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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Hello been off adderall many many years.. been quite a journey!

  2. just like that he was able to focus and concentrate. Learning new skills and applying to an interesting new job. Just like that he found a way to deal with his anger.
  3. Wow. Can't believe you've been quit for 4 years. That also means I have a 4 year anniversary coming up. Wow. I'm super busy these days new job and probably should get back to work but I'm glad I checked in today. Make sure you do something nice for yourself today. Little changes daily make big changes happen. Congrats.
  4. I don't think the new (upgraded) site software supports the tickers...
  5. Whatever the mind can conceive the mind can achieve.
  6. just like that he hired a book keeper and got his $ shit together.
  7. Just like that he became a trusted member of the team. Just like that he executed on a complex task with style.
  8. Just like that he met a smoking hot french girl and a new career started to fall in place. With sometime, practice and discipline and one day it will all just come together.
  9. close to 4 years later I am very aware of depression, what causes it and how to deal with depressive episodes. When I look back on my usage of Adderall I really did use it to cope with depression. I really did feel like it solved my depression issues early in my usage. When I quit I experienced a prolonged and extreme depression. I eventually emerged. Ultimately some tasks like taxes, work email are just painful without adderall... you just learn to plow through them. This takes time and practice. Motivation is a question of passion for me. I need to love a task to be motivated. Not every task is loveable tho so you just get through it.
  10. Happy new year. Mike did an update on the sites forum software over the holidays and the update seems to have wiped out the tickers. Not sure how to get them back. I will look into soon as I have time.
  11. Happy new year. Mike did an update on the sites forum software over the holidays and the update seems to have wiped out the tickers.
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