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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by tinybuddha

  1. I thought maybe it would be helpful to have a thread where people could post about what day we are on in the process. Other members on the forum that have been successful have talked about how accountability can be very helpful in staying clean. Even if it is just to have a place to post the day and maybe help on those days we are on the edge of relapsing. Also, it could be a place where we can ask advice or just share with others about their experiences during the different stages. Please share which day/week/months your at on this journey. I am on day 10 off adderall!! I am starting again after relapsing, but not nearly as intense as before the first time I quit. I am really struggling in the morning. I feel like it takes until late afternoon for the fog to lift. I am tired all day but then at night I can't seem to fall asleep for hours. Is anyone else finding the withdrawal symptoms worse earlier in the day? Any advice on how I can get my motivation kick started now that I don't set my alarm to take a pill and then wait for it to kick in and jump out of bed. Many days I can't even make myself get up to make a cup of coffee or shower without laying in bed for hours first psyching myself up to start the day. The worst part is most of what I need to get done is during normal business hours and it keeps piling up on me causing me to stress even more. On a positive note, I do already feel my empathy and spunk returning. I am doing much better(still not great) about not completely isolating myself from people which was a major issue that was getting out of control while I was taking adderall. Thanks for letting me vent.
  2. Zach, I can relate to this 100%. Especially, the part about forcing myself to not isolate and break that pattern. Unfortunately, also the relapse part almost identical to what you wrote. Keep us posted. Was quitting this time as difficult physically?
  3. The electrocution thing happens with Cymbalta withdrawal too. The drug company was forced to include it on the packaging insert. For years they told people that there was no Cymbalta withdrawal. I guess it is how some doctors don't believe in adderall withdrawal, despite what patients keep telling them.
  4. Congratulations! I am extremely happy for you, but I cannot lie I'm disappointed that you plan on fading from QA website. You really have a gift when it comes to connecting to people struggling with addiction. Thank you!
  5. Thanks, that gave me a much needed laugh after a difficult day. Never thought of it before, but I obsessively vacuum on Addy. My neighbors must think some bizarre stuff about me with my completely random behavior.
  6. Please don't apologize for rambling! These post feel like a life-line to me and I am so grateful to the members that post on here.
  7. Thanks Kathleen. Keep your posts coming!
  8. I am a daily lurker on this site for longer than I would like to admit. I have not written a post in a long time because I was always waiting to be able to finish my story with a happy ending that would inspire other people, but it is taking me longer than I ever imagined. I have finally made some progress, but nowhere near a happy ending yet. Thank you, for those that wrote me and kept me in your prayers after my relapse post months back. It seems odd but those responses gave me some desperately needed hope! In the last few months I have struggled with stimulant addiction(adderall/Vyvanse) but today I am 10days clean of all prescription pills. I am taking it one day at a time but at least headed in right directions. I moved across the country and left my abusive relationship and started therapy for first time. Honestly, my life is still a mess in many ways but if I keep waiting for everything to be perfect I might not ever find the 'perfect' moment. Thank you to everyone that posts and shares on this site, it really is the matters!
  9. Looking to find other Adderallics, Stimulants abusers, or Recovering Adderallics to meet once in a while and share our experiences with one another.
  10. Hi, I am curious about rehab programs and how well they work in regards to adderall addiction. If you would be willing to share your experience with it I would appreciate it. Which one was it? Did it have a program for specific conditions like prescription drug abuse? Was it very costly? What was an average day like? Or any other information you feel comfortable sharing. Thank you!
  11. Hi, This forum helps me so much and I hate to see all this spam suddenly cropping up. Is there anything we should do prevent this from happening? Thanks!
  12. I am sorry I know how stressful and depressing it feels to go through something like this. I am still struggling with completely quitting adderall. When I first started using it seriously I lost so much weight so quickly. At first it was great but then I started to get sick looking. I am also petite 5'2 and people don't understand how much weight up or down shows on a small frame. After using for a few years I would not feel like eating all day but would take an ambien to go to sleep and binge on food and then gained quickly. It really messes with your metabolism. Normally I should be about 120lbs during my time on adderall I have been as low as 89lbs and as high as 136lbs. Not to be too personal but I know part of not being able to drop the post adderall weight is for many people not being able to go to the bathroom with out a stimulant. Something to consider about adderall and weight. I have found that using L-Tyrosine when trying to quit really helpful. With the weight and also cravings and reducing some of the depression/lethargy . I have tried and researched numerous vitamins and supplements that are supposed to be helpful when quitting. I have it narrowed to a few that I feel really help. If you want any info on that just ask. There is a supplement post on the forum that I found very helpful. It took a bit of figuring out what my body needed to start losing the weight from quitting suddenly. I am not rail thin like at the peak of addy use but did lose the weight I gained after quitting and that helps how you feel vastly. I think your body is still readjusting and when it does it will much easier to get back to where you want to be. I must say I am impressed that after years of using and now going cold turkey that your able to handle it as well as you are. Just wanted to show you some support.
  13. Matlida my hope in that your words might be true for me is keeping me going tonight.
  14. Has anyone been to NA meeting while in recovery or trying to quit adderall? I have never been to a meeting myself but I know it would be extremely helpful for me to have some type of support with this. Especially because as with many other adderall abusers I have to fight the urge to isolate. I am just unsure if this type of meeting would be helpful or to more geared toward the issues that involve addiction to street drugs? There is no judgement(trust me with how I have messed up my life over last few years I wouldn't be in a place) Did anyone find it helpful? Or felt it didn't fit? Thanks
  15. This is just what I needed to hear today. Thanks for posting and know it helped someone else that you shared.
  16. I feel so low and just worthless. After a very stressful personal moment I relapsed and I feel like in the last few weeks I have flushed away all the pain and work I put into quitting and starting the process of rebuilding my life. I was a long term and very high tolerance adderall user which also lead to cycle of taking other meds to sleep or counteract the side effects. It took me months to wean down to a low dose of all the pills(I was for awhile taking extremely dangerous amounts to the point I couldn't even pretend to rationalize it anymore) cymbalta, adderall, and a mix of benzo or ambien to sleep. In the beginning I would rationalize the pills were giving me this ability to have what I thought was an amazing life; finish graduate school from a top program(I have not even been able to get myself together enough to pass my boards in the two years since I graduated. Being the 'perfect' partner to what I thought was my dream doctor fiance(in reality has become the most manipulative, self esteem robbing, and controlling relationship) After finally pulling myself out of a deep depression and denial and my with life in shambles in every way imaginable; I realized the pills had now become a way of coping/numbing myself to what my life had become and in many ways largely because of the adderall. I am not at all back to the insane level I was at peak of my addiction, but back in that place of not wanting to take the pill but needing it to function as a way to put off the withdrawal symptoms. I had horrible physical withdrawal. The worst being the extreme muscle aches and twitches/spasms. Also, I am terrified of the depression during the withdrawal reoccurring as when this happens I tend to isolate and self medicate(not with alcohol or street drugs but with prescription medications) I managed to get myself clean enough to admit to myself how bad things had become in my life and make some real changes. I am moving into a new city and this should be my opportunity to get out of an abusive relationship cycle I have been in for the last few years. I am able to try to start again and want to feel positive about this. I am not able to go to any type of rehab right now but I am able to focus on recovering( if I can figure out how to do that!) without having that many other obligations right now. Though I also will not have much support either. I am just scared I am going to mess up probably my last chance of fixing my life and it will be completely my own fault. I just really need some advice or encouragement right now.
  17. Thanks for adding this section! It is very difficult to find information on the particular supplements and doses in regard to quitting adderall. I have read numerous positive things on L-Tyrosine. Where you taking the L-Tyrosine 1500-3000mg spread through out the day or in one dose? Also, I have read conflicting information about being able to build a tolerance with it? Do you know if there is any truth to that? I found mag supplements helped with some of the muscle pain I was having after. I also have been using a very good quality omega supplement but unsure on the dosage I should be taking while attempting to quit? Thanks!
  18. Any other members Long Island, NY?
  19. The lateness so true for me! I would start getting ready way early, but some how still be late all the time.
  20. I see there are 46 views, but no reply. Please feel free to respond to the post on your withdrawal experiences without having to do an introduction or summary. I know that not feeling ready to get into all that kept me from responding to posts for a long time. Honestly, I after writing this and not getting a response I am feeling even more alone with this and uneasy about it.
  21. This forum truly makes a difference! Mike I can not thank you or the other members who generously give their time to post giving non-judgemental advice and support. I plan on writing out my story hopefully soon. My life has been twisted by adderall for so long now. Over the last month I have made significant improvement with my addiction.(After many failed attempts) I have managed to get down to 40mg IR(I was taking over 90mgs everyday and more most days) and also have been able to stop taking multiple prescription meds to sleep and have cut back to using just the one pill. I know to many doesn't sound like much. From where I was in this dark depressed void a few months ago it is huge. The best part is I truly like myself without the adderall better, and I thought the opposite for so long. My problem is the mornings are so hard for me that even though I hate the adderall feeling now I cave and take it just to get through it. I used to take the adderall all day and whenever I went out at all socially. Now I don't want the adderall feeling I used to but I get weak in the morning(and I feel horrible about it) and take it b/c I literally ache in the early AM. My routine was for a long time was take the adderall in AM and then lay beck down until kicks in and get up. The days I didn't take it I would just sleep all day. Now I wish I could just sleep for a few days my body needs the rest and I want to get it out of my system. I feel very tired when I don't take the adderall but I can not actually sleep much at all, which leads me to lay there and then the depression kicks in hard. I wake very early in the AM and can not fall back asleep I feel sick and the worst part for me is I get get muscle twitches and intense pain in my lower extremities. I find it hard to describe but I get like extremely restless legs like little pins and needles in my legs when I don't take the adderall mainly the front on my shins. I have read so much on adderall and have a degree in the medical field, but found almost everything is pertaining to mainly fatigue symptoms. I really would like to know if anyone else has had physical withdrawal symptoms besides fatigue? Or almost felt insomnia? Muscle pain or this for lack of better term restless leg sensation? Just knowing I am not the only one would help me. If so how long did these type of physical symptoms last? Did they give way to more classic withdrawal? Did anything help to get through enough to not take the pill? Thank you.
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