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Posts posted by lunax

  1. It's crazy how we psyche ourselves into thinking we will not survive certain situations without the help of the evil little pill. I'm glad you fought through your long shift and realized it wasn't as bad as you had anticipated.

    Adderall has been on my mind the last few days because I have major things going on in my life right now...wedding in two months, officially became a homeowner on Monday, and I have a job offer which I am strongly considering. I had a moment the other day where I thought to myself "this would be so much easier if I were on adderall"...but I know that's the furthest thing from the truth. I know that if I did this to myself again, I would end up no where fast. So I just shake those thoughts out of my head and continue fighting the fight towards being clean and free.

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  2. This is very powerful, and hit home with me because I swear I felt possessed at one point in my abuse/very early recovery (I'm only a little over 2mths clean). But please hang in there, every day gets better, your brain will heal, and before you know it the chatter in your head will just shut the fuck up.

    I invite you to join the "30 day challenge"...check in with others on here daily, you're not alone!

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  3. Day 60: CONFIRMED!!! Its been a long hell ride and its just getting started. With that said, I look forward to the next chapter of my life and Im happy to have had and to have your full support.Thank you Thank you so very much. I will continue to be active on this page and this site gaining support and supporting others. Blessings everyone! Be Well! Off to enjoy the day!

    You did it!!!

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  4. Listen, this stuff totally destroyed my life. I cannot emphasize how dangerous this thing youre playing with is. There is a reason it Schedule II and such a heavily controlled substance (in the same class as cocaine). You will rely more and more on it for everything in your life. You've become addicted to feeling charged up and you feel like you can do anything, and youre losing the part of yourself that can be invincible on your own. You dont need this short cut. Wisen up and realize you need to learn how to live without feel charged up. You have a choice right now to say, this is enough. Its over. Read these forums, the next step is to cut off your supply, go through withdrawal....and start to live again as yourself.


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  5. Ashley,

    I know doesn't it feel AMAZING to see how far you've progressed since quitting? I didn't even really have a good grasp of how much progress I've made until I read my list last night. Check!! I remember reading the list to my parents when I told them about my addiction and my plan to quit. I could hardly get through 1 sentence without having to stop and take a deep breath I was bawling my eyes out so hard. We've come a long way. Adderall seriously will strip any adderallic of almost everything they have if they don't quit soon enough. It's so sad but I truly feel like I'm going to be stronger because of it. No regrets just moving forward. If i didn't try addy in high school, I'm sure I would have in college or later in life. I'm just glad I got that over with early in my life. 110% recovery let's goo!!

    Dude you inspire me! Thanks for sharing all this stuff.

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