back to ur doctors. Remember, a year feels like a second. Quit for good. Don't even count your days. Of being clean at first. Just detox. After a month the urge to use is still there. After 2 months, you feel like you can go back on the drug BC u kinda forget about withdrawals and you're not used to being off the drug. It's summer, now is the time to be off adderall

  8. This drug has made me feel emotionally and psychologically handicapped. Who knows about the neurotoxic side effects. It has made me empty.I'm trying to get a good grade on an essay and I know its very much possible with the help of adderall. I'm 9 months without pills in a few days. My brain still feels dazed and confused at times. My emotions are still crappy. I'm sure adderall helps but I honestly don't want to abuse it should I take it then break my progress. I don't find any positive effects from abuse so that's def not an option. I just want your opinion and if you think I should not take it then I def won't.

  9. Iv never had a problem with xans. my drug of choice was weed then adderall. i don't have a zan script so i don't see a way to really abuse it. i use it like once every 5 months. my palms sweat like hell, it can be annoying. i didn't use the zans to get high. i used it for actual purposes also, motivation is actually non existent right now. sleep is my best friend. i feel like i'm not able to express my emotions . my emotions used to be like 100X heightened. now it's like mehhh.  But iv seen alot of former heroin users and meth users who have regained their lives together. they become ambitious when they stop the drugs. they thrive for a PHD. meanwhile, i'm just giving up and iv remained sober this long.

  10.  iv been without any caffeine for 6 days and i can sleep well. i have some weird ass anxiety. i bought like 2 xanax from a friend but i know it's not wise to abuse em so i take like a quarter of a bar (.50mg) .  See what this adhd fuckin pill does to you? when ur a kid, ur normal but ur lame ass teacher tells your parents that you won't stop disturbing the class so you're given pills to control your behavior.  NOw, i have crippling anxiety that makes me unable to do anything. 

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  11. First of all, congrats on quitting. That's more of an accomplishment than getting your work done. Your health should be your number one priority.  everything that you wrote above makes sense. stimulants trigger anxiety so stay away from caffeine. ur doctors don't know crap about drug comedowns so they'll say what they want to say. I used to combine caffeine with adderall for a big boost. Your depression is from adderall comedown, it's not biological. you don't want to be dependant on any pills for the rest of your life. Go exercise. 

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  12. Throw your pills away. It's obvious that none of us have self control. It's not our fault that we're addicted. our brains like the adderall high. You have the ability to tell your doctors to stop giving you more pills.  This adderall drug is NOT SAFE. just because it's legal doesn't mean it's safe.This drug is killing us. The drug is not helping any of us. People think it's a miracle drug. The only miracle drug is exercise. We are here for you. Just remember that we believe you can stop. you can totally quit mate.

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  13. I've been Adderall free for 7 months and I'm not planning to be back on it. I think I finally know what's wrong with me. I have all the symptoms of Cushing Syndrome. My body has released a lot of cortisol hormone from all the stims (caffeine) iv been abusing. I'm going to see a doctor to see what he says. I'm pretty positive that i'm gonna fully recover. peace

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  14. you're going through mental & physical withdrawal. there is nothing good about adderall.. it makes you productive for a day then you feel crappy for months when you're without it. ur body is so used to being fueled by the drug. amphetamine is a hard drug. i don't think i knew this until i was addicted . If there are meth users who can fully recover, adderall users have a better chance of recovering.. Pharmas need to seriously fuck off. who voted to legalize pills? loool fucking fda 

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  15. yes, well i used to. I didn't want to be known as "the stoner kid" or "the pothead" so i stopped.  I think weed is pretty safe.Truth is, i should have only stuck with weed and avoided pills. weed is definitely a good tool to recover. Occasional alcohol use is fine too. just stick with things that don't really impair the brain. 

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