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Posts posted by lunax

  1. The kids insisted on going to a buffet on Friday and Saturday this weekend, so I hear you on the binge eating thing. I know; bad parenting.

    Not bad parenting at all. It's nice to treat your kids out as long as it's in moderation. I'm sure you're not pulling into a drive thru restaurant everyday...right? lol

  2. Thank you all for your responses. I occasionally have these episodes of binge eating which can last anywhere Btwn a few hours to an entire week. I hit my breaking point when I posted this a few days ago but I'm feeling better now. I went shopping for healthy foods this weekend and hit up the gym which I have been paying for for the last two years and not using.

    Adderall was great in the sense that I could starve for a couple of weeks then stop taking it and eat like a pig without gaining a significant amount of weight. Now that I'm off, I need to learn how to eat better on a consistent basis. I swear It's like a par time job!

    Anyway, thank you all for your support. It's crazy how alike some of us are to one another. You guys are my rock!

    • Like 1
  3. Hey Everyone,

    Checking in at D57 today, just 3 days away from completing the 60 day challenge! Holy shit where does time go?

    Last few days have been quite busy for me hence my lack of participation on here. However I'm happy to report that after a week of binging and eating like shit, I've managed to pull it together and go to the gym three days in a row. It has felt great to start working out again but I am really sore today!

    Anyway, even when I'm not posting much (my adhd makes it so hard for me to write stuff) I am still on here frequently. I love my little challenge family...all you guys keep me going. Keep up the good work everyone!


    • Like 4
  4. Great tips. I needed to hear that. Im gonna go to a farmers market tomorrow and stock up on good stuff. It's not like I don't know how to eat healthy, it's just that when I feel like pigging out all I can think about are salty cheesy/carby bad foods.

    • Like 3
  5. So glad to hear you are doing well! don't mean to discourage you but in my own experience I've had a few great days followed by a few shitty ones. I honestly start believing that I was never addicted or that I'm completely better and then...BAM! it hits me out of nowhere. Just keep this in mind so that if it happens you you'll know it's just part of the process of healing ;)

    • Like 3
  6. Welcome Kev,

    I love that you've already prepared yourself for what's to come. I'm sure your body really needs the rest. We are all here for you so be sure to check in at least once a day (or as often as you need to) to let us know how you're doing. Good luck...you can do this!


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  7. That is awesome to hear Lunax. You are jumping one hurdle after the next. I bet it sure felt good to not be the uptight snobhole in the bunch. Kudos to you girl. Life is for the living!

    Congrats on day 51 girl you are smoking this joint! Lol.

    This made me laugh...uptight snobhole sums it up lol

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  8. Ugh don't even get me started on the weight gain. I have been eating so much and it's starting to show. I ate like shit while I was away and now I just feel this disgusting bloated feeling in my stomach. Gonna try and get some exercise in this weekend. I have a wedding dress to fit into!

    • Like 1
  9. Hey guys,

    D51, I survived a 5day conference with no adderall. In past years I would take so much of it to get through these conferences. But I have to say I really enjoyed socializing as myself and not the unpredictable character that I was not too long ago.

    Glad to see everyone is doing good!

    • Like 3
  10. How did the drinking work out? Was it able to provide at least some type of temporary relief? I am a chronic insomniac however I am very skeptical to mix the two...plus it makes me dehydrated, and we already know on adderall im ALREADY super mal nourished and dehydrated. Can't wait until I am stable enough to exercise again.

    PS I am so proud of you! *hugs* lol ;)

    I wouldnt refer to it as relief in any way. I actually think I was subconsciously trying to poison myself. Getting drunk and binging on adderall ALWAYS ended nasty. It nearly destroyed my relationship.

  11. Also Lunax - just wanted to say that's awesome you are staying quit until your wedding. I just got married last month and was SO incredibly happy to not be on adderall on my day. I quit back in January and got engaged in March so planned the whole thing in six months without adderall. If you need any support during the wedding planning feel free to get in touch :)

    Thank you Cat. Things have been crazy but I'm actually enjoying the planning and all of the chaos that comes with it because for the first time in a long time, I AM PRESENT!

    This quitting shit is so hard but I am so happy I didn't wait until after my wedding to do this.

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