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1 year

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I made it to the 1 year mark! The post acute withdrawal symptoms aren't gone for me. I am having to learn how to control my emotions.

PAWS for me is an emotional roller coaster. If I hadn't been through extensive neuropsych testing and psych evals because of TBI I would think I had a mental disorder. It is a fearful state with little emotional control. It is anxious and slightly psychotic. I've felt like I was a bad person. I have had problems with my ability to reason, pay attention, and remember. I have had dissociation. This is serious stuff! It isn't a cakewalk. 

Here is is what has helped. Bpc-157 and memantine. I added noopept when memantine's anxiolytic and anti-depressive properties started to wear off. I found a a group on reddit called r/nootropics where they experiment with nootropics for every condition under the sun. 

Things have gotten better overall, but it isn't over. I also have brain damage, so that might be part of the equation. 

Reading about other peoples miseries has helped me to know I was on the right track. I thought I would share and maybe help others. 

I wish there was more research on paws. It really makes one feel insane. I'll do my best to spread the word about adderall post withdrawal. 

Oh. Meditation has also been big in my recovery. Sometimes it is my own thoughts that cause misery. Maybe all of the time it is my thoughts that cause misery! 

I can't think of anything else. 

Im sending all of you my compassion and feelings of love. 

Holefully paws goes away sooner rather than later for all of us. 

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