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DL-phenylalanine...a miracle!!!!!

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I tried to quit Adderall last year but couldn't make it more than a few months. I got back on it and was feeling disconnected from everything, this time I added daily xanax. I've been working out regularly, eating healthy, and taking a lot of daily supplements (N-Acetyl tyrosine, fish oil, vitamin D, Curcumin, Magnesium, Multi vitamins, CLA, tart cherry extract, CoQ10, PQQ, Lysine, Cruciferous Vegetable, and about 5-6 other supplements- each of those have many different neurotransmitters, minerals, and vitamins. Also recently added niacin, L-glutamine, Glycine). Nothing works like DL-phenylalanine. I've been dealing with extremely emotional trauma and have been questioning about the meaning of life. I couldn't see the point of life because we are all going to die anyway... I couldn't feel any pleasure in life.... everything was just blahs. Now I can see why people want to live- life is about feeling, pleasure, sensation. DLP makes me feel content, bliss, happy, satisfied, and reduces my chronic back pain (I normally take xanax for my back pain, hate pain killers because it makes dizzy/sick)  I almost forgot what it felt like to be alive- the beautiful weather, soft comfortable blanket, the smell of flowers etc. I can sincerely laugh and be happy again. I feel love and peace in my heart. I know L-tyrosine takes less steps to convert to dopamine, but there is something about DL-phenylalanine...maybe it's the D-phenylalanine that coverts to phenylethylamine- the love chemical. I don't normally post but I am just so excited to be able to feel excited again!!! 

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I used phenylalanine 20 years ago.  I had summertime depression and I learned taking phenylalanine might help.  I loved it.  However, It was a one-summer fling.  I kept the bottle around for another ten years, but it never worked like it did that first summer I tried it, or maybe I never needed it that bad again?.  It is just an amino acid so as long as you don't have phenylketoneurea, Try it out!  Aspartame (diet coke) contains phenylalanine.   I think it is a precursor to dopamine but first it must be converted to L-Tyrosine.  It made me really happy, in the same way L-tyrosine does.  "Happy to be alive and experiencing life" is how I remember it made me feel.    

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I was probably really low on endorphins...so glad to feel normal again! I think Aspartame contains just L-phenylalanine. D-phenylalanine is not found in food and has to be made in the laboratory. 



I'm very happy with this supplement. I'm taking DL-phenylalanine but I'm going to try just the D-phenylalanine and see how I feel. 

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  On 5/4/2016 at 1:20 AM, Dexterthecat said:

I was probably really low on endorphins...so glad to feel normal again! I think Aspartame contains just L-phenylalanine. D-phenylalanine is not found in food and has to be made in the laboratory. 



I'm very happy with this supplement. I'm taking DL-phenylalanine but I'm going to try just the D-phenylalanine and see how I feel.

Why if the DL-phenylalanine is working so well are you going to try D-phenylalanine ? You going to stop taking the DL version?

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DL version helps with my backaches, I still have the pain but it's manageable. I read that the D version is better for the pain. I'm thinking about switching to the D version and see if it's better than the DL, or taking both of them at the same time. 

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Got a bottle from a local hippie store it's 1000 mg. I don't really have back pain but I'm hoping it will lift my mood some. I'm really getting desperate with the bad depression no supplement so far is changing me. I hate to go back to the doctors and get on more unsafe mind altering medication but won't have much choice if something doesn't help. I know this withdraw is a long ordeal but I've always had depression adderall did help that for years. Now the depression is overwhelming causing me to not do things I should. Please God let this work I can't stand being unhappy every single day.

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  • 1 month later...

I really hope you feel better soon.  It feels like forever ago since I was last clean for 6 months but somewhere around 7 months last year I started to feel like a new person.  Not just saying that to dangle a carrot in front of you either it was really notable when I realized it.  I don't remember exactly when it dawned on me that I had changed so much for the better but it was just a feeling like shackles having been unlocked for a while and finally starting to crumble away.

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I'm desperate too and I'm looking for healthy ways to combat depression and anxiety. I woke up this morning feeling like I was deep in a hole and there was no way out. I remember that feeling and then drifting back to sleep. I woke up again feeling a bit better but I want to take L-tyrosine to prevent that from happening again. I'm adding l-tyrosine and the DL-phenylalanine to my daily multivitamin regiment.  I am at day 51 of quitting and all I can say is fuck Adderall forever. 

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