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Posts posted by Cheeri0

  1. Hi I also just wanted to add: you're doing so well by posting here. You're a valuable member of this community, and your posts are already helping people here. I know you feel miserable right now, but you are doing so much better than you feel. You're advocating for yourself and your health and making steps in the right direction. Take at least a few minutes to celebrate your progress. Even if it doesn't feel like you're making any, I promise you that you are. 

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  2. Get to a meeting pronto. Be as brutally honest with the people at that meeting as you've been here. I've been in this space before. 

    If I'm being honest with myself, I think the two things that really *made* me get sober were the health scares (mild heart attack, mini-stroke, severe dehydration/malnutrition at 23) and isolation. I just couldn't take being on my own every single minute of every single day anymore. There are people in New York who have been through this and will talk to you about it. They go to meetings. I promise.

    You have to stop putting drugs in your body. This is killing you. Toss your pills immediately, call your doctor tomorrow and tell them you're abusing them. Have you had enough pain? There's a way out. You can do this. But you have to stop getting high and being frustrated with the results. You're doing the same thing over and over and over and over. Flush them. We're here for you, don't die.

    Be honest at a meeting. Surrender. You DO deserve to live. Your brain is lying to you right now with all those feelings of worthlessness. They're 100 percent bullshit. Don't trust your brain right now. Trust the brains of sober people who have been in this place. We love you and you deserve happiness 

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  3. Hi friend, I'm sorry you're struggling. I'm not sure if I'm the best person to give you advice because I was in a really rigorous academic program when I was trying to quit for the first time, and ended up having to take time off and collect myself before I went back to school. I completed my degree sober, but I'm not sure if I could have succeeded academically in the first few months of my quit. That being said, though, I was a lot more far gone than you are. About double your milligrams. My health was deteriorating, and all nighters were a three-times-a-week thing. Had I tried to to nip things in the bud earlier I may have been able to do it, though - so don't be discouraged.

    My advice: make this your number one priority. I know my friends in med school don't have much of a social life anyway, but any extra curricular activities you have may need to take a backseat for your first few months adderall free. Only focus on a few things: your spiritual/physical condition, sobriety, and school (in that order). Let nothing else matter right now. If you can wake up every day and just manage not to get high, consider it a win. Good luck and keep posting

  4. Hi family. There was recently a post about creating a QuittingAdderall subreddit, and I made a comment explaining that I had the same username in both forums. Someone who has been trying to join this site found me on reddit and sent me the following message:



    Sorry for bothering you, but I read your post on the quittingadderall.com forums where you mentioned /r/stopspeeding, so I found your name pretty quickly.

    People on quittingadderall.com have been wondering why the site is dead days. Well, it's because sign-ups have been down for many months.

    You can't make an account because I think there's an out of date captcha, and as such it's impossible to complete the sign-up form. I've been trying for months.

    Maybe you could spread the word to the people on the forum? I've messaged the admins myself using the provided form but no response.




    Guys, what can we do to fix this? It explains so much. People are trying to join us but are unable.

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  5. Did anyone else have a similar experience to the writer of this article where they hated it as a child and became addicted as an adult? I was 16 the very first time I took it and remember feeling "wrong," not euphoric. My body was telling me something wasn't right. Only after I trained myself to love the dopamine did I think it felt "good." I think we should listen to kids more and trust our young bodies

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  6. Thanks everyone for the support! Couldn't have done it without y'all.

    @LILTEX41 I work as a data scientist / database architect / software developer. I mostly work in SQL, R, Python, and Excel. I learned most of those skills at an internship I got right after I got clean. It was 7.50 an hour while I lived with my parents and college wouldn't take me back yet. Paid off in the end though!

    @LiberatedMind Keep at it! Accept the hard days and learn how to feel pain. I promise struggle with come, even after some time sober. You just have to learn how to get through the shittiest days without leaning on pills and you'll be fine :)

    @SeanW Awesome Sean, that sounds like a great plan. Yeah if I'm being completely honest, of everything I've been through in my after-adderall journey, the two things that were the hardest were school and being dumped. I cried and cried and cried over papers. I felt like I couldn't do them anymore because my brain was broken. I felt dumb and useless and miserable for most of the time while I was in class/working on homework. That never really went away :( I just did it over and over again until I didn't have to do it anymore. Work is a MILLION times easier than school. I seriously hated it - just gotta accept it as a stepping stone.

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  7. Good on you for coming here and being honest. If you had sobriety before, you can do it again. I work an NA program, so when it came to figuring out how to manage non-adderall medications, I had the guidance of a sponsor which really helped. Our current arrangement: the only non-food items I'm allowed to consume without texting her first are advil and claritin. Everything else goes through her first. I also have to text her when I have a heavy caffeine day. It's just about the constant acknowledgement that I am literally incapable of sanely managing substances that I put in my body and I need help. There's nothing wrong with that. By turning it over to someone else I avoid the temptation to buy caffeine pills and say "well at least I'm not on adderall." I'm an addict, and unfortunately that applies to all areas of my life and can show up anywhere. You can do this, just don't be afraid to ask for help!!


    I also understand the weight thing, I'm struggling with that too. I've gained 30lbs in two years since I've been sober, but it's so worth it to have a clean mind. I'm going to start diving into healthier habits and losing weight naturally - looking forward to continued support here as I start that process :) we can navigate it together if you'd like!

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  8. On 5/23/2018 at 5:01 PM, GiveMeWings said:

    I truly believe that prescription stimulant abusers (pushed by a doctor in the first place!) are a different breed, it effects a different personality type, and has very different withdrawal symptoms than from those coming off alcohol or opiates.

    This is what I thought, too, when I first got sober. I'm almost two years clean now and experience has proved me wrong time and time again. You're an addict, no better or worse than opiate addicts or alcoholics. Adderallics tend to come from wealthier homes (on average), and we face death as a consequence of our addiction far less frequently. But I personally believe that the "personality type" attracted to adderall is one of perfectionism, ambition, grandiosity, and terminal uniqueness. You can find these same traits in heroin addicts and meth-heads. Don't let the class designation trick you into thinking you're special, I fell into that trap for years. Frankly, I think the withdrawal difference is pretty simple. Compared to opiate withdrawal, ours is much less intense, but lasts for much longer. There are obviously physiological/sensational differences, but when you're trying to kick a drug habit I think we have much more in common with crackheads than we'd like to think. You don't need special rehab full of other speed freaks to realize you're a drug addict. You have us, and people who were hooked on meth have pretty similar withdrawal issues. Focusing on similaries rather than differences did me a world of good. Just my opinion, though.

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  9. Hey @OnSomething, have you ever thought about Narcotics Anonymous? It's a big part of my recovery... I usually try not to peddle it here because it's NOT the only way to get/stay clean, but your particular posts make me think it might be a good option for you. If you're really feeling hopeless, there's nothing like walking into a room full of people whose lives were worse than yours and are now living successfully/beautifully to fill you with hope. A lot of adderall addicts separate themselves from NA meetings because there are relatively few of us who go (depending on your area). Where I live, I'd guess the fellowship is about 70 percent opiate addicts, 15 percent coke, and 15 percent meth. So it's easy to feel "different" from everyone. But when you get to the core of people's issues, we're pretty much exactly the same. And more people have experience there with amphetamine withdrawal than you'd think. If you're looking for an instruction manual and some really personal attention from someone who understands, go to some meetings and try to sniff out a sponsor. It changed the game for me. 

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  10. Interesting. Would like to hear more on this also. I was on Ritalin for a few months, and found that I didn't feel as euphoric as I did on adderall. 

    I always thought that Ritalin was just more frequently prescribed to the under-15 crowd and adderall was for adults (this was a simplification made by my doctor at the time), so abuse stories were all about addy because that's what people were likely on when their parents stopped monitoring their intake. But if there is something physiologically distinguishing the two addiction potentials I'd love to hear about it!

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  11. 6 hours ago, Bobcostas281 said:

    There's nothing worse than being aware of what you are doing and fully apprised of the consequences and then doing it anyway. 

    Amen, brother. Good to hear that you're determined. Just be advised that if the drugs are taking up a lot of real estate in your life, it's going to feel emptier without them there. I filled the space with a 12 step fellowship that I'm sure you were exposed to during your rehab stints, but that's not the only way. Taking up a hobby that makes you feel good about yourself (or reinvesting in an old one like running, art, book club, etc.) seems to be an important piece of this if you want to commit long-term. For now though, I'd buckle up for some rough days and keep a lot of fruit in the house. Hydrate like a bitch. Feel free to complain to us, also! Cheers mate.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Speeder906 said:

    Other than that there's very little mention of addiction or long-term use. Mostly talks about how it works short-term. I think that's what bugged me the most.


    Yeah, I hadn't thought about it this way but you're exactly right. I feel exactly the same way. We have to stay strong!

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  13. I watched it yesterday. It definitely stirred up using thoughts in me, and I definitely see your point about glorifying the drug. However, I didn't find it as offensive as I'd have guessed. I like how it focused on the systemic societal issues that make us so production-driven. They didn't really cover an addiction story, just lightly glossed over the fact that it could happen. I wish they had had a recovering addict play a more central role. But it wasn't ALL terrible, just mostly IMO.

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  14. Keep trying. It took me 4/5 quit attempts before mine stuck, and I celebrated 18 months yesterday! Always forward, always improve, always keep learning. You're on the right track with being honest here, if you keep that habit it up it'll help a lot in your journey! Happy you're here, you're in the right place.

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  15. 11 hours ago, sleepystupid said:

    isn't this what most of television is? lol. unfortunately, you can't blame the media DIRECTLY, in the same way you can't blame doctors DIRECTLY for their practices- it's simply capitalism. all these things are a business, and the way they make the most money is to pander and prescribe.. because that's what people want. that's not to say it's ethical by any means, but to be fair there are also cases where its pure greed. like the stuff in this article probably crosses a pretty black and white line:https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/11/health/prescription-opioid-payments-eprise/index.html

    right now everyone is concerned about the opioid epidemic. i can almost imagine a time ten years out where we cite this Netflix documentary as the catalyst of a new epidemic.



    Yeah, the fact that this is what people want is what upsets me. It's telling about American culture. That's what I meant. I couldn't care less about the media. The fact that this is what capitalism has created shows what America is really about right now. Which is upsetting to me.

  16. Nah Frank, I haven't watched it. The trailer itself was enough to make me think about using... It stirs up these ugly feelings of inadequacy in me. Those are the same feelings that fueled my addiction. It comes out on Friday which is actually the same day I celebrate 18 months!

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  17. Garbage. Fucking garbage. It's so telling to me that a group of intelligent adults sat around in a room and decided this was the kind of content Americans wanted to see and were willing to pay for. Living a natural life in the body that I was given by the universe and embracing its design sounds more appealing to me than pumping it full of man-made chemicals for the sake of accumulating more shit I don't need. I understand the desire for success. I'm an adderall addict, of course I have the desire for greatness. But hopefully people will realize that ultimately this drug makes things worse, not better. I don't want any success I wasn't capable of achieving with the tools I was given by my higher power. 

    I try not to get preachy/too idealistic on these forums, but God damn. That trash riled me up.

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  18. I'm in the "as much time as you need" camp. Your number one priority should always be not doing speed, regardless of how much netflix it requires. Not using always comes first.

    I get how this mentality can keep you from recovering as fast if you aren't pushing yourself to adopt healthy habits (eating well, exercise, working, etc.), but I feel like if I had swung to far in the "be productive" direction too early I would have gotten too hard on myself, freaked out, and sought out pills to help me cope. Balance is probably the key to your question, but I definitely swung more to the "lazy for too long" side.

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