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About ally

  • Birthday 04/03/1991

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    Rockford IL
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    Its april 13, 2014. After struggling for a year to quit, 3-4 relapses later, i have now been 100% clean of adderall for exactly 62 days. After a 8 year addiction. I struggle with other addictions and with this recovery very badly, but i will not take another adderall again, or any pills in general.
    And any time i need a reminder, i will come here and just read this to myself😘

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  1. You still in the Chicagoland area? 

  2. Almost At 100 days,, furthest ever! Feeling ok, a little better I guess. Got any other tips? What's gettin u by?
  3. Thanks:) Feels good to hear. Good job to u too!
  4. I can still taste the sweetness of the adderall, I still crave it more than anything... The only tie I get it anymore is in my dreams, but when I w me up, its in a sweat. I just try my hardest to fall asleep and take more, sometimes it works! Sounds crazy, I like it but I hate it, it makes me crave it, even though I am 86 days clean of it. Does anyone else experience this? It's scaring me I'm craving it bad lately, ok guess I could use some tips
  5. I'm on day 85! I haven't been great though, I went off my antidepressants and I have taken Vicodin a few times, so it could be from that. I'm still feeling very lethargic, I just don't want to do anything...it's a bummer. And I totally get the whole wellbutrin taking away personality, I feel lime that's what it did to me, it makes sense... The first time or two I quit I could feel the reAl me coming back, this time around is taking much longer,I hope the quitting Prozac and wellbutrin will better for me. Has a b gone else felt possible side effects from quitting wellbutrin?
  6. I know that feeling songbirds! How far along are u now? And how are u feeling?
  7. Was it u who mentioned u take straterra SweetCarolina? And tanks for sharing, i feel to lazy to even want to do that or be healthy, i cared so much more about my health on adderall. I just cant seem to want to do the right things right now. Were u like that since the beginning of ur recove4y?
  8. Ive seen all of those except following...ill have to check it out. I feel like ive done nothing but smoked weed and have seen every netflix series :\ Yet i dont feel like getting off the couch!!! Idk i just dont feel completely ready, im sure all the weight gain has taken a toll on my body. Is this normal for anyone else?
  9. Just made it past day 60. Next step...? Anyone close to this stage?
  10. Scares me that im the only one who has stayed uo for a week straight. It really takes a toll on ur body. Up for 3 days was the norm for me. InRecovery do u have any addicting netflix series u could share?
  11. Im sure more than half the people on here visit this section, read about ur area, think about joining a support group, but wont actually plan to meet up with other adderallics. LETS BE HONEST!! IF YOU ARE AN6THING LIKE ME, AND IM ASSUMING MOST PEOPLE ON HERE, DURING UR RECOVERY (especially when ur at a very low point) YOU DONT WANT TO GO OUT AT ALL! Sure, maybe in the very beginning i think we all experience that sort of what i call, adderall word vomit where u want to do nothing accept talk about adderall nonstop and how ur quitting and thats how we all end up here, because we find others that want to talk about it too... But how many of us actually have successfully gone to meetup with soneone or have even gone to some type of support meeting at all?? If u have how was it? Please share... If u havent, im just here to say im willing to put forth the effort and actually go to something like this or go out of my way to make time to meet with people every once in a while even if it involves traveling if a group of people would like to get together. One huge thing ive been noticing is not just lack of ambition, its the consequences of that lack of ambition during recovery. Over the years addicted to adderall, ive lost many friends and missed out on many social events since i had become such a hone body always working on "projects". The depression while quitting is harsh,and not having friends during it really makes it worse. I know i always feel too embarrassed to even go out, im at a 3 month really hard time, and i cant even function well enough to shower daily.. But who better to understand than people on this site? I feel like im kinda askin for a far stretch here, let me know if anyone has any opinions on this! I am located in illinois, if anyone in illinois or close by is intetested let me know! But really this could be for anybody!
  12. it's so great you feel better and Are doing so well after only 4 months. May i ask what ur usual daily dosage was? And throughout ur recovery did u lean on any other meds to recover? Drugs in general...weed, anti depressants, anti anxiety, etc. (Not including the straterra). I am 2 and a half months in, but i have not experienced any sort of true hPpiness or true laughter. I have an apt with dr tomorrow for straterra. I know everyone is different, im just wondering ur steps to ur successful recovery.my first time quitting i felt thise feelings day to day, but i never made it to 4 months, so i dont know if it is because i have never made it that far or if it has to do with my relapsing a few t8mes throughout this past year. Please share more of ur story, its great to hear about other peoples happiness off addy when all u want at the moment is to take one. Thanks
  13. I am interested as well. Is this something that i will benefit from* im two months from addy
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