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sobrietysucks last won the day on November 10 2021

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  1. Nothing wrong with using benzodiazepines. I'm only a month free from Adderall. I promised to myself to never go back to it. Now i use other prescribed drugs such as (lyrica, benzos,etc) and supplements (caffeine). anything other than addy is good in my opinion. Do Whatever gets you through the day without going back to it.
  2. The depression you feel after aderall is your brain in shock as it returns to reality. You go from 100mph to 30 mph. The biggest reason why we feel depression is because when you have experienced the amazing things a pill can do , it is very difficult to go back to normalcy. To us normal isn't even normal, its depressing. I still can't believe that some of people at the 2,3, 4+ year mark are struggling. Something tells me this will be a lifelong struggle.
  3. I've been browsing through the forums and noticed those that have been adderall free for 2,3 and even 4 yrs still experience lack of motivation. That is because they go back to being their pre adderall self. I remember I had very little motivation and was depressed before I took the pill. You will never truly be magically 'motivated' as your adderall self. This is where people make the mistake of believing they are still in withdrawal. They are back to base self and life will have ups and down. They become more active and productive few months later because they were forced to function without adderall. Those tasks eventually become a habit. This is a result of training the brain, not really relief from withdrawal symptom. I'm 1 month free (used for 3 yrs) and I already feel like to base line. The way I used to be before adderall. I honestly don't think I will have much improvement in the future.
  4. I've been browsing through the forums and noticed those that have been adderall free for 2,3 and even 4 yrs still experience lack of motivation. That is because they go back to being their pre adderall self. I remember I had very little motivation and was depressed before I took the pill. You will never truly be magically 'motivated' as your adderall self. This is where people make the mistake of believing they are still in withdrawal. They are back to base self and life will have ups and down. They become more active and productive few months later because they were forced to function without adderall. Those tasks eventually become a habit. This is a result of training the brain, not relief from withdrawal symptom. I'm 1 month free (used for 3 yrs) and I already feel like to base line. The way I used to be before adderall. I honestly don't think I will have much improvement in the future.
  5. I've been browsing through the forums and noticed those that have been adderall free for 2,3 and even 4 yrs still experience lack of motivation. That is because they go back to being their pre adderall self. I remember I had very little motivation and was depressed before I took the pill. You will never truly be magically 'motivated' as your adderall self. This is where people make the mistake of believing they are still in withdrawal. They are back to base self and life will have ups and down. They become more active and productive few months later because they were forced to function without adderall. Those tasks eventually become a habit. This is a result of training the brain, not relief from withdrawal symptom. I'm 1 month free (used for 3 yrs) and I already feel like to base line. The way I used to be before adderall. I honestly don't think I will have much improvement in the future.
  6. Job is not important. Quitting adderall is! I wouldn't have quit addy while working, fuck that!
  7. I don't like to work without adderall. I am on welfare now till my motivation improves
  8. Obviously, I wouldn't have quit adderall if it was so 'glamorous' to me, I would still be taking it. I quit for the same reason you did Being adderall free is better than adderall but I have to deal with doing things that used to be fun on addy, but no longer fun anymore like work, cleaning, errands, etc Hoping someone can relate to my post
  9. Without Adderall, I don't want to work. So I Quit. My current routine is wake up after a good night's rest. Take Kratom and go for a walk. I walk till I'm tired then go home. After walking for 1 and half hour I feel better. I am in the mood to do things. Lets say half hour to get ready and another half for commute. Total of 2 and half hours. If I had a job, that mean I will have to wake up two and half hours early in the morning to get in the mood to go to work I don't know if I will be handle a job and do what they expect of me. I can't focus or remember the things I did on adderall. I cannot articulate. I have a hard time making decisions. I am crap
  10. I started to adderall in the summer of 2013. At first, it was incredible and I could do anything. After several weeks of daily use, the magical effects went away and I became a cracked out maniac. I spent most of 2013-2014 applying for jobs. During interviews , I would just ramble like an idiot and make no sense. Sometimes they would ask me a question and my answer would be completely unrelated (like a story about my ex). They would have a "what the fuck?" expression on their face. They probably thought I was mentally challenged. Whenever an interview would go well, I would find a way to bomb it due to paranoia. I was insane. I still kept taking adderall despite all this. I became increasingly paranoid and crazy. One time I told the interviewer that she was terrible and asked too many questions. I became increasingly pessimistic due to my failures and would tell interviewers to go screw themselves. Adderall made me sensitive to any criticism and I would take everything seriously to the point it became personal. I have burned so many bridges and ruined my relationships with people. I broke a roommates door down and smashed their windows because they left it open during the cold weather. Quite the genius huh? I bullied co workers till they quit. Then got myself fired after my boss made a comment about my poor judgement. My mentality was "oh you wanna see poor judgement motherfucker? I will show you poor judgement!" I was extremely hostile to other people for no reason at all. I am one month adderall free and can't believe some of the things I have done on it. Things that are completely embarrassing. What are some of the insane things you have done on Adderall?
  11. Ever since I quit Adderall 1 month ago, I just surf the net and have no motivation to do anything. When I wake up in the morning, I turn the alarm off and just go back to sleep. I used to take adderall solely to get out of bed, because I have no ambitions or desire to do anything with my life. I guess I am just waiting for motivation to magically appear one day. It sucks but I am never going to touch adderall again.
  12. I'm back on the shit. I will never get better without it. I was always u motivated before adderall
  13. I have a hard time accepting that life sucks. I live at home and see my parents work 60+ hours a week just to enjoy weekends. Is this what life is about? I used to have a part time job, I loved it. I didn't love it because the job was fun. I loved it because I used adderall to work and it made me enjoy it. Ever since I stopped the adderall and entered sobriety, I dont even want to look for work. How do people do it? Do you guys force yourself to get up in the morning? Do you work due to the fear of consequences if you stopped working? At one time I used to be like that, forced myself to go, great pay, but ended up horribly depressed after doing the same shit for a year. Life sucks, we slave ourselves through most of it and then die? This is it? I do not have interest in anything. Never had. I racked up loan after loan to live life on my terms. Maybe I was never cut out for this world.
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