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Posts posted by lunax

  1. I am so exhausted today, having one if those I don't know if i can do this days..off the work I go..

    An hour later: back from work, left early, couldn't take it. Pooped.

    Ugh I so wanted to leave early today!!! I think LTyrosine (or it's placebo effect) helped me get through the rest of day....I forgot I had them. Unfortunately I have a ton of stuff to get done before a meeting tomorrow so I won't even be able to go to bed early. Grrrrr!

    Hope you're feeling better friend!

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  2. The most painful thing about quitting adderall for me has been how inconsistent everyday is. Somedays I have a lot of energy and I feel in control of my day. Other days I feel like I am carrying around a ton of bricks.

    Also, I've been extremely tired all day yet it is passed midnight and I can't sleep for shit. This is incredibly frustrating!

    Just venting....D63 (I think)

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  3. I think it's a great idea to start up a brand new 30day challenge. It's a win win for us and others who are newer to the forums....Let's do it!

    D62....I had an amazing weekend but Monday was a mean bitch. Nothing like starting 100 things at once and completing 0 of them at the end of the day. Eh there is always tomorrow!

    Hope you all have a

    Wonderful week ;)

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  4. Day 38 today! Ate like crap yesterday, I haven't realized how much my eating has increased until recently (I usually wear scrubs most of the time), now my jeans are not wanting to fit . Woke up with no energy and feeling down, let's hope I make it through the day. Congrats to everyone on all their hard work!

    Hang in there babe. I had a shitty week last week and I was able to bounce back this week. I know you can too. Don't dwell on it! The weekend is here...get a little healthy food shopping in and take it from there. xoxo

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  5. I can't help but feel a lot of guilt reading the posts in this forum. I'm getting married in a few months and when I look back at what a drug addicted nasty asshole I was on adderal, I can't help but think that I am lucky for not losing my significant other to my addiction.

    Thank you for sharing your very personal and unfortunately painful stories because it motivates me to never touch another pill again.

    Hang in there Milty.

  6. Adderall is a monster. I'm sad for you because I'm sure that beneath all of this there is a really nice guy there which you fell in love with.

    I have to agree with Jon. You are taking all of this mental/emotional abuse while he clearly has no intention of getting clean. It just doesn't seem fair to you.

    If I were you (and this is only an opinion) I'd give him back his pills and tell him that unless he commits to getting professional help...it will be YOU breaking up with him and not the other way around.

    Hang in there!

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  7. This is definitely the place to come if you "slip" again. But just know that all of us are on here to try to quit for good not just to learn how to take our meds as prescribed.

    I hope that you take some time to read through others posts and realize that you should quit before it gets out of hand. Adderall is addicting as fuck! I have really bad ADhD as well but I know that adderall is not the solution. I am learning to except my nuttiness one day at a time.

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  8. I never thought I would be off my adderall, I used it for 9 years and trust me I needed it, or at least I thought I did. Today is day 38 off of my pills. And although I do have a hard time concentrating at times, it's getting better and better every day. I am slowly seeing the old me come out. Like lunax, I was in denial for years that I wasn't abusing it and that I needed it. And even when I knew it was abusing it, I would get my rx filled (I was prescribed 10 mg 5x a day so I got 150 pills at once) and convince myself I would take it as prescribed but it always turned into "just one more"...I know the feeling of forgetting things, procrastinating, and being super add. I am a nurse in a busy ER and concentrating and thinking on my feet is a must for me. Although it's difficult some days, it's getting easier and I love being able to laugh and wanting to hang out with friends more and not just sit in the house popping pills. If you even have the slightest thought of quitting I encourage you to give it a try :)

    love this...so proud of my sober sister  :wub:

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  9. Thanks for sharing that Blesbro, even if you meant to post it in another forum lol.

    I definitely agree that diet and exercise play a huge role in this whole thing. I also notice that when I eat anything too carby early in the morning I have a significantly harder time focusing.

    The problem for me is that food is my first addiction. I get into healthy food kicks every few months but I never keep it up. I feel like I constantly relapse...on food! Anyways I'm just taking it one day at time.

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  10. Have you ever heard the quote "wherever I go, there I am"? I find this very true because I too have tried to runaway from my problems by relocating, changing jobs, relationships, etc. but nothing helped until I started to do work on myself...mainly through 4yrs of weekly therapy sessions. Both expensive and time consuming but completely worth it.

    Anyway, I think you need to start by coming clean to someone about your addiction (a family member perhaps) because it sounds like you are suffering a lot on your own. Any support that you can get will help you. Also, try to deal with the underlying issues that are causing you to abuse drugs in the first place right where you are. I'm sure your grandparents care about you very much so chances are you are probably in a safer environment with them than if you move somewhere else alone.

    Also, if you want to get clean you will need to cut off your drug using friends. Misery loves company and they will only try to take you down with them.

    I wish you luck and encourage you to come here often and talk to others who have gone through the same exact problems.


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