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EthericTraveler replied to Arie3's topic in Member locations (for meetups)
I’m in this area, would be willing to do a Zoom meet up if anyone is interested. -
I just now read in another thread your post sweetupbaaby about your exercise and diet regimen, so it looks like you’ve got those bases covered! I have one more bit of advice that may help. Fatigue comes easily when replaying negative thoughts in the mind. As difficult as it can be to accept sometimes, the reality is that I have free will, and I can think whatever I want. All negativity is an illusion that only holds weight if you accept it as true. When I consciously detach from all these inner-labels (“I’m a lazy loser”, or “I’m pathetic”, or whatever else), I feel better within minutes. I visualize negative thoughts being pushed away from my being, until they dissipate entirely. This meditative practice has “magically” improved my mood many times and so I just thought I’d share.
Hi, I’ve been off addy nearly 60 days now and have been experiencing the same extreme fatigue. I know how it can be a real challenge to be even slightly productive, I really sympathize with you. Before adderrall, I remember I was happiest and had the most energy when I was consistent with my exercise routine and ate more food that nature provides directly, so I decided to force myself to go on long walks and improve my diet. I also bought a juicer and started a 10-day juice cleanse beforehand which did provide me with a great deal of energy and motivation, it lifted my mood substantially. I even came close to the adderrall high one day. So, my recommendation is really watch your diet, eat as much simple natural foods as possible, and find a way to get some exercise. Also, be kind with yourself. It’s easy to resort to self-criticism and feel shame for being lazy, but your brain is repairing itself, and you are doing a great thing for yourself by not taking the drug. That takes a lot of strength and you should be proud of yourself. Hang in there, take it one day at a time, I promise things will get better. Things have a way of working out. :-)
Since quitting adderrall over a month ago, I did a 10 day raw juice cleanse (25% fruit and 75% veggie). It helped me tremendously with focus, energy and lifted my mood when coupled with Vitamin D intake from 1-2 hour morning walks outside. No heavy exercise the first few days though, to avoid migraines. After that, regular exercise and consistent diet to maintain. 2-3 cheat meals a week. Although, I didn’t maintain this last week and gained some weight back. So, I’m starting another cleanse Monday. Does anyone care to share their story with a cleanse or diet/exercise routine that diminished their adderrall withdrawal?
Almost relapsed. Thank you all
EthericTraveler replied to EthericTraveler's topic in Tell your story
Thank you for your honesty. It’s okay that you relapsed. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Remember that the journey of a hundred miles begins with the first step. But once you reach 10 miles or so, you likely won’t be thinking about taking the adderall nearly as much. Sure, there’s always a risk of relapsing. But it gets easier. Do you really want to commit to quitting? Flush what you have down the toilet. Tear your prescriptions up. Don’t go back to the psychiatrist. I did that once and it did helped a lot. I don’t crave it nearly as much as I did those first few weeks. The craving still kicks in every now and again. When I recognize those thoughts that cleverly try to convince me it’s okay to just take a little bit of adderrall, no matter what the reasoning may be, I separate myself from those thoughts, and push them further and further away from my mind. I visualize them dissipating. I keep doing this over and over. It really does work for me. if you have any other questions, I’d be happy to answer. -
Jenny, thank you so much for sharing. This is hitting very close to home for me, especially your point #3. I am on day 40 and have been really hard on myself for my lack of productivity. The pandemic has caused me to lose my job, and most days I have barely any energy even to do my own dishes. I’m the type of guy that worked 60+ hour weeks, went to school and worked full time, I’m so used to getting things “done”, so when I’m not, it’s a challenge to not to go into this mindset of feeling worthless. You are right, I have to be realistic about what’s really happening, my brain is repairing itself, and it’s not productive to berate myself for not being productive. How do you feel now, compared to when you were taking the adderrall?
Almost relapsed. Thank you all
EthericTraveler replied to EthericTraveler's topic in Tell your story
forcing your brain into an unnatural state can be beneficial temporarily to give you an experience of “other than”, ie breaking free from the loop of depressive thoughts that I was talking about. But once you’ve had the experience, you have a point of reference that you didn’t have before, so for me, the most beneficial thing I can do is find a way to achieve that state without the drug. I was in grad school (eventually withdrew) and was completely overwhelmed and can imagine how much relief the adderrall can provide. But what would happen if you didn’t take it? Do you really think you would lose everything? There has to be way to keep afloat, even if it means taking caffeine or something more minimal that doesn’t overload dopamine receptors. I still drink coffee, yes. And I still on occasion eat unhealthy food or more recently use Kratom for pain relief, and yes, this is not ideal. I’ve only just quit adderrall 40 days ago, and I’m okay with using these things temporarily to fill the gap that’s missing for adderrall - I’m not taking the adderrall, and that’s a win. I’m slowly weening myself off, it’s a gradual process. I could just go cold turkey and quit everything, but realistically, the chances of maintaining that forever are slim, so for me personally, letting go of unhealthy things slowly and gradually is key. -
Almost relapsed. Thank you all
EthericTraveler replied to EthericTraveler's topic in Tell your story
Sleepystupid, you make a great point here. There is no limit to the rationalization a mind will conjure up in order to avoid letting go of something that provides temporary relief. This is why so many of my drug vacations were successful, because I told myself, “just stop taking it for 30 days, then as a reward you get to take it again, and it’s gonna be an awesome day!” I get through the 30 days, I take the pill, the pill wears off, then I’m back at square one. It’s like being on a treadmill, essentially. No growth, just perpetuating a cycle that doesn’t get me any closer to living the life I want to live. I am in awe of the strength and wisdom of the people in this forum - I’m grateful to have an outlet to share what I’m feeling anytime I sense I’m on the brink of relapse - having that outlet enables me to take a step back and say, “no more. I’m putting this drug behind me, and that’s that!” -
Almost relapsed. Thank you all
EthericTraveler replied to EthericTraveler's topic in Tell your story
Letsgetzooted, I was in a very similar space as you. A while before I went back to once a week usage, I told myself, “okay, adderrall once a month is fine.” I was trying to convince myself that adderrall used in extreme moderation, and used with the intention of facilitating my own inner work to overcome trauma (and not used as a means to escape from reality) was perfectly healthy. But even still, something was off. And then, it hit me. Why do I feel like I’m back at square one, even after all the adderrall-induced inner-work I’ve done? I realized that anytime I am relying on some outer thing, (be it a drug, another person, food, alcohol) to achieve a particular inner-experience, I am not really learning how to achieve that experience naturally... I’m putting on the training wheels so to speak. So whether I take it once a week, or once a month, or once a year, it is unhealthy for me, because it is forcing my brain into an unnatural state, which ironically creates more suffering for me in the long term, its not teaching me how to self-source, stabilize and achieve joy through natural means. thats not to say that adderrall did not serve a useful purpose in the beginning. I was in a severe, almost catatonic state of depression - sometimes a “jolt” is necessary to get a footing into healthy, balanced living. I hope that helps. :-) -
Almost relapsed. Thank you all
EthericTraveler replied to EthericTraveler's topic in Tell your story
I’m curious. I’d like to ask you guys, has anyone here quit after only using the drug regularly a few times a week (as opposed to daily) care to share how you realized it was still detrimental for you and your road to recovery? Or direct me to a good related story already on the forum? -
Hello everyone. A heartfelt THANK YOU to each of you for sharing your story. a little recap. For about 2.5 years I was taking Dexedrine, then adderrall only 2-3 times a week. I never took it daily. I used it in conjunction with psychotherapy to help me become aware of unconscious traumas and begin to heal. It actually did serve a useful purpose in the beginning. I actually did manage to break free from a decade long depression. But it now has no purpose for me. I posted here back in January that I was done with adderrall forever. That determination lasted a little over a month or so, before I felt this overwhelming sense of dread and relapsed. That first day taking it, I justified it because I said, “but, I’m only taking 20-40 mg once or twice a week. So, it’s fine.” Wrong. Although this justification lasted a while, I decided again to quit again a little over a month ago (early June) and felt those pangs of justification again this morning. I decided to read some of your stories on here and I decided not to. I’m done with the constant highs and lows. I’m done with burning my future potential all for some clarity and relief right now. And I’m confident that I can achieve a greater sense of well being WITHOUT the drug, through meditation, attachment with thoughts that lift me up rather than bring me down, diet and exercise. I’ve forgotten what my brain was like before the influence of adderrall, even from not using it every day. I can’t imagine the withdrawal for those who take high doses daily, my heart goes out to you. Stay strong, everyone. peace
I'm curious if any of you have come close to feeling/experiencing the same adderrall "high" you felt while on the drug naturally after quitting? And if so, care to share how? Ie juice fasting, exercising, homeopathic treatments, therapy,etc.
I've been clean for a month and a half now - it's tough. When I'm on the drug, I feel like myself, I feel like there's hope to live the life I'm destined to live. The drug has motivated me to do volunteer work, finish my degree in the field I love... But without it, I feel like I'm not myself. I feel so weighed down. Making better choices in terms of eating right and exercise helps, but it's still not the same. Ultimately, I quit, because although the drug does trigger a conscious realization of my true self, eventually I went down a rabbit hole and ironically didn't feel like I was living in my own body due to tolerance build up and feeling like I wasn't there. Everything inside me told me enough was enough and that I had to quit before I ficked up my brain permanently, so I did.
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Hello everybody. I’m so grateful this forum exists. So awesome to read all the success stories. Im quitting Adderall. I’ve been taking it on and off for the past 3 years, and although it did help me break out of my extreme depression in the beginning, I have recognized that I am relying on this outer drug to achieve an inner experience, and that’s no good. It’s like training wheels for me at this point, and it’s not helping me grow. I’ve also started noticing this numbing feeling in my mind, and it sucks. A year and a half ago, I quit cold-turkey for 8 months. I remember how much more “real” I felt and was so much more creative and there was more inner-peace overall. I relapsed when I observed how difficult it was for me to focus on things at work and I “justified” going back to it by telling myself that focusing was incredibly difficult and if I didn’t take the drug, then I was letting my sense of pride get in the way of resolving the focus issues. My oh my, how clever and manipulative these inner-voices can be... not gonna happen again. All my best to each of you with your continued recovery!