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Idontcare and Cassie - thank you. You both demonstrate my point regarding why I am searching for a doctor who understands the withdrawal process. When I first quit cold turkey, I was immediately put on Wellbutrin. A quick Google search indicated that was the primary drug prescribed - so it seems like it is the only drug that most doctors even know about prescribing for withdrawal. Unfortunately, Wellbutrin was not for me. I learned about an entire series of medicines like Provigil and was super dissappoited that I have seen 4 doctors and these medications were never even discussed (when they knew fatigue was my primary problem). Believe me - I am anti-medicine of any type (which is why I went cold turkey off Addy) but I do have to stay awake and keep a job in the meantime. People I spoke with directly regarding Provigil said exactly what Idontcare indicated. It keeps you awake but has no euphoria effect. As I struggle with this fatigue issue every day, I was just hoping to find a doctor who could at least suggest alternatives other than Wellbutrin. As a side note - I have taken all of the supplements recommended by others on the site. Most have almost zero impact. It sucks when a Redbull is the most effective supplement. Sorry for the rant - just trying to express my honest feelings. Take care everyone!
Anyone here completely back to normal?
IFIHADKNOWN replied to blakery123's topic in General Discussion
Thanks Cassie - your comments were very comforting to hear! -
Good point Cassie - a counselor is also needed. I have seen 3 of them. Just like the doctors, they have no experience with withdrawal. Regarding the doctor, while I am fight taking any drugs (tooth and nail) my problem is - I don't know what I don't know. My biggest problem is the sustained fatigue, lack of motivation and focus. I do not miss any other elements of Adderall, I just need to be able to stay awake and alert for my job. I have heard about other medicinces like Provigil (simply one example). I would like a doctor you understands all of these medications (pros and cons). Continuing with my current fatigue level may result in an inability to continue working and having to quit to take a recovery break. I am ok with that - if that is the best option. Seems a combination of proper doctor and counselor could be a big help. Again - the best advice I have gotten anywhere to date is from this forum. While that is great, given the wide-use of this drug, it seems very odd. I appreciate any thoughts or recommendations.
I am wondering if anyone has every worked with a psych. who understands what Adderall withdrawal is all about? I live in a highly populated area and have seen no less than 4 docs regarding my withdrawal. Some of these doctors work for the most highly regarding Universities in the nation and others "specialize" in Adderall and ADHD medications. The lack of knowledge regarding withdrawal is shocking. Every useful thing I learned about withdrawal has come from this forum. The standard response I have gotten is "after one month it should be out of your system and you should be back to normal". Of course I am thinking - "are you kidding me?". I did have one doctor tell me "oh well" you now have permanent brain damage (after 18 months of use) - "sorry - nothing I can do to help". I would be willing to travel to another state if anyone could private message me a recommendation of a doctor who really understands Adderall withdrawal. It seems they are outstanding at prescribing it and yet have no idea how to deal with the long-term fallout should you decide to stop taking it. Any referrals (if they even exist) would be very helpful. Thanks!!!
Anyone here completely back to normal?
IFIHADKNOWN replied to blakery123's topic in General Discussion
I think that is a great question. I have a six-month adderall free anniversary coming up. I used to feel that if I made it to six-months, that was a major milestone. I was not an extremely heavy user (45 mg per day) and was on Addy for about 18 months. Yet, six-months in I am still really struggling with fatigue, motivation and irritability. Thankfully this forum has many great multi-year members who willingly provide guidance. Yet, I frequently read about the recovery spreading into years 2 and 3 and beyond. For a person at the six-month point this can be a hard fact to hear. Does this mean that even a year from now I will still be feeling notable negative symptoms (if it does, it does - life is not always fair or easy). Alternatively, if it means that after say "one-year" you may be at 90 percent and that the last 10 percent will come over an extended period of time, that is obviously an easier fact. Like blakery123 I don't think I have ever read anyone say they feel "fully recovered" even after many years. Does that mean that some damage is permanent? Although I have not read anyone say they are "fully recovered", I have read many say the quality of their life is the best it has even been (even as compared to pre-Addy). It can be hard to understand this contradiction. Any thoughts would be helpful - as you can probably tell, I am trying to keep my chin-up as I personally expected to be further along at this point. Thanks and good question blakery123. -
I find myself checking it regularly for inspiration and to confirm that I am not alone. I hope the newbeis don't just drop out and return to Addy. That would be very sad for them.
Hi myfamilyiseverything: I truly do feel for you, your children and your entire family. I am not a professional by any stretch - just a guy trying to rid my self of the same very, very addictive drug your husband is on. It seems like you have 2 choices 1) Confront him regarding the substance and see if he can work with the proper doctor to taper down. When my wife confronted me, I immedatiatly went into a volunatary hospital for a one week stay. 2) If his condition is bad enough, you can talk to the hospital about the steps necessary to have him in-volunatarily committed to a hospital. Under either condition - you will get your husband back after he breaks free from the drug. Many men take adderall just to keep up in the workplace for their family without realizing how addictive the drug is. Recovery will be a long road but many have made it and I am sure your husband will as well. I am 5 months Adderall free now and I am sure I will never use it again - but I would not be where I am today if not for the love, committment and patience of my wife. God Bless you and your family!
Way to go! Having only been off of Adderall for about 5 months myself, I have quickly realized how important it is to truly appreciate and celebrate ever goal you obtain. 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, etc.. Everyday without that beast in our lifes is a major accomplishment. Keep it up and be sure to ask for help if you feel like you relapsing. I found the assistance I gained from others to be very powerful. Stay strong!
Hi - very sorry to hear about your relapse but I also understand why it happens. As quit-once indicated, this is the nature of the drug and why so many people cannot shake it once they start it. That said (and I by no means want to sound judgemental) but if you were able to go through a 1/2 month supply in 36 hours, you really should consider outside assistance. One problem that I quickly learned is that most doctors do not even understand the issues associated with quitting Adderall. I have had at least 4 doctors tell me "well, after 30 days it should be out of your system and you should be feeling fine". It's crazy! On Youtube there are some videos from a Clinic in New York that appears to understand the withdrawal process and the nature of why people take it. In their video they describe other medications (such as Wellbutrin or Provigil (for awakens) to take while you taper off. I found that information to be very useful and basically put together a formula with a local doctor that works for me (some Provigil for awakeness and a small amount of Xanax when needed for anxiety). It literally helped me prevent a relapse. All medications have negative side-effects and benzos or stimulants like Provigil or Xanax can create other serious additions - but for me - I have never had withdrawal from anything but Addy. Check out the video and see if it helps you any. At least you can take comfort that some experts understand this is greatly about the drug and not the person. Here is the video link - I watched many and this one seemed the best - but it is not an official endorsement as I am sure that others on the forum would be critical of some of his advice or methods for quitting. I hope it helps you - it did for me:
Thanks for the comments and support everyone - they really help a great deal! Right now, I am just taking it day by day.
Has this happened to anyone else?
IFIHADKNOWN replied to subtractadderall's topic in Tell your story
I was on just about the same level of Adderall as you for two years. While I did not feel anxiety, I did start to feel that I was becoming more easily angry. I am sure the drug impacts everyone different. I have been off for 5 months now and I am starting to feel a whole lot better (but some fatigue still exists). For me, the really hard fatigue lasted about a month (where I would want to sleep all day) - after that, I did not want to sleep but I also did not want to do anything else (almost no motivation). I looked at (and continue to view everyday as a challenge). My family and friends are very supportive and that helps. One thing I know for sure, I would never go back to that Adderall hell again. Keep up the good fight, cut yourself a lot of slack and be as honest with those around you as you can. As each day passes, you will feel that much better. I just wish I could speed up the calendar for you! Keep the faith! -
I am almost 5 months Adderall free and I am considering changing to a less stressfull job. I am thinking that my current high stress job may be slowing my recovery. I am wondering if any forum members can share experiences with me about how stress impacted their withdrawal recovery? It seems like my stress environment is causing me to remain fatigued. I appreciate any experiences people are willing to share. Thanks!
7 days removed from adderall WOAH! I dont understand...
IFIHADKNOWN replied to rustifer's topic in Tell your story
Hi - Unfortunately, what you are experiencing related to Adderall withdrawal happens to many people. I was taking 60 mg a day and stopped taking the prescription about 5 months ago. While the first two months were the worst for me (in terms of fatigue), I can still feel the fatigue to this day. In my own simple terms, Adderall attaches itself to your energy, mood, ability to focus and motivation. When the Adderall leaves your system, it takes those attributes with it. They do come back over time - but it can take many months or even years. It is a very dangerous drug and unfortunately it is diagnosed way too often. I hope that helps. Stay off it if you can. If you can't quit cold turkey (not recommended) get with a doctor and work out a long-term plan to reduce use over time. Best of luck! -
Hi Dangerbean and Quit-once. Thank you very much for your posts! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your comments and insight with me. It truly is a tremedous help! It is also nice to know that you are not alone (which is why this forum is so helpful). Thank you again for the sage advice!