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Posts posted by fkadderall

  1. I was a mellow person when I wasn't using Adderall. I abused Adderall for the energy and the power that it gave me. id kick some noobie's ass in online multiplayer games if i were tweaked out on Adderall. if I wanted to actually be mellow, id smoke some chronic. My mood was also really normal/steady and I was really happy even If I didn't use Adderall at all. Some people might take Adderall because of low mood but I took it because it made me feel like a genius. I was a confident person to start with but Adderall just made me feel like i was a powerful dictator. Adderall is a powerful stimulant that made me unable to be still. in fact, i think that i was more hyper on Adderall.During my last month of junior year, I didn't take high doses nor did I actually need Adderall in order to have any motivation. That year, I could have gotten straight A's without touching Adderall. I wasn't abusing Adderall during the month of May in 2014 and I was perfectly happy. I could have been superman without any amphetamine. Back then, 20mg was very useful and that was enough to make me feel invincible. I used to skate at a cemetery park. it was so peaceful and spring was the most beautiful season ever. Those days, i could go to the park and enjoy fun activities without being stoned or tweaked out on addy. During those days, i was a normal joyful person. I actually loved school back then.  during the month of may of 2014, my soul found freedom. i wish i could go back in time. i remember how i found math to be an easy subject (not because of adderall). when i first started junior year. my thoughts were organized and people were complaining about math being a hard subject while i found it fairly easy. -i passed my semester exam with a B. Adderall sucked the intelligence out of me.

  2. @dodge, I was superman on Adderall but I was a mellow person without it. now i'm not mellow at all, . im not really worried about being productive. I just want to be happy and feel normal. should I seek a neurologist. did u have intense muscle twitches during withdrawal.

  3. i went on a 6 mile run at the gym and it was fking awesome. So I have a question. do you really get healed from the amphetamine addiction. I know that once you're an addict, you'll always be an addict. my  question is, does the brain actually heal over time. also, I know that some of you took Adderall because of depression so you always had depression even without Adderall but it just made ur situations worse. I'm 100% sure that I became depressed less than a year ago because of this shit. 2 years ago, my life was a 9/10. last year 2014-2015 it lowered to a 3/10 and that's what really made me want to quit.  i just couldn't stand the depression and the withdrawal made me have a lot of negative thoughts.iv been sober  and clean for 85 days and I know that I'm just barely recovering but I want to know if drug induced depression goes away because i'll do everything i can to not ever use Adderall ever again. also, i don't think caffeine actually causes my depression but it's still a stimulant so i want my head to be clear without having to face caffeine withdrawal.  i know amphetamine causes brain damage and i don't want to live the rest of my life feeling spacey and lifeless. so, in my senior year of highschool (last year) i had like a terrible gpa. now, i actually have A's in most of my quizzes and test and this is my first year of college. Does physical energy relate to mental energy. i used to be a jumping ball with lots of energy. At parties, i could be sober and i would be the center of attention. I was a good dancer but now i never dance anymore. now i'm always tired. i know that the amount of time you abused a drug should correlate to the time you will recover. so as i said, i really began abusing it only for a year so does this mean that i'll recover quickly?

  4. no, it's nothing compared to being a tweaker. it's mild but it still interferes with recovering. i kinda take things to the maximum limit. if i were to get stoned, id take 7 hits. if i were to get drunk, id drink half a bottle. if were to be stimulated on caffeine, id take like 5 shots of espressos. So, life is like 80% now after stopping adderall and i must say that id probably be more clear headed if i didn't take caffeine at all. it should take me like 2 months to function without any caffeine. if i weren't stimulated at all, my recovering process would probably be at a faster pace. now caffeine doesn't really wake me up anymore... tolerance is some shit

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  5. That means alot mate. I haven't actually been depressed at all last week. Right now, I'm 50x happier than the first day of withdrawal. see, people who were not born addicts become speed heads because of FDA.right now, My brain feels 95% less foggy. I think that the environment where a person lives can continue the depressive state and the drug use. Living by the beach might make our struggling days easier to cope with..

  6. 73 days sober. Adderalls definitely been the worst damaging drug. Although im not alone through the recovering process, the drug makes u so excluded and empty. I feel like the countless binges broke my mind. I no longer smoke weed because I only want to recover. If I weren't involved with this adderall dark path, id probably be a big stoner who would never have been depressed at all.. It's so annoying to even think that I was once a pill head. Idk. I don't think writing this message helps in any ways but I just can't keep it to myself. I try to think that im not being negative on purpose but it empowers over the good emotions. I feel ike ill probably never be the same happy, excited and energetic person before I took this.

  7. Adderall is a temporary fix. Your withdrawals feel like hell and one dose will make you feel normal. In the long run, you won't even feel normal with adderall so you both need to quit. Do it while you still have some dopamines left in you. If you don't, might as well just not go on this site to find help. Go to rehab or don't ask for help in this forum. We can sympathetically understand that it's a hell and miserable. This forum is for strong encouragements to those who actually want to quit. Please stop idolizing adderall like it's food or water. You can live without adderall, not water. Adderall is merely nothing compared to heroin. You have to see that you won't pop trillions of pills till you reach 90 years old. Best of luck to u. I'm no doctor but if you don't want terrible dementia, stop this adderall stuff and start living a healthy lifestyle. You have to decide on your own.

  8. It's not the end of the world. If you came to this site, you did it for the right reasons. You have to tell yourself that there is life behind this. No one is perfect and people don't don't purposely take one pill to become addicted. You have to end your prescription and seek treatment as soon as possible. Amphetamine is a terrible drug, you know its evil. The high is not worth it. The high is not worth it. Tell your self that. THE HIGH IS NOT WORTH IT. you don't want your kids to be without a mother because of a stupid pill. You have control over it. Oliver sacks was a psychologist known for finding the chemical "L-dopa". This drug is being used to treat Parkinson's disease. He was addicted to amphetamine in his younger days. He lived a long life and died at the age of 82. What I'm trying to say is, it's never too late. We are all by your side. Do it for your kids :)

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  9. you can quit and you will quit. our lives are all horrible because of this shit. you can do this. steven tyler has done way worse shit than you. he snorted half of peru. he was a major cocaine addict. he was also addicted to heroin. eric clapton was addicted to coke. lindsay lohan was addicted to adderall and coke. britney spears was addicted to amphetamine and other drugs.we're all in the same boat. you can fix this. that's why you're still alive right now. each time you take another pill, you will make things worse. stopping the pill is the very first step to recovery. right now, someone out there is overdosing on heroin. someone out there is in a coma. if you're still capable of deciding to quit do it. everyone in the world is not perfectly living in harmony. someone out there is dying in a car crash at this very moment. people in africa are dying from ebola. 

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  10. i'm fine. there isn't a withdrawal symptom. i'm physiologically and psychologically unhealhty. i think my heart has become fragile from all the stimulants. i think caffeine is giving me a poor blood circulation. if you're a healhty person, your heart beat is steady. sometimes, i touch my neck to feel the pulse, it feels low. so i should seriously quit caffeine and i'm going to start exercising. if i don't do that, i might have heart problems in the future. i can't sleep right without having to breath more.

  11. I took 5htp and it gave me a really fast heart rate and better mood. I also don't have hunger. I used to draw while on adderall and the 5htp almost makes my head space very similar. I have only taken 2 5htps so far and im already not too comfortable with it. I threw the rest of the pills away. I'm scared that the comedown will make me feel shitty like adderall again. It's day 69 and I don't want to go back to where I started

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  12. I really want science to go deeper into amphetamine so that they put FDA to prison. Because of this drug being legal, we were all tricked into thinking that it's so incredibly safe because it's legal and doctors who have their medical degrees won't be wrong. Like someone has to put an end to this drug. If you know what desoxyn is, it's basically legal methamphetamine which is made by pharmaceutical companies. Do you see how wrong that is. Every one is worried about cannabis peer pressure among teens while FDA is just laughing at us. The thing that triggers my depression is when I think about how I was a normal capable person but now my reality is so dark.

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  13. I recently bought some 5htp and I don't think it is a placebo supplement. The only thing is that I don't want to be sad without the 5htp. I like that it's really a relief but I want to feel like this without the 5htp. Before abusing the adderall, my mental flexibility was like an8/10. After abusing it it shrinked to 3/10. The 5htp gives a positive mood energy but I think it's just not right that I have to pop something in order to stabilize my mood. I promise you that I won't use amphetamine ever,again. I want to see how ill be like a year from now

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  14. I shouldn't have been so naïve. pills are always so comforting and magical at first then they turn you into an almost meth head. my mind is spacey and blank right now, at this moment. i'm a machine. im a robot. i'm stuck. it's so real. I can't even explain it in words nor can I fully understand it in my head. I will survive. I have to. that's the only reason why i'm alive right now. does anyone actually use that chat thing on this forum? i'm always there but thers no one in there.

  15. Did u guys go through awful depressions months after stopping. A year ago, I was alive and well. I just can't accept that I'm depressed from this stupid shit. I'm only 18 and I feel like the rest of my life will revolve around depression. I feel like I'm permanently psychologically handicapped. My thoughts are so void. Nothing excites me anymore. Should I quit caffeine. It's really not helping at all. This is the lowest point of my life. Im not suicidal thought. I want to be normal, beat this addiction and help others who suffer from it.

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