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Lots of bad crap going on, but I still don't need adderall!


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I have been missing in action for a month and a half.  No danger of a relapse here.  I just had to deal with my husband being diagnosed with leukemia (very treatable), hospitalization, chemotherapy, drug reaction rashes, kids with colds, ear infections, and a sinus infection in a pear tree...


In all of that, I never once wished I had some Adderall to get me through.  I guess that is what you call a success story.  Thank God for small miracles. 


Heather ^_^

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Ur an inspiration to anyone who is dealing with addiction. See, most people don't want to face their problems so they take one pill for a quick fix. But ur strong and you want to continue to fight temptation. That's how you beat addiction. When everything is falling down but you keep fighting. We all have a very difficult life ahead of us. Fighting the urge to take a pill is a big battle. Each time you reject adderall, you make a small victory. So although in almost 150 days clean, I can't say that I don't live without addiction. I still binge on caffeine which is probably 100x safer than adderall. My first semester of college is almost over. I'll try to kick the caffeine ha but before my second semester begins.

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