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Posts posted by sweetupbaaby

  1. I wanted to share some positive insight into being clean from Adderall.

    This world is not perfect, as you may know. There is so much deceit and corruption all around. It can become all-consuming if we focus our energy on it, but there is also the other end of the spectrum we seem to forget. Since coming off my meds, I have realized how beautiful the world is. I look at people and find them beautiful. The wind blowing through the trees in the morning while I drink my coffee is heavenly bliss. The birds singing in the branches and the sun coming through my living room window is absolutely awe-inspiring to me. Every morning I go for an early walk and I come home refreshed from the beauty I just took in.

    These are experiences that Adderall could never give me. Getting clean has really taught me to sloww down..to take my time and to really take in the small things. I know this is cliche but I am truly learning that the small and simple things really are the best things in life. There is something soooo beautiful about being sober, I swear it moves me to tears a lot of days. I am very emotional and hyper-sensitive to any stimuli, even more so since coming off the stims.

    It can be a double-edged sword. It makes the pain more painful, but the good times become great times. I literally find myself crying over the silliest things. If I see someone sharing a positive word of encouragement online- I tear up. When I see someone helping someone else in need- I can feel tears forming. Sitting with my cat and just watching her gives me so much joy. I want to cry thinking about how happy I am to be sober. It has been such a hard road, and a lot of time it can become easy to fall into the thinking trap that drugs took away a life that I will never get back. But for me, and many others, the exact opposite happened. We received a new life- a real and sustainable life, and it's beautiful. The pain and the joy I experience are just two co-existing states that come and go, ebbs and flows like any other emotion.

    I am learning to accept life in all seasons and circumstances, Because there is beauty all around, at all times- you just need to open up your eyes!

    Love you all. Stay safe

    • Like 4
  2. 20 hours ago, Doge said:


    I agree with sleepy, this seems like a bit much.... 

    Don't get me wrong, if you can pull it off power to you!  But if you ever get to the point where you feel that like something has to give, I'd first look at your caloric intake.  Once you get clean from longer you can shit your focus to your weight.  And this doesn't mean you can't eat healthy, but caloric deficit on top of recovery sounds (to me) like too much at once.

    Remember you aren't a superhero, and that's OK!

    I was pulling it off for about a month:lol:Thinking I could run myself into the ground and keep going. It's so important to take it easy on ourselves, especially in the first year of recovery.

  3. On 25/08/2020 at 9:32 AM, sleepystupid said:

    wow that's a brutal schedule - serious props for dragging yourself to work everyday! if it's any consolation, i really do believe that all this exhaustion will pay off in the way of a speedier recovery. you are pushing yourself on a consistent basis, and each day should be just a little easier than the last. it may not feel like it now but as @DrewK15 said, it's like lifting - eventually your hard work will show results.

    of the 3 things you mentioned, i think the weight loss part might be excessive at this point in your journey. i can certainly understand valuing health and fitness, but you can still achieve these things without pushing yourself into caloric deficit. wouldn't it be a shame if this was the thing that was making your day just exhausting enough to relapse? don't risk your sanity and progress over what you've already admitted is perfectionism (:

    You're absolutely right. somethings gotta give!! I am not a superhero, although I like to think I am sometimes. I have a pride issue and asking for help has always been a struggle for me but I thank you guys sooo much for your insight and advice it's really gotten me through some serious rough patches!! When we reach out for help, things get better. Even just sharing your experience goes a long way. Community is so important for recovery and I really am appreciative of your support. (On the other hand, isolation is detrimental for recovery and I am actively trying to push my social boundaries and to get myself out there to get the continued support I need for my journey.)

    I have incorporated a few extra hundred calories into my daily inventory and just upping the intensity at the gym a lil more. I seem to have more energy just from having that little bit of extra food. I always knew sleep was important for my mental health, but I didn't realize that food was just as important for the maintenance of my mood and energy!

  4. On 21/08/2020 at 1:08 PM, DrewK15 said:

    Hi @sweetupbaaby. I’m 3 months into a new job after 2+ years of full time recovery. I can relate to some of what you’re going through, it’s tough to work without Adderall at first after relying on it to get stuff done. In other ways I can’t relate because I had the luxury of taking time to get well, I want to be honest with you about that. 

    Here are a couple things to think about that have helped me. Is anyone (bosses most importantly) negatively criticizing your work? I have found I am my own worst critic. Us Adderall people can be like that. I often feel like I’m doing terrible when none of my supervisors have an issue with my work and have actually told me I’m doing a great job.  You’ll get more confident in time. I was terrified of not being good enough or having enough energy when I first started. A few months in I am way more confident and have done things without Adderall that I never thought were possible. There have been a couple projects I worked on where I went into a flow state and it felt incredible. 

    This process is like working out. You start light and over time you lift more and more until you can lift far more than you could when you started. There is hope of being more energetic, confident, and sharp than you are capable of today. 

    Thanks for your reply! 

    I am in a unique predicament. I have been really struggling at work. I quit smoking cigarettes and Adderall simultaneously. That alone took a huge hit on my energy levels. I am also working full time on top of that, and struggling to eat 1200 calories a day to maintain weight loss. All of this is really draining me. I am generally a very mentally tough individual and can handle a lot of pressure, but I feel like I have dug a hole I don't know how to get out of. I am already 5 months without cigarettes and I don't want to go back to smoking. I am almost 4 and a half months or so without Adderall, give or take a relapse or two. And I am eating in a caloric deficit because I need to lose weight. I feel like all 3 of these things are necessary, but are absolutely draining my energy. I am dead by the time I get home. Up the next morning for 3:30 am to be at work for 5 am.

    Interesting you would mention being your own worst critic. I am super hard on myself. I set unattainable goals and when I do not meet them, I get very depressed. It's all or nothing with me. I am an extreme perfectionist and it's draining all of me. I read something interesting- every time you have to resist a temptation, it drains your mental storage. I am at work all day resiting the temptation for Adderall, having a cigarette with my co-worker and taking a donut from the snacks that are offered to the staff. No wonder I am exhausted. I don't know how to remedy this situation.

    Thank you for your insight. I really hope I can find a system that works for me.

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  5. 18 hours ago, EthericTraveler said:

    I just now read in another thread your post sweetupbaaby about your exercise and diet regimen, so it looks like you’ve got those bases covered! I have one more bit of advice that may help. Fatigue comes easily when replaying negative thoughts in the mind. As difficult as it can be to accept sometimes, the reality is that I have free will, and I can think whatever I want. All negativity is an illusion that only holds weight if you accept it as true. When I consciously detach from all these inner-labels (“I’m a lazy loser”, or “I’m pathetic”, or whatever else), I feel better within minutes. I visualize negative thoughts being pushed away from my being, until they dissipate entirely.

    This meditative practice has “magically” improved my mood many times and so I just thought I’d share.

    I really appreciate your advice and for taking the time to comment. Means a lot. I too like to visualize negative thoughts passing through me like a sifter. That way I am not holding on to them, they just pass right through :)

  6. 20 minutes ago, speedracer said:

    Oh boy, I am so sorry for your suffering. I get it. I was in that space for too long. Since we all suffer with extreme fatigue, lethargy, fog brain, etc. how do we manage to work?  It doesn't make any sense.  This recovery is disabling. Its a form of disability.  No way around it. We all need the time and space to heal. The brain needs time to repair itself. In the field of workers compensation, they have two types of disability for injuries whether physical or psychological, total or partial.  In my opinion, we are either partially or totally disabled In the early stages of our recovery. I could only work part time, two or three days per week.  I was partially disabled for sure.  Very few people seem to understand recovery from adderall causes disability. If I had a magic wand, and I was a doctor,  I would write a prescription for every person on here wanting to recover and give them 90 days of total temporary disability followed by 9 months of partial disability. 3 months of no work stress at all followed by 9 months of partial work stress. ( We should avoid all unecessary stress during the first year) No full time work for the first year. Some people may need up to two years. I am coming up on month 14 and my work performance, energy, and focus continues to improve. I thank God he finally gave me the the time and space i needed to heal without worrying about basic survival needs. Your ability to beat this monster may depend on your ability to take it easy with work. Can you go part time?  Can you talk to your doctor about it? Show him this post?  Maybe your doctor can certify you for state disability? Can your family help?  Insurance? If you can pull off recovery while working full time, my hats off to you. But I think our chances are low. Recovery has to come first. I am so praying for you. 

    This is so encouraging. I want to cry because you really do understand what it's like. I full-heartedly agree it is a disability. I thought maybe there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I know some people experience fatigue, but this is next level exhaustion. I am so glad you worded this the way you did. You explained how I feel perfectly. 

    I could get part-time, but I do need the money as EI is running low. I am trying to maintain the productivity I had during Adderall usage. I don't know how to slow down. I find myself speeding through my work, but being so low in energy. I feel like anxiety kind of fuels the rushing around, I feel like I just want to rush through the 8 hours I'm at work just so I can get home. I find it's just a psychological habit to want to do the next thing, I feel Adderall exasperated that a lot. I am strong-willed, hard-headed, and not to mention extremely hard on myself- that's how I am able to push myself to work full time. That doesn't mean it's healthy to do so though. And just because I am doing it now doesn't mean I won't burn out eventually. And If I hit complete burnout, I'll really be in trouble and maybe bed-ridden. I think I need to slow down before I crash and burn.

    Thanks so much for your prayers- that means so much to me. Insurance and family help are out of the question, but I hope to find some way to manage it. I'll figure it out as I always do. And will keep my Adderall fam posted. Thanks again

    • Like 1
  7. My friends who have been off of Adderall for a considerable amount of time...

    How do you deal with being so exhausted?? Since being back to work, I am dead ass tired. My bones are tired. I get home from work and lay on the couch until I have to work the next day. I literally have no energy left to do anything. My muscles are sore. All of my mental and physical energy is depleted. I am dragging ass 24/7. I really can't imagine how you guys have made it so long. I am soooo close to caving and popping some addy just to get some energy to get me through work. This is no way to live. I am so desperate! But I know If I don't kick this habit now, then I never will. I am so conflicted on this matter, and trying to weigh the pros and cons leave me in the same place everytime. I don't know if quitting is even worth it anymore.

     How do you guys survive through working a full time job...? Be it from home, as a parent, in the workplace etc...where do you get the energy to have a life outside the main responsibilities???

    ~ tired and overwhelmed

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  8. 15 hours ago, Ash20 said:

    @Ready4Change Amazing and inspiring progress!! Thank you for this update. The sensitivities (sensory and emotional) as well as paranoia are big for me as well. What you stated about TV was spot on. I was off of Adderall for 2.5 years (pulling myself out of a 3 month relapse now). I know that I had these sensitivities prior to Adderall. I’m actually not sure if they got worse following Adderall or not. I would love to keep in touch for ideas to mitigate them.  

    One thought regarding the paranoia - your intellectual profile may predispose you to paranoia. I have had to take formal IQ and achievement tests since age 10 (way before Adderall use) and I’ve always tested through the ceiling on a section called verbal abstract reasoning. I suspect that many others in these forums would also test high in this area (given a link to NF personality types). The psychiatrist told me that very high scores in this section strongly correlate to high levels of paranoia - I’d imagine that it is related to the rate and manner in which you connect the dots. My belief is that Adderall actually impaired my verbal abstract reasoning ability when I was on it, and I thus became less paranoid. The return of paranoia when off of Adderall indicates the return of this particular intellectual ability. Basically, your paranoia may indicate that your brain is up and running like it should be again.

    There may be factors beyond this impacting the paranoia - but I’m hoping the above is validating or encouraging to you in some way. I would also love any advice on how to channel this paranoia to be helpful rather than hurtful in daily life. I no longer wish to be paranoid about paranoia!

    Very interesting information

  9. Wow! Congrats on your progress! This is so inspiring.

    That's crazy, all the changes you have made I have done the same thing.. they are truly great, effective life changes. 16:8 intermittent fasting, staying at 1200 calls a day, exercising 5-6 days per week, sleeping consistently, cutting out sugar.

    I have also recently made the decision to go Vegetarian and I am working on becoming Vegan as a long term goal.

    The things you are still struggling with, are major issues that I have right now too. It can be pretty exhausting. I second @speedracer about keeping Faith an integral part of your recovery. I keep God at the center of everything I do, and I have been able to overcome mountains that I would never have been able to climb or even have the desire to climb without Him.

    keep up the great work!!



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  10. Not to brag, but I'm honestly so damn proud of myself. I'm proud because I show up to do the work that no one wants to do. I am so empathetic towards anyone who feels the need to escape reality. Life is hard. People cope by checking out and numbing the pain. I use to do that too. I could easily numb myself by continuing to take stimulants to distract myself from reality. I could continue to smoke cigarettes because I love nicotine. I could continue to drink alcohol because it makes me more fun to be around. I could continue to smoke weed because it makes me forget about my problems. I could continue to bang rails at work because I love being high. I could continue to pop percs because I love feeling mellow. I could continue to pop Xanax because God knows my anxiety is through the roof.

    These are all addictions I have struggled with in my life. I could easily check out and save myself the pain of feeling my emotions. But I have been choosing to face reality- scared shitless, anxious and depressed, confused, isolated and alone, with no chemical crutch. If anything, it's taught me to be resourceful, adaptive, resilient and one badass bitch. I refuse to be a slave to my addiction any longer. For me, I don't see it any other way. I choose death or I choose life.

    I have to make the decision each and every day to not let my temptations drag me away. It's been hella hard, I have relapsed more than once and some days it takes all of me not to pick up one of these things.

    I am happy to say I am currently completely sober. I started my first day of work today. I was so anxious about not having my Addy crutch, but I grew a pair and went to work completely sober. This is a milestone for me. I knew I only needed one day to prove to myself I could do it. I'm tired ASF but I survived.

    Keep pushing my friends. If an addict like me can get clean- I am absolutely positive every single one of you can too.

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  11. 15 hours ago, Ash20 said:

    Hey @sweetupbaaby - I have been following your story and am so impressed with your progress. You have come so far. 3 and a half months clean is something to be proud of. Please know that you have the strength within you to stay off of these evil blue pills - work or not. Nothing is as important as continuing to stay off, for good. 

    This is my first time posting but I saw what you wrote and knew that I had to say something. You are smart and insightful - I can tell from your posts. Trust yourself and know that you will be fine at work without these pills...And on the off chance that they find some fault with you - then that’s their loss! It is safe to say that you’ve inspired members of this community to get off and stay off - you’ve made a difference in my life at least. Please keep us updated. It’s not too late to get off again. We are here for you. You are awesome. 

    Wow. Thanks so much for your comment- that makes me feel really awesome that I can inspire you and hopefully others on their own journeys. I appreciate your kind words, they mean a lot to me.

    I have been clean for about a week now and plan to stay that way. First shift tomorrow. I am excited but nervous as hell! 

  12. 1 hour ago, sleepystupid said:

    i think this is a make or break moment for you - if you start this new job by going back to Adderall, you will not only wipe out all the physiological progress your brain has made healing itself, but psychologically you are giving the inner addict a HUGE win without even a fight! don't you at least want to KNOW how difficult this job will be before you give up?

    depending on the type of work you're doing, it might not actually be as bad as you think. we are all more adaptable than we think we are! if you're constantly engaged (fast-paced environment as you say), you may end up being too busy to feel down. you don't need to be Superman or chatty Cathy at work - this will be about survival for a little while, not about performance or being liked. 

    like most things in life, once you have the routines down for your new job it will become easier - you just need to let yourself get to that point without giving in to the medication. trust in your own strength to do this - think of it as a test for your big move next year! (:

    Thanks so much- yeah, you're absolutely right. I have to at least let myself find out how working will be without my medication. I'm putting down the speed. I've come too far for this bullshit! Just going to continue to meditate and get some yoga in to calm my frazzled nerves before my first shift. Thanks for your input- always helpful:)

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  13. I touched on this in another post, but I wanted to make a separate one too.

    I'm going back to work on Monday and I'm freaking out. How have you all coped being at work and not being as productive as you have been while on Adderall? Do you have enough energy to complete your workday? Were you able to concentrate and get things done without the Adderal? How do you adapt to the change?

    I have been off Adderall for 3 and a half months or so until this past week where I got a new prescription. I really want to start my new job off on the right foot. I want to flush my pills before my first shift. I have 5 am shifts and I am not sure how I will be able to stay energized in the mornings without Adderall. I don't know how I will adapt to the fast-paced environment. I have badass social anxiety and that's a huge part of the fear that comes with being unmedicated at work. 

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks <3

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  14. On 27/07/2020 at 4:11 PM, sleepystupid said:

    i'm sorry to hear about your eventful weekend - that must have been really tough, especially being let down by the professionals you're trusting with your life. it sounds like the ER doc was quick to assume your condition was a result of abruptly stopping medication, which is probably a fair diagnosis most of the time. unfortunately an ER doc's job isn't to attend to your mental health, it's to stabilize you. that being said, it's still pretty negligent to prescribe stimulants to someone who clearly communicated that they had been abusing them! 

    it sounds like your management of BPD will be very important in your Adderall recovery success. if mood stabilizers are genuinely the right solution for you, then there must have been a reason you chose to go off them when you quit Adderall? only you know the answer to that, but if you're going to discontinue those meds as well you need to make sure you have the right support in place - manage the underlying condition properly and you will also manage the Adderall recovery.

    from your posts i can tell you have excellent introspection and discipline - you know what you need to do now, so toss those pills and get back on the wagon! (:

    Thank you for your kind words.

    I'm really struggling right now and I feel like I am being pulled in two directions. I have been able to take 40mg the past few days without going over that amount. But the problem is, that's already more than I am prescribed. I feel like I try to justify it by saying I am not in the right state of mind to quit right now. I don't have much support in my daily life, and it really helps me with concentration. I also justify taking it because I just got a new job. I can't even process the thought of having a demanding day job without being on Adderall. I wish I could learn to live without it. 

    From what I have seen from the past few days, these are the pros and cons I've noticed from taking Adderall again


    1. Increased concentration

    2. No more withdrawal fatigue

    3. Energy to get things done that I have been putting off forever

    4. Increased confidence


    1. Restless sleep

    2. Low mood when Adderall wears off

    3. Body feels exhausted in the morning before I take it

    4. I now understand that I have been using Adderall as a crutch to do anything at all. I will put things off unless I am "high" enough to do them, otherwise, it won't be enjoyable. That's a dangerous mindset to have.

    5. Constantly feeling dehydrated

    6. Not eating or consuming enough daily recommended calories

    7. Always feeling like I want more (even if I don't indulge in the craving, the fact that the craving is there means I am vulnerable to falling back into addiction. Addicts will justify any reason to take more)

    8. Spaced out. I notice I am not even paying attention to anything my family is saying. And that's not fair to them. They deserve to have me present with them. I realize now why my relationships and friendships crumbled over the years. I was in my own world 24/7.

    9. Mood swings. I noticed a more consistent mood while in recovery. It definitely wasn't super stable, but a lot more stable than the highs and lows associated with Adderall usage.

    That's just off the top of my head. But if anyone has more "cons" they can list, I would be happy to hear them. I need a reality check. I'm glad that I can recognize what Adderall does to me, and I know I am better without it. But I am not sure how I am going to function, especially with a new job. 

    At the end of the day, I cannot stay on Addy forever. I am moving across the country next year and figured I would take 3 months off to recover after I move before I find a new job. But even then..that would mean I just threw away 3, almost 4 months of recovery just recently? 


    There is no easy way around it. I feel like I have to take the leap and just start this job without being medicated. It's going to be uncomfortable and harder than it would normally be. But I really don't see how else I will get clean unless I just do it..


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  15. ******I'm just realizing this now, but maybe I should have mentioned before that I've been diagnosed BPD with manic depression. I don't want to potentially mislead anyone who thinks my symptoms may be attributed to Adderall withdrawal when in fact they may be connected to mental illness. That doesn't downplay how shitty it is to withdrawal from Adderall.

    Yesterday, I was put back on my mood stabilizer for BPD. I should have never come off them. Hopefully, that might take the edge off, and I truly hope I get the balls to flush the Adderall I just purchased today.

    I'm in such a tough position and I feel like there is no winning to this situation.

    Yesterday I took a trip to the ER because I was having racing thoughts and suicidal ideation and my therapist mentioned I should go. I had a full assessment done and I had told the Doctor I had come off all of my medication 3 months ago. I told him I was on Adderall XR but I was abusing the medication so I came off of it. 

    This is what's wrong with the world....

    For one...I had mentioned I feel like harming myself or someone else and they did not admit me into psych. My file mentions violent tendencies in the past, and I come to you saying I feel suicidal but you discharge me right away. Wtf?

    Not only that but the Doctor was adamant about me going back on Adderall at 20mg a day to keep me stable. After I just mentioned I discontinued use because I was abusing it.

    At that moment in time, I was really not strong enough to say no and agreed to it. My brain immediately started freaking out trying to convince me not to take the script, but a small voice was starting to justify that maybe a small dose will help.

    I filled my meds and already took 3x the prescribed dose before noon today. I felt so confident and top of the world for 2 hours and felt like this may actually work. Until I experienced the crash. Now I feel like a piece of shit and just want to take more Addy. I ain't gonna do it. I came too far. I feel sooooo good on Adderall but it's not sustainable!!! I would have to take a 20mg pill every two hours to keep that feeling up. What kind of life is that. Taking that script was only hurting me more. 

    Now I am reminded how Good I felt on stims, and I am also reminded how shitty I feel without them.

    I don't know. I don't really know what to do. I'm so tired of being depressed and insecure without Adderall, it's really killing me.



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  16. Hi Mischa,

    Glad you decided to join the forums. I too, experienced severe exhaustion while on Adderall. It would come and go, sometimes it would stay for days or weeks at a time. I would take my XR in the morning, then around 2 and a half hours later, I would be so exhausted I could barely move. It wasn't a feeling of being tired, it was an exhaustive state. My body was heavy and I could barely get up. I would also experience drowsiness when my medication was wearing off in the evening (I often mediated this by taking more Adderall, thus staying up all night and perpetuating my insomnia) It always seemed strange considering Adderall is a stimulant drug that gives you energy. 

    Maybe the drowsiness you experience is from sleep deprivation if you struggle with falling or staying asleep at night. I'm sure there are other components to it though. I remember reading an article on exhaustion caused by Adderall but I can't find it on the internet anymore, it was extremely informative. (Lol I know that doesn't help much)

    I remember being on anti-depressants a few years ago and I was in a constant, fatigued and zombie state. When I came off them, my energy levels surfaced again.

    I've found sleep, exercise, staying hydrated and Caffeine (green tea 3x a day for me) have helped keep my energy levels up. I am no longer in an exhaustive state from Adderall cessation, but there are many days where I feel very, very heavy.

    I hope by browsing around some of these threads you can find the information you need to aid with your journey. 
    Good luck!

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  17. 2 hours ago, neilrealdeal said:

    Personally, I was addicted to woking out during my relatively short adderall addiction. Adderall acted in a similar way in which a steroid would have I believe minus the recovery aspect. Adderall increases norepinephrine in large amounts, which makes it much easier to lift weights/workout for an extended period of time. I would pop a pill before I went to the gym and I didn't have to try to focus or get hyped up on those really hard and grueling sets when I was on adderall, or any set at all as a matter of fact because it did that for me without even trying. Adrenaline was just flowing out of my body. My strength skyrocketed on adderall, but my joints took a beating because my body really couldn't handle the volume at which I was working out at. When I came off adderall my strength plummeted, and my body just hurt all over. I was left with a shoulder injury, lower back injury, and lat injury that I had to rehab as a result of overtraining and it still gives me problems to this day and im only 23. I got my testosterone levels tested about a month after coming off addy, and they were right at the bottom of the natural range for men sitting at 350 ng/dl. After about four months of slowly training the right way again, rehabbing, and doing a shit ton of cardio I got my levels tested again and they were sitting at 757 ng/dl, which is above the average. 

    So, to answer your question I believe adderall throws off your physiological functioning to a pretty large degree and it's going to take some time for everything to level itself out again. It makes it easier to workout from a mental aspect, as well as the physical. Definitely continue with your cardio, yoga, and weight training and try your hardest to keep upping that intensity every workout, but most importantly listen to your body. If you have a high threshold and know it's a pain you shouidn't be pushing through, then don't but also know It's going to be more painful working out then it was while you were on adderall, because it literally helps block the pain receptors but I'm sure you know working out isn't supposed to feel good. Keep building on your workouts and get into a good and consistent routine, and you'll be back to where you were at. You are going to have to work hard at building that mental fortitude back, and finding different avenues for motivation through hard workouts and painful sets. It definitely will improve and get better over time though as long as you are committed. 



    Wow...thank you so much for sharing, this was really helpful information.

    I use to be a beast too. I thought I had it made. I'm not going to lie, my body was in the best shape of my life. I use to work out like crazy, every day, and thought it was a sustainable practice. I too suffered from injury from pushing myself too hard and working out with injuries. I definitely agree that Addy feels like steroids. My workouts now lack in the mental focus which is what pushed me for so long. I use to be a pack a day smoker as well, and I could still bang out 3 hour long workouts. I quit smoking since then. Although I was fit, I was not healthy by any means. I didn't eat all day until 8 pm at night where I would carb load and eat the worst possible foods ever. I was still in a caloric deficit, so I was able to stay super skinny and toned. But I was underweight and probably malnourished. I remember at the tail end of my addiction I was consuming over 200mg of XR a day, I wouldn't eat for 2 or 3 days at a time. Looking back, I don't even know how I survived. Blows my mind. I had a rude awakening when I quit stims. I gained 30 pounds within 6 months and I regret letting myself go. I'm just trying to get back to where I was, but now I'm starting to realize it's going to be tougher than I thought. I have to expel so much more mental energy to stay pumped. Gyms are closed right now which is really killing me. I make time every day to work out, although it's so hard to separate yourself from fitness and personal life while at home in the living room. 

    Quitting addy made me realize how sh*tty my eating patterns were. I still eat in a caloric deficit now, but I eat at regular intervals throughout the day, and my diet is super clean. Staying away from crappy food is a must for my mental health.

    There is one thing I always remember when it comes to working out: Dedication over motivation. I don't wait to feel motivated to workout. I just do it because that's what I am committed to. Motivation is fleeting and it's not dependable in any way, shape or form

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  18. Hey guys,

    I had a question about workout out, specifically lifting weights. 

    I use to be an avid gym-goer. When I was on Adderall, my workouts at the gym were easy. I had the energy to go another set or two if I needed and I felt like I was always pumped to go the gym no matter what.

    I have been jumping rope and running while in recovery. My body gets really tired after 10-15 minutes of cardio and I have to take it easy every single workout. I've gotten back into lifting weights at home this week, after taking a year break from going to the gym. I really fell off, but I am determined to get back into shape. I tried doing a ten-minute ab workout today and my muscles were literally screaming in pain that I couldn't move. I know this sounds like a dumb question, but is this pain and weakness from having stagnant muscles for so long, or does this have to do with the low-energy and fatigue that comes with Adderall withdrawal? Will lifting weights and cardio become easier over time now that I am not on Adderall? The only low-impact exercise I can do right now with general ease is Yoga (which is a lifesaver, by the way)

    I don't remember what it's like to be a beginner at the gym. I don't remember being out of shape, and how long it took me to get in shape. I feel so weak and embarrassed that I have to take such long breaks in between workouts to rest, when I use to be able to power through workouts every single day for years. :mellow:

    Thanks for your help!

  19. 3 hours ago, happyinthepresentmoment said:

    Thank you so much. Great to meet you! Are you taking any medication to deal with the anxiety and depression? I was on Wellbrutrin before adderal and I am thinking of going back. It is so hard to stay sane and sober...lol.  The mindfulness advice is great...I am working so hard to put that in practice. It's true some days are better than others and the crippling depression comes and goes. 

    That makes me feel good to know that I'm not the only know who gets annoyed easily. That was me on the adderral I'm not sure if it's my true personality or not. I am having trouble remembering who I was without the addy.

    You're right about drinking water! Thanks for the reminder I just took a big sip. Kick boxing sounds like fun - I want to try that out.

    God bless and am genuinely wishing you the best of luck too! 


    My personal experience with anti-depressants and/or SSRI's is that they made me very foggy, extremely fatigued, and not to mention they took forever to start working. I was on Lexapro and Effexor for a few years at a time and they made me suicidal so I came off them. I also experienced horrible anxiety on these medications and really bad bouts of sleep paralysis!

    I used to be prescribed 2mg of alprazolam (Xanax) daily and then switched to 2mg of clonazepam daily for anxiety relief. Then I went to rehab and came off all medication. However, I think I am in a good spot now to go back on a low dose of alprazolam. I found, personally, that clonazepam relief lasted longer than Xanax, and a low daily dose just takes the edge of my crippling social anxiety. It truly was a lifesaver for me and was the only thing that allowed me to calm down in social situations. I have to be very careful with benzos because I gain a tolerance pretty quickly. After a while, I was just popping them like smarties. Lol I think I will get a prescription from my doctor and let a family member disperse my daily amount to me. At this point in recovery, I don't trust myself.

    I now attending EMDR therapy for PTSD and trauma treatment, I have really high hopes for this type of treatment based on my first few sessions. 

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  20. Welcome to the forums. I am right there along there with you...I am 64 days clean from an 80-240 mg XR daily habit and my quit date was May 3rd. I'm excited to hear about your journey to becoming free from Adderall. This is a great community to open up to and receive feedback and advice about daily problems and concerns. Make yourself comfortable. :) 

    I was addicted to opiates and benzos in my earlier years but managed to get clean through suboxone, and then eventually went off that. Between March of this year up until now, I have given up alcohol, weed, cigarettes, Adderall, and a pretty nasty cocaine habit simultaneously. (I am not trying to brag... this is just what it is. I had planned to do for a long time) I was experiencing severe psychotic manifestations from constant stimulant abuse and I dedicated myself to becoming clean from all mind-altering substances. It has been a lot of ups and downs, a lot of depressed and unbareable days, some 'ok' days and a few great days. The bad days are more prevalent than the good ones as of right now, but based on others experiences- things do get better! I try to remember that every state of mind I am in is temporary and to not attach myself to it as something permanent, because it won't be here forever. I just try to observe my thoughts, my emotions, and my mood as passing clouds...not attaching, just observing (sounds corny, but mindfulness is truly so powerful).

    At times, I get these 5 second moments of hope where I think "yeah....I can really do this, everything is going to be fine" I hold on to those moments of excitement and hope, they get me by even on my worst days.

    I have suffered anxiety and depression most of my teenage and adult life, I use to cope with this by using drugs and drinking excessively. Now, I force myself to work out on a daily basis, make sure to keep a consistent sleep schedule (for me it's early to bed, early to rise), keeping my eating as clean as can be and just over-all taking care of myself in every aspect. I make self-care and recovery my number one priority, every day. I struggle with anger and a hot temper, lifting weights and kick-boxing has been a lifesaver for cooling down. I empathize with getting annoyed with everything everyone does. I still feel that way and generally have no tolerance for anything that is slightly irritating to me. I'm hoping as I grow in recovery, this too will change, but I feel like this has always been my personality lol

    Binge-eating was a problem for me too, until I stepped on the scale and realized I gained 30 pounds in 6 months! That's when I really started to dedicate myself to clean eating and exercise. So far I am losing weight, and nothing feels better than being fit and healthy and in shape. When it comes to losing weight- portion control and drinking water throughout the day to curb hunger would be my biggest advice! Do you know the body often mistakes thirst for hunger? A lot of the time that we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty, so instead of snacking I started drinking water instead and there is a huge difference in the amount of food I eat now. Honestly, for me, I joined WW and it's been a Godsend for keeping me on track!

    Trust me, I completely empathize with everything you're saying, just be patient and take everything day by day. Don't worry about how you will feel tomorrow, 2 weeks or in 6 months. Just focus on the day in front of you. Anything beyond that will burn you out.

    Wishing you the best of luck!

    God bless

  21. 4 hours ago, Ready4Change said:

    This is great my strong and powerful friend. I’m glad you are standing up and accepting yourself exactly as you are. Now is your time to change and grow. I’m very proud of you and excited to be by your side during this journey. 

    Thank you so much:wub:

  22. Hey friends,

    I have had a pretty rough week. After a relapse yesterday, I felt like I have been knocked off my game. However, I am feeling a lot stronger today and even more prepared to do what's necessary to remain clean.

    I had an epiphany today that was really earth-shattering to me. I have been stressing out over the way I am being perceived by people for so many years and I came to a new conclusion today. This sounds like common sense- but something just hit me differently today. These statements have a new meaning to me-- It is really okay if I am going through a time where I am quiet. It is okay if I am feeling socially awkward right now. It is okay if I feel like I am boring and have nothing to offer. Even if these statements are not true, it is okay if they are. If someone calls me out on it, I am okay with it. I am taking responsibility for it first. When we accept who we really are, no one can use our flaws against us. I am taking the power away from the thing that I fear most.

    Things will not always be like this. I am tired of caring about what people think about me. So.. who cares? It takes sooo much out of you to try to win over the approval of other people..at a certain point you just learn to...let go.  If you don't like me, so be it. When we are in recovery, we only have so much mental energy to expend. I feel like I have been spending most of that energy on hiding the way I feel in fear of being judged or ridiculed. I'm really and truly over it.

    You spend so much time worrying about one thing, ruminating the same fear over and over, that you eventually realize it's just not worth it. I feel like something has been lifted off me and I feel so free. Sometimes things get so bad in life that it pushes you to the point where you just gotta laugh it off.

    Also, I am giving myself permission to feel however I need to on a day to day basis. I'm not going to judge myself for feeling depressed, anxious, or any other negative emotion. Not only are these feelings fleeting but they are not permanent either. Your emotions and feelings are never an accurate representation of your true character. Sometimes we can't get rid of negative emotions but we can disarm them by taking away the power they use to control us.

    Hope everyone is doing well



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  23. I feel like this was inevitable due to keeping Adderall in my house, when I should have flushed it a long time ago.

    I thought I would keep myself accountable and tell you guys.

    I still have half a months supply and was keeping it for "emergency" days. Today, I had a trigger that was stronger than my will power. I had family come to visit and my social anxiety kicked into overdrive. I felt like there was no way I was going to be able to sit and socialize with my fam and I started freaking out in my room. I feel like something whispered "Adderall" into the pit of my soul and truly I just went for it.

    I took 20mg XR and the worst part is that I love it so much. That along with a few patio drinks and I was feeling A1. This was the feeling that I missed so much, for the first time in almost two months I felt alive, and my "personality" was back in full swing. However...when it started to wear off after 4 hours I realized this is why I quit. Because it wasn't long before some sadistic feeling was nagging me to take another 20mg... but I refuse to get back into that cycle after all the hard work I have done.

    This is not a sustainable way to live. I'm finding it so hard to live through months of hopelessness and depression when relief is within my grasp. It's such a battle and I wish I never took Adderall to begin with. I see everyone partying for the long weekend and it hit a nerve with me. I haven't had fun or smiled in so long. Adderall is such a dangerous drug for that reason. That superficial joy is dangerous. At this point, I feel stupid for taking that pill because I am only delaying my progress.

    I don't want this life. I remember stimulant-induced psychosis..I think that alone is enough to keep me away for life.

    How do you guys deal with a relapse, if and when it happened? How do you stop beating yourself up?

    P.s. I also realize that I cannot drink alcohol at this time. I'm going to try to commit to being completely sober until 2021. This was the first time I have consumed alcohol in 6 months and I was finding it hard to control myself. I think any mind-altering substance is just going to make recovery that much harder.

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