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  On 11/13/2013 at 9:13 PM, JustinW said:

Thanks for listening, I probably sound manic or unstable at times but it's just a combination of being impulsive, impatient, and scatterbrained. I try to be as honest as possible about my thoughts and feelings.

I don't think you ever sound manic or unstable. Seriously, I think your posts have so much substance to them, and you seem very level-headed. And you crack me up with your sense of humor on these forums sometimes. We're our own worst critics...just a little reality check from an outsider :)

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    I know exactly how you feel. The ADHD thing is real. I've heard described as "racecar brain no brakes". I get into that crazy mode of my mind racing a milion miles an hour.   Thinking I'm really not doing enough work, I start looking for new projects. Instead of focusing on the projects I have and need to be completed.  I think what we can do about it is tell your brain "Fuck off, I know you crave more stimulation but we need to deal with the task at hand. So just fuck off." Also meditaion and praticing staying in the moment helps.  Like working out repetion is key.


As ADHD people we get bored easily and hate routine.  As much as I hate routine, I require routine to focus. Without it I really fall apart.


When I was in my honeymoon with Aderall I had better focus then ever. I feel into the trap of more Adderall=more focus. Since Aderall I am working hard at focus again. It seems impossible some days. Diet, Exercise, Routine are key incredients. Now I have these amazing moments of clarity and hyper focus where everything just comes into place. The zone where code flows and the world stops.  Its such a wonderful place but it doesn't happen enough.  Getting to that place is what I struggle to find.

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Financial Accounting, Principles of Management, and Macroeconomics; nothing too exhilerating or challenging.  I am starting back pretty far because I changed from a mechanical engineering major to a business administration major.  My career goals have changed considerably in the last 5 years.  I can take all of the courses on line from a reputable college so I don't have to spend large amounts of time away from home or work.


Going to take statistics next semester; what a fall from multivariable calculus...sigh

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