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Greg last won the day on November 16

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  1. recovering from a week of PAWS...got my exam back yesterday and I did maybe slightly above average so that gives me confidence that my brain works fine without adderall

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Greg


      Thanks Lil Tex!! Lately, Ive been getting slammed by PAWS. Yesterday I wrote a paper and then did a quiz and then some homework problems and by the end of the day I was experience adderall cravings that were as intense as when I just quit. Which is really mind boggling to me. I can take in stride though. But it just boggles my mind why this would happen. I think writing papers may be triggering something here.

    3. LILTEX41


      I can imagine! But how awesome is it that you did so freaking awesome on your own??? Just goes to show you that are smart and capable without adderall. :) How much longer do you have in school? Another positive thing to think about is that the longer you keep kicking ass without adderall...you'll be building more and more neural pathways that will associate writing papers drug free and then someday all cravings will be gone totally. You'll just feel like one bad mofo all on y...

    4. Greg


      Thanks lil tex for your encouragement. I have to remind myself that, you are so right about new connections being formed and new confidence being developed!!

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