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The 60 day challange "reloaded"


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Thanks lovely FW! I feel so lonely at the "60 day challange." Everyone is either past or will hopefully be here soon!


I wasn't able to get on here yesterday. I was kinda having an off day, I didn't use or anything. I was just super sleepy and didn't get to work out or anything... I did today though. I've been really sleepy this week, IDK if it's because I went so hard last week (at working out, pushing myself, etc.) or because I've been sleeping 12 hours a night - which I know is really bad. Sleeping too much is just as bad as sleeping too little but I feel like I'm literally catching up on 7 years of lost sleep here.


Day: 34 & 35: done and done, yay! And I got yoga in today :)


TFIG, hope EVERYONE has an AMAZING weekend!!!!

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Sweetcarolinee I can't remember exactly what thread you posted it on or exactly how you said it. (My memory is awful - not sure if is because of adderall or my age or the combination) ANYWAY... while I am thinking about it before I forget I have been meaning to tell you- that you gave an illustration about being on adderall was like living in a snow globe. And WOW I thought, for myself, that was an excellent way to describe/think/visualize it. again I will have to go find exactly how you said it etc. But just wanted you to know that I really connected and could relate to that and thanks for sharing.

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You guys are the greatest!! Thank you all for your wonderful support, it puts a big smile on my face! :D  <-- thats me!


AND CONGRATS JUSTIN ON ONE YEAR!!! WOOTWOOT that is truly amazing and inspiring!!!!


Day: 38 and 39: check and check!


I can't believe tomorrow is day 40, it feels like I quit ages ago yet only yesterday - all at the same time, so odd!

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Hey guys!


Holy smokes... I haven't been on here in a few days (since Thurs.) and it has sucked. I've missed you all, I've been so busy working on art and the Etsy shop and yoga but good news...


Day 42, 43, 44, & 45: CHECK!!!


It's harder without it but better and I'm happier!


Thanks for all the support, you guys are the greatest :D Hope everyone is doing well!

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