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Guidelines to end your adderall addiction from a Veteran on this site


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I needed to read this today!  Its been 3.5 months and since I quit and I haven't been able to get back some of the things I use to love. Ive also gained 10 lbs which isn't helping with the depression.  Anyway... thanks for the post.  It's important that I remind myself this is temporary.

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LOVE this post. This is honestly a fool proof plan, all it takes is the commitment to follow it!!! Cutting off the supply is imperative, although my doctor actually tried to put me back on everything even after I went to rehab and told her to never prescribe it to me again!!! You can also always find a new doctor...The only thing that saved me was the fact I had told all of my friends, family, and even boss about the situation so I had someone to keep me accountable other than myself. Those two things alone are the only reasons I believe my quit stuck!!! Everything else was a matter of surviving the process lol 

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On 3/4/2018 at 1:06 PM, Hopeful&determimed said:

I am now just scared to tell my hubby but feel like he will have to come with me to this next doctor and tell them not to prescribe this med to me. One of the major drawbacks for me is that I’m in the health field and really hate for my addiction to be in records because I hold a license.... feels good to just share.

Welcome back. Quitting Adderall is never hopeless. I've seen people struggle and go back and forth many times before eventually "getting" it. Keep in mind there are some great programs for people in the medical field who have substance abuse issues. May be worth looking into. Good luck.  

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Your comments about "getting fat" seem to suggest that weight gain is an unavoidable reality when quitting adderall, which, for people with body dysmorphia/related mental health issues, can be a terrifying prospect. I'd love to hear from others who went a diff. route / made a significant effort to not gain weight 

Also, I have no idea how to cut my doctors off. It's a walk-in clinic, so I get a new one every time, but they're just so lax and care so little that they legitimately will continue prescribing to me if I come back next month and say I "changed my mind" and I "dont think now is the right time to quit" 

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On 8/2/2017 at 2:22 PM, Lizzie said:

I needed to read this today!  Its been 3.5 months and since I quit and I haven't been able to get back some of the things I use to love. Ive also gained 10 lbs which isn't helping with the depression.  Anyway... thanks for the post.  It's important that I remind myself this is temporary.

This, to me, is the most terrifying part of quitting, and I'm not sure I can do it. 

I feel like such shit without adderall that every waking moment is just miserable. I seriousky can't handle that for 3.5 months.

I also know that I had a major depressive disorder before the adderall, so what happens when the adderall withdrawal depression is gone? I'll just go back to feeling regularly depressed, but this time, I wont have adderall to make it any more bearable  

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On 8/8/2017 at 3:09 AM, Lovebear said:

Thank you! Great post. I'm coming up on one year sober, and I finally am myself again. It took 11 months in bed. I thought I was ruined. I googled "ruined my brain" at least once a week. But PAWS ends. 

Jesus, I seriously can't imagine 11 months of that 

I want to quit, but I not only cannot afford to lay in bed for 11 months,  but I seriously think I would rather kill myself than go through this for so long

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On 8/23/2019 at 1:57 PM, tuneum said:

This, to me, is the most terrifying part of quitting, and I'm not sure I can do it. 

I feel like such shit without adderall that every waking moment is just miserable. I seriousky can't handle that for 3.5 months.

I also know that I had a major depressive disorder before the adderall, so what happens when the adderall withdrawal depression is gone? I'll just go back to feeling regularly depressed, but this time, I wont have adderall to make it any more bearable  

Two years ago I was faced with these same exact concerns and questions. Quitting was the best thing I have ever done. I am truly happy in a way that I haven't been in since before I took this garbage medicine. Yes initially I felt like garbage, but every day I survived it got easier until I no longer felt bogged down.

You don't know just how much you have to gain until you try.

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This post is so spot on it's scary. I have been clean for 2 years now and life has never been better :)

Anything I thought I was only capable of doing while on Adderall I have been able to do off of it plus more!

Your advice here pulled me through some rough times in the first year, thank you so much.

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  • 10 months later...

Appreciate this post. I have been clean (from adderrall and any other stimulants) for just 18 days now... Today marks a really tough day for me and this post has really helped me turn around... Wrote down why I NEED to quit adderrall, focused on positive thinking and just had an amazing conversation with my girlfriend, apologized to her and told her its not going to happen again. I am done with adderrall, for real. I will be strong. I will be healthy. period. I am 22 years old and have just 18credit hours left to graduate college. ADD is a bullshit diagnosis, I knew it then and I know it now. Drop your doctor / psychiatrist is a BIG one. Best way is to communicate it with your doctor and look for Wellbutrin or Modafinil if you must, but cut off your access to your prescription, that (imo) is among the first things you need to do to quit cold turkey, unless you still have your pills DUMP THEM!

Thank you guys, thank you everyone who's going through withdrawals and sharing your success / failures and guiding us to getting healthy, and being AUTHENTICALLY successful. Thank yourselves if you're on this site, it means you want to quit and it means you want a better life. A few weeks / couple months is a blip in your life, focus on a day-by-day... many people with healthy habits (diet, exercise etc) or even the chemical makeup of your body can mean a shorter span of withdrawals and quicker route to success and happiness without the drug. 


Thank you and my very best to everyone

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  • 1 year later...

Great post.  I do gotta say though I'm not quite sure if I agree with the 'ADHD' is a BS diagnosis though.  I can definitely see and understand why people think that and I definitely think it's prescribed way more than it needs to be, but as far as I know, people with ADHD have less dopamine in their brains.  I would have to do a little digging but there was some research done on some patients who got their brains scanned.   Those who didn't have ADHD had more dopamine available in their brains than the people who did have ADHD.  Here's one study just for reference:



I'm not telling you guys any of this to try and get you back to taking Adderall or anything like that, but I think that saying that ADHD isn't legit may be going a little far.  

If anyone disagrees please feel free to say so.  And I really hope this doesn't trigger anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable.  Just wanna hear your thoughts because maybe those studies are wrong you know?

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