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withdrawl symptoms


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 Whenever I go off adderall even for 3 months I still get pangs of anxiety attacks, for no reason. I will wake up in the middle of the night breathing heavily, heart pounding, cant think straight, just a full blown panic attack. I just want to know when does the anxiety go away once you've stopped taking Adderall?

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I used to wake up frequently in the middle of the night, almost gasping for air as well, and this was before I started adderall. I had so much stress in my life that I couldn't even sleep peacefully at night. Are you currently under any stress or pressure? Once you work to eliminate or at least decrease that, then it'll get easier to sleep at night, from my experience.

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i used to have panic attacks like that but smoking marijuana by myself was usually the cause, paired together with social anxiety


I don't think I ever did from adderall or directly from adderall withdrawal.


that might be a health issue to check into.  i agree with the posts above stress is the first thing I'd be suspicious of

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