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I am still tripping out on how I have little to no adrenaline response. Yesterday a very sudden accident happened right in front of me on the freeway while driving that I could have easily been a part of if I didn't react appropriately. Thankfully no one was hurt... Anyway I simply hit the breaks and maneuvered around the crashing cars as needed completely calm and emotionless while everyone else was freaking out! I guess it can be good to be "calm" however I do miss "feeling"

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or join a fight club? ;) 

i was in an accident not too long ago, and i also remembering being strangely calm as it was happening. i think maybe these kinds of things happen so quickly, there isn't time to process or for adrenaline to kick in (until after the incident).

for what it's worth, it took me a year of recovery to enjoy playing videogames again, and i think it has to do with this exact same thing. i didn't feel the rush and excitement of it, and then one day i did. nowadays, i actually have to stop myself from playing at least an hour before bed cause i get so worked up (:

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I've oddly had identical thought process Eric lol I almost bought a dirt bike a few months ago because on that thing you have to feel some sort of excitement but I didn't. Then I went and bought an Xbox one about two months ago and I'll play in the evenings for an hour or so most nights. I usually don't feel that into it but once I start I'll kinda get into it sometime more than others. Still thinking about that dirt bike though 

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